
collection of stories about cats training humans into doing what they want | thumbnail includes one Facebook post 'Font - Michael Iannone Not my cat, my former roommates cat. I trained him to ride around on my back/shoulders by hopping onto me when I stood by his cat tower. He took that to mean that that anytime I was by the tower, it was time for a ride. He then took it to mean that anyone who stood by the tower was for climbing on too. Several people got annoyed at these shenanigans.'

Cat Training Gone Wrong: Funny Stories Of Cats Training Their Humans Instead Of The Other Way Around

funny stories about cats being good and bad mouse catchers | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Marisue Zorens Had one cat that was a regular assassin when it came to mice. real killing machine. Any mice she didn't get to, moved out in fear of her. Then had another who - I swear I am not making this up- made friends with them. Got a mouse in the kitchen one time and I came in to find them curled up together, sleeping. Sleeping. Together. I swear I am not making this up'

Absolutely Hissterical Comments About Cats Who Are Reliably Amazing (Or Absolutely Terrible) Mouse Catchers

34 pictures of cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Glasses' and 'Cat' and two comments including 'Font - Master of Evil, Peanut the Destroyer' and 'Font - Cheeto tried to summon demons but I think he was on the wrong frequency. He's orange, what do you expect'

"Show Us Your Cat In It's Most Demonic Form": Cheezburger Users Respond In Hilarious Comments Showing Off Their Devilishly Beautiful Kitties

stories about cats who hate cones but like wearing shirts or plates around their necks | thumbnail includes two pictures including a funny cat wearing a soft cone and a cat wearing a flower pillow around its neck and a meme of a cat wearing a plate around its neck 'Charlie got his b Ils snipped today and he hated cone but is VERY okay with this plate instead. Here he is, purring.'

Funny And Derpy Cats Who Hate Cones But Totally Love Wearing Plates, Shirts Or Pillows Around Their Necks

funny experiences people had with their cats at the vet's | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Pat Bushong I had a LARGE Maine Coon. She was terrified. To try to make herself invisible, she spread out as flat as she could on the exam table - covering nearly the entire top of the table ! Both me and our vet laughed. He said, "Oh Miss Penny, I don't think this is working for you..." Like Reply Hide Send Message 2d 4'

Most Hisstercial 'Cats At The Vet's Office Moments Cat Owners Have Ever Had: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

collection of funny stories about cats stealing food from their humans | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Jan Johnston My favorite kitteh robbery story (of mine) was one of my Siberian girls LOVED Tostitos Restaurant style Tortillas. I was so engrossed one Sunday watching football, and with my chips & salsa, that I didn't realize kitty was sticking her head in the chip bag (she'dstand on the back of the couch), grabbing one chip at a time, then fleeing to a "safe" distance'

Most Hilarious Things Cats Have Done To Steal Their Favorite Foods From Their Humans: ICanHas Edition

funniest places people have ever found their cats | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Courtney Simonds In the friggen ceiling. We lived in a sh tty apartment with a drop-tile ceiling only a foot away from the tops of the cabinets. Couldn't find her for hours, I'm panicking, wandering in circles, yelling her name, looking in every nook and cranny I can find... and I finally hear meowing. I trace the meowing back to the kitchen and realize it's coming from'

The Most Hissterical Places People Have Ever Found Their Cats: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

pictures capturing how much cats love their humans | thumbnail includes two pictures including a bunch of cats sitting on a man and a ginger cat sprawled across a woman's chest

Pictures Capturing Just How Much Cats Love Their Humans: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

funny situations people had to rescue their cats from | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Top fan Karen Denise Edward My neighbour across the street got a pizza delivered, the driver left the car door open - I just happened to be looking out the window and saw my cat jump in the car ! I ran out the door in my nightgown and chased the car up the street, waving my arms, looking like a lunatic lol He saw me and had no idea Velcro was in the car ! Like Reply Hide Send Message 2d 13'

When Cats Get Themselves Into Trouble: The Funniest Situations People Had To Rescue Their Cats From

funny stories about cats embarrassing their humans | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Gina Steffani He came strolling into the room with a pair of my panties on his head. Apparently he'd been sleeping in my basket of laundry that I'd just taken out of the dryer. I had a guy over to my place for the first time for a lunch date when it happened. Like Reply Hide Send Message 4d 522'

The Funniest Moments Of Cats Embarrassing Their Humans In Front Of Other People

funny stories of cats annoying their humans on purpose 'Font - Barbara Crimond Let's see, he has learned how to turn on our robot vacuum, he can turn on the washing machine to hear the little ditty it plays, he LOVES to stick his whole head in your drinking glass (before he pushes it off the counter), he sleeps in the washer if the lid is left open, he destroys loaves of bread in the night, has been known to remove knives from the knife block and leave them on the living room floor. Should I'

The Most Hissterical Things That Cats Do To Purposefully Annoy Their Humans: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

21 pictures and comments about cats | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Grey', 'Cat', and 'Wood' and one comment including 'Human body - She's trying to get OP to come outside. Then she'll run back in the house really quickly and lock the door, forever ridding herself of OP.'

This Is Exactly What Living With A Cat Is Like: Cat Asks For Attention And Then Runs Away Like A Crazy Ex-Boyfriend (Video)

ICanHasCheezburger posts about finding cats in funny places | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat sitting on top of a door and two cats sitting on shelves above a man's head

Images Of Pure Cat Chaos: Funniest Places People Have Ever Caught Their Cats Chilling

posts about cats sitting uncomfortable places | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat sitting on a trash can and a cat sitting with its face right up against the wall

Most Ridiculously Uncomfortable Places Cats Have Chosen To Sit: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

reasons why people are grateful to their cats | thumbnail includes one picture of an orange cat and one Facebook comment 'Ernie has helped me every day with his unconditional love. He stayed close when I was having a hard time after my father's passing Nov 14, 2021 then again when my sister passed on June 24, 2022. It's been a very stressful year but my sweet baby will lay over my left shoulder and make biscuits when I watch TV. He sleeps by my side every night. I am so very thankful'

People Say Thank You To Their Cats In Honor Of Thanksgiving: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

Facebook posts about cats stealing food from their humans | thumbnail includes two Facebook comments 'Font - Kasee Jones Johnson My kitten spilled my soda yesterday. While I was cleaning his mess, he stole my turkey sandwich. It never ends. Like Reply Hide Send Message 2d 86' and 'Rectangle - Alice C Thorn My cat once got hold of a bag of gingerbread bunnies I'd bought at Easter. They had smarties for eyes & he licked the colour off every one. Like Reply Hide Send Message 2d 39'

Moments Of Cats Seeing An Opportunity To Be Chaotic Evil And Taking It: Food Thieves Edition