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Keep still and don't move, your camouflage is perfect. Now dive in a puddle of mud throw some sticks and leaves on yourself, and you're ready to be hidden. Check out these shady and well-hidden jokes and their meanings.

Goggies R Owr Friends: Catmouflage

camouflage interspecies sleep goggies r owr friends Cats - 7058447872
Via Cats, Beavers & Ducks

Tree Froggie

green camouflage tree frog squee frog - 6639638016
Via José Gieskes

Where did fluffy go?

camouflage carpet invisible what breed - 6939120896
See all captions

Millions of Years of Evolution...

annoyed camouflage evolution owls how many licks - 6931686400
See all captions Created by Never.Better

Puppy Camo

Fluffy rug camouflage what breed - 6834750464
See all captions Created by acadiaj27

It's Been Weeks!

camouflage arguing see snow tigers white tigers - 6792970496
See all captions Created by Marvinator

Eventually the Others Found Out...

grass deer camouflage genius - 6784842496
See all captions Created by Chris10a

Panther Chameleon

chameleon lizard camouflage squee - 6585311744
Via Wendy Salisbury

Bunday: Winter Camouflage

Bunday camouflage snow winter rabbit bunny squee - 6773143040
Via Ilya Naymushin

Stealth level: expert

stealth sneak camouflage rug fur black Cats captions - 6704989696
See all captions

Suspiciously Cute Snowball

squee seal snowball snow baby pup camouflage - 4128598784
Created by DyannLynn


bear hummingbird snack food gifs pretend camouflage - 6677671424

Dis cud werk, rite?

camouflage stealth Cats captions hunt - 6673082112
See all captions Created by jennybookseller

Let's See a Chameleon Beat That

iguana lizard camouflage - 6590857472
See all captions Created by FoxxVox

No More Camouflage for Me

chameleon note to self fly blue eating camouflage - 6582467584
See all captions Created by NawtyKitty

Camo Buddies

buddies butterfly camouflage chameleon lizard - 6348432896
Created by sixonefive72