
Just sit your keister down in that chair right there and harken: chairs sometimes don't leave you a leg to lean on. But if you get smacked by a  person in a wheelchair, you could call it a hit but can't run. So if you're into chairs and literally anything having to do with them. Just remember, you'll never be as good as Steven Hawking at musical chairs.

tabby chair Cats - 8389728000

I'll Make the Best of it

chair labrador i have no idea what im doing stuck - 8327003392

It Looks Better on Me than Under You

chair if i fits i sits - 8316234496

It's A Dog Seat Dog World Out There

Cats chair gifs dinner funny - 7958333440

I've Got Dibs on This Chair!

Cats chair bite nom gifs eat - 7949872128

No Noms? Fine, I'll Eat Your Chair!

chair disguise mask Cats - 7847715840

You Can't See Me

chair cat - 7790320384

Ninja Cat Training Day Two

chair computer - 7778627328

Master of the House, But Not Keeper of this Chair

chair gif troll - 7685483264

Now You Sit!

chair Cats funny - 7734873088

Cat Flip

chair sofa funny - 7721288448

Off on a Technicality

chair jump awesome Cats - 7607645952

Be There in a Sec Guys

chair - 7627876864

Seats: Not Just for People

chair Ad scratching post funny - 7647136000

Teh Purfect Gift For Yoor Hoomin Just For Yoo

chair meeting funny - 7591167488

When My Cat Wants to "Talk"

chair mine kitty funny national cat day 2013 - 7548995328

All of It!