
Cute is a subjective word used for describing small, pleasing and non-threatening features, typically found on people, animals, objects and even ideas.

video of a woman who adopted the fat blind cat that no one wanted | thumbnail includes one picture of a blind and fat cat

'No one wanted this blind fat cat, so I adopted her': Person gives a home to the chonky feline no one wanted, and she turns out to be a silly goofball who just wanted love

story about a man who adopted a kitten and the mom cat came back for it | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat and a kitten '6 weeks ago I rescued a lost kitten, I think the mother is sitting outside my house now'

'I rescued a lost kitten': Feral momma cat comes back for her kitten 6 weeks after it was rescued, fearlessly waiting outside the rescuer's door

29 Eye-Opawning Cat Memes To Remind You How Ameowzing It Is To Live In the Same Timeline as Fuzzy Felines

29 Eye-Opawning Cat Memes To Remind You How Ameowzing It Is To Live In the Same Timeline as Fuzzy Felines

cat cats kitten kittens adorable lolcats cuties cute cuteness feline felines funny-cats blind blind-cats disabled-cats wholesome heartwarming whiskers

Cloudy-Eyed Cuties: Watchful Blind Cats Still Wholeheartedly Meownitoring Their Hoomans

pictures of cats with unique fur patterns | thumbnail includes three pictures of colorful cats

28 Fabulous Felines With Unique and Rare Fur Patterns and Markings

21 cat memes | thumbnail includes one meme including 'Everyone deserves good things you deserve good things'

21 Pawdorable and Cute Cat Toe Bean Memes Being a Blissful Little Harvest of Hooman Humor

10 pictures of cheetahs sleeping and text, 12 pictures of text, and 1 video of cheetahs cuddling | Thumbnail includes two pictures of cheetahs cuddling and one picture of text including 'A family of cheetah sleep with the forest guard every night. This is what the camera recorded.'

Wildlife camera catches cute cheetah family forming a cuddle puddle with hooman guard, showcasing the heartwarming connections pawssible between different species

viral thread full of pictures of senior cats | thumbnail includes two pictures including a scraggly old cat and a black cat with its tongue out

Awwdorable Pics of Old Cats That Looked Like Well-Loved Teddy Bears Because Senior Felines Deserve Love Too

thread about a dog adopting a kitten | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten in a box and a kitten sitting with a dog 'My dog found a kitten under a car two months ago'

'She's being a good adoptive momma': Dog finds tiny kitten under a car and immediately adopts him into her family, not asking her humans for pawmission

14 cat pictures and 8 text pictures and 1 video | thumbnail includes one pictures including 'SO I TAKE NAPS WITH CATS EVERY DAY' and one pictures including 'AND SLEEP TOGETHER' and one pictures including 'SO DO SOMETHING FUN WITH CATS'

'I'm just a person who likes to take naps with cats': Sweet senior man finds his purrpose after volunteering in local cat shelter to nap with cats every day

25 pictures of cats celebrating birthdays | Thumbnail includes two pictures of cats celebrating birthdays

25 Cute Cats Celebrating 2025 By Wishing for Clouds of Catnip Bliss at Their Purrfectly Pawdorable Birthday Parties

video of an abandoned cat getting adopted by his neighbors | thumbnail includes a picture of a woman petting a cat and a closeup of an old cat

For weeks, this senior cat kept waiting for his owners who abandoned him to return, but they never did, so their kind neighbor took him in and gave him a new life

person adopts a normal kitten only for it to turn out to be a giant Siberian cat | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cute grey kitten 'I accidentally got a Siberian instead of a regular cat'

Person adopts a completely "normal" kitten, but the fluffy feline just keeps growing, turns out it was a giant fluffy Siberian cat all along: 'The last year has been an adventure'

Caring couple rescues cuddly kitten, then takes in surprise sister, starts cat-collecting to form six-strong fluffy feline family

Caring couple rescues cuddly kitten, then takes in surprise sister, starts cat-collecting to form six-strong fluffy feline family

paws hilarious adorable funny memes cute funny cats pspsps animal memes Cats pawdorable cat memes Cats - 38668293

30 Funny Feline-Filled Memes with Cats Who Love Laughter and the Occasional Snack

27 cat memes | Thumbnail includes one meme including 'When ur forced into 6am yoga'

A Caturday Fananza Bonanza of 27 Feline Funnies for Cat Meme Lovers and Their Purrfectly Cute Four-Legged Friends