
Cute is a subjective word used for describing small, pleasing and non-threatening features, typically found on people, animals, objects and even ideas.

video of Pallas' cats getting excited during feeding time | thumbnail includes one picture of three Pallas cats looking up with one of them jumping at the person holding the camera

Perpetually Grumpy-Looking Pallas' Cats Getting Extremely Excited During Feeding Time (Video)

collection of animal memes sent to someone by her boyfriend | thumbnail includes two memes including an angry penguin 'Bird - My gf flexing in front of me after she decided to start working out, after years of battling with depression and anxiety' and a sleepy cat 'Cat - When u wake up next to bae while they sleep and realize how lucky u are'

Animal Memes My Boyfriend Sent Me This Week To Remind Me Why He’s The Best

collection of pictures of tiny kittens | thumbnail includes two pictures including someone hugging a tiny kitten to their chest and another small kitten on a bed

20 Cutest Kittens Of The Week: The Tiniest Fluffiest Criminals (April 2, 2022)

video of baby goats frolicking and playing together | thumbnail image of baby goat being bottle fed

Adorable Baby Goats Excitedly Frolic Together During Playdate (Video)

story about five newborn kittens getting rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures of tiny white kittens

Five Newborn Kittens With Their Umbilical Cords Still Attached Get Rescued And Find Warm Forever Home

14 screenshots from Reddit where users share their stories about fostering leading to adoption | Thumbnail includes a picture of a surprised cat 'My wife agreed to a "trial run" with a cat. She has fallen in love with this little girl and keeps extending the trial period. Meet Penelope. (This was her reaction to being told that she can stay another week)'

Woman Keeps Extending Trial Period With Cat After Falling In Love With Her

video of a featherless bird dancing and singing to Dancing Queen by ABBA | thumbnail includes one picture of a featherless cockatoo standing on a table with its wings spread

Featherless Cockatoo Grooving Out And Singing To 'Dancing Queen' By ABBA (Video)

17 photos of dogs sticking their tongues out | Thumbnail includes three dogs: a boxer, a pitbull, and a french bulldog sticking their tongues out '24/7 long blop'

Reddit's Top 17 Awwdorable Doggo Blops Of The Week

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a white cat 'Remember Gandalf from our cat shelter? His frostbites are healing really well and he has found a forever home! One of our Vet technician fell in love with him and he’s now living a spoiled life. u/sonia72quebec'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (18 Images)

posts about dads falling in love with the pets they originally did not want | thumbnail includes two pictures of a man with a cat on top of him 'Step Dad went from “cats are a nuisance, we can get one but I want nothing to do with it” to signing birthday and Christmas cards “Love from Anastasia & Ruby” u/lizzah2211'

16 Dads Who Did Not Want Pets And Who Fell In Love With Them Anyway

story about a kitten coming up to a woman's porch and getting adopted by a cat | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten looking through a door into a house and another of a kitten and a cat looking at one another through a glass door

Kitten Comes Up To Porch Door, Wanting To Get Inside, Ends Up Getting Adopted By Another Cat

A listicle of 16 screenshots of small dogs from subreddit | Thumbnail includes two pictures of a small dog 'This is Nora, she may have doubled in size. But she is still illegally smol''

Compact Cuteness: Top 16 Illegally Smol Doggos Of The Week

20 dog memes | thumbnail left dog with grapes over chest, subscribe to my only fans. thumbnail right adorable corgi smiling "Me staring at my partner not understanding a word they're saying but happy to be there anyways"

20 Mood Lifting Dog Memes For A Better Day

video of a cat and a parrot cuddling | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat and a parrot cuddling

After Gentle Playfighting, Cat Tiredly But Lovingly Cuddles Parrot (Video)

story about a stray cat getting rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures of a sick-looking cat

Awwdorable Tabby Cat Survives Street Life, Seeks Simple Living Indoors

Compilation of 5 tiktok videos of cute dogs | Thumbnail includes three screenshots of three dogs

Weekly Dose Of Doggo Delight: Tiny Dogs Of Tiktok