animal rescue

28 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of a kitten and one picture of text including 'My roommate and I nearly witnessed a kitten being hit by a car this morning. She's safe!'

Goofy Gray Kitten Saved By Kind Person After Nearly Catastrophic Car Accident, They Nurse Her Back to Health While Revealing Her Purrfectly Pawsome Purrsonality

Woman Documents Months of Her Boyfriend Spending Months Trying to Win Over Her Unfriendly Cat, Now He Gets All of the Cuddles

Woman Documents Her Boyfriend Spending Months Trying to Win Over Her Unfriendly Cat, Now He Gets All of the Cuddles

21 Festive Feline Family Memes for Cats on Santa Claws' Naughty List

21 Festive Feline Family Memes for Cats on Santa Claws' Naughty List

Rotund Kitty Cat Princess Goes Viral for Her Weight Loss Journey and Purrocious Love for Belly Scratches

Rotund Kitty Cat Princess Goes Viral for Her Weight Loss Journey and Purrocious Love for Belly Scratches

20 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of cats and one picture of text including 'I went to the shelter to adopt a kitten and ended up bringing home an old man'

Wholesome Cat Dad Walks Into Animal Shelter to Adopt a Kitten, Becomes Smitten With Senior Cat, Takes Him Home So He Won't Have to Spend Christmas Alone

27 pictures of cats, kittens, and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of a kitten

Tiny Tortie Kitten Keeps Meowing Until Man Rescues Her From the Freezing Cold, She Tricks Him Into Being Her Free Babysitter and Letting Stray Mom In for Snuggles

23 Impatient Cat Memes Meownipulating You for More Food

23 Impatient Cat Memes Meownipulating You for More Food

8 pictures of cats, kittens, and text, 13 pictures of text, and 1 video of cats, kittens, and text | Thumbnail includes one picture of cats including 'When you decide to leave food for the neighborhood strays.', one picture of cats including 'When you decide to leave food for the neighborhood strays. One day, she brings you her single kitten and leaves.', and one picture of a cat including 'THE KITTEN TODAY MAME'

Kind Hooman Feeds a Hungry Stray Momma Cat, the Next Day, She Brings Her Kitten for the Person to Take Care Of and Love Furrever (Video)

16 pictures of cats, 9 pictures of text, and 1 video of cats | Thumbnail includes one picture of cats including 'We found a momma cat and her kitten living inside of an abandoned house while on our road trip', one picture of a kitten including 'they had so much fun in all the hotels we stayed in', and one picture of two cats including 'we've made it back home...'

Smol Cat Family Rescued From Derelict Building by Cute Couple, They Can't Find People to Adopt Them, So They Become Their Furrever Pawrents: 'They belong with you' (Video)

wholesome christmas animal cuteness viral videos the Grinch funny cat videos silly kitties viral cat videos adorable feline friends cat mom cat people cute animal memes new viral cat videos kitten animal rescue cute animals cute love cats cute cats viral cute animals funny cats cat dad sweet viral animals happy ending animal wholesomeness viral animal rescue video cat person viral animal videos Cats viral animal rescue cute kittens animals holidays cute animals videos cat memes - 38238981

Senior Cat Obsessed with 'The Grinch' Gets Giant Plush Grinch Pillow Just In Time for the Holidays, Goes Viral

26 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat and one picture of text including 'missing 4 years and today she came home'

Mom Who Lost Her Cat Four Years Ago Saves Stray From Accident, She Realizes the Cat Is Actually Her Sweet Baby Who Found Its Way Back to Her

26 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of a black kitten and one picture of text including ' I also found Fire just after midnight on Nov 4th, which was Lucy's adoption date.'

'I don't necessarily believe in that stuff, but...': Feline Pawrent Saves Injured Kitten on the Same Adopta-versary of Their Void Who Recently Passed Over the Rainbow Bridge in Heartwarming Rescue Story

25 pictures of a cat and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of a grumpy cat and one picture of text including ''He sold me for $5''

'[He] didn't want to deal with a pet anymore': Feline Lover Rescues Cat From Selfish Stranger Trying to Pawn Off His Awwdorably Grumpy Cat, Now the Cute Kitty is Internet Famous

8 pictures of a kitten and piglets, 13 pictures of text, and 1 video of animals playing | Thumbnail includes three pictures of a kitten and piglet playing, and one picture of text including 'We found a stray kitten at an auto parts store and decided to bring her to our farm. Now, she snuggles, sleeps, and plays with the baby piglets and their momma...'

Homeless Orange Kitten Gets Adopted by Perfect Piglets and Enjoys the Cutest Playtime After Being Rescued by Heartwarming Farm Family (Video)

14 pictures of cats and text, 17 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a cat including 'First time out of the box at my home' and one picture of a cat and woman including 'Now my pillow doesn't belong to me',

Purrfect Meowliday Story: Warm Loving Cat Mom Shares Her Tear-Jerking Journey to Becoming Soulmates With Her Rescue Kitten in Series of Uplifting Photos

1 picture of a cat and text and 24 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a cat and one picture of text including 'If it was their cat, I'd never dream of not returning him, but...he's not. They're changing the story now...but if that's the case, why did they email me saying he's feral?'

'I stole someone's cat?': Injured Stray Cat Approaches Hooman for Help, She Rescues the Kindhearted Kitty, Only to Have Two Women Demand She Return Their "Feral" Feline