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11 reddit text images karen mil brings goat | thumbnail blue background text "MIL has PTSD and for most of the time I knew her it was very repressed but she recently had another traumatic event and is now struggling. She is very co dependent and has a hard time being around us without her husband, so I made a rule that she can bring one of her comfort animals. "

Crazy Karen MIL Brings 'Emotional Support Goat' To Her Son And DIL's House, Pure Chaos Ensues

On today's episode of 'crazy Karen and her animals'
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a reddit thread about a woman whose boyfriend forbid her from letting her dog sleep in their bed at night | thumbnail includes text saying 'Boyfriend "put his foot down" about our dogs'

Woman's Boyfriend Commands Her To Kick Pet Dog Out Of Bedroom: Internet Weighs In

He said what?
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11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "She has been making faces left and right about the pets, claiming she has allergies, the macaw is too loud when it talks, the dogs pitter-patter around the house is annoying, the cats sleep on her clean laundry.. I think she only likes the bunny and turtle as the snake apparently grosses her out as well."

Entitled Karen Moves In With Brother And His Wife Rent Free, Demands They Get Rid Of Pets

Karen is at it again
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11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "I (f25) have two dogs. 'Abby' (15) and 'Sam' (4). Both were rescues. My boyfriend 'Jim' moved in with me three months ago and I'm losing my mind. Jim had pets growing up and is a self proclaimed 'expert'. Inherently I have no issues with this, but since moving in, he micromanages everything I do with my dogs."

Controlling BF Moves In And Starts Micromanaging GF's Dog Parenting, She Goes Off On Him

It might be time to re-home the boyfriend
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woman adopts new puppy and neglects her senior dog | thumbnail includes text saying 'AITA for getting another dog? A. hole I (F45) got a new dog almost five months ago. She’s very young and energetic, nothing like my older dog who doesn’t do much anymore'.

Woman Adopts Young Puppy And Ignores Her Senior Dog: Reddit Weighs In

She Did What?
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a woman cut her in laws cats fur without asking them, is she the asshole? | thumbnail includes text saying 'AITA for cutting the fur of my grandparent in laws cat?'

Woman Cuts Her Off The Fur Of Her In Laws' Cat Without Asking: Reddit Weighs In

Is She A Bad Person?
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 an article about a mean jerk face who's mad cats are being fed outside his window | thumbnail includes text saying 'WIBTA if I asked my downstairs neighbors to stop feeding stray cats?' and 'I know it’s something nice she’s doing but it does pose a threat for my dog.'

Total Jerk Face Tries To Stop Stray Cats From Being Fed Near His House

Umm What?
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11 reddit text images bf demands gf sell horse | thumbnail blue background, red flag, horse graphic, text "Then last night he told me it was time to sell Lady. I laughed at him and asked if he was serious. He was. I told him no and he said I needed to start prioritizing this relationship more and I said I've done nothing but prioritize this relationship. We argued about it and he apparently thinks I can just put her down as she's old anyways."

Controlling Boyfriend Demands That Equestrian GF Sell Her Horse To 'Prioritize The Relationship'

Big red flag, buh bye
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a story on reddit about a woman asking her brother to change his dogs name because it's offensive | thumbnail includes text saying 'art way through our food my sister called and asked if I'd consider changing my dogs name. I kind of thought she was kidding, but she reiterated that she was serious.'

Man Asked To Change His Dog's Name For Being Offensive

What do you think?
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10 reddit text images | thumbnail background field, dogs running around text "The dogs there are all running around being playful and messy. At some point a woman comes at the "bigger" section of the park and sits there with her kids while also letting her kids play in dog activities and toys. There was something like a dog slide and she'd let her kids go there and she'd get mad when people had their dogs on the slide and would yell at"

Local Karen Brings Her Kids To Play At Dog Park, Threatens To Sue Dog Owners

Karen debacles
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woman decides to adopt a cat when her mom who lives nearby is allergic, asks if she's the asshole | thumbnail includes text saying'

Is It Ok To Adopt A Cat If Your Parents Are Allergic: Internet Weighs In

What would you do?
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a reddit thread about a man whose girlfriend brought her dog around his dog phobic brother | thumbnail includes text saying 'AITA for not allowing my gf and her dog to enter my house?'

Woman Brings Her Dog Around Boyfriend's Dog-Phobic Brother: Reddit Thread

Who's being unreasonable here?
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a thread on reddit about a man whose girlfriend stole his dog | thumbnail includes text saying 'My 20M ex-girlfriend 21F took my dog while I was away at work' 'For some backstory we were together for 2 years and during that time we lived together in my apartment, I've had the dog for 3 years. We broke up about a week ago because she had been cheating on me. I let her stay in the apartment until she could find a place to go, and yesterday I came home from work to find she ha'

Woman Steals Her Ex-Boyfriend's Dog After Breakup: Reddit Storytime

Dog Thief!
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a woman threatens to move out of her mom's house if she doesn't get rid of her pet cat | thumbnail includes text saying 'My half sister wanted a cat and her dad got her one. I made it very clear from the first day that I didn't want a cat and that I would not help with it or do anything for it.  This cat is a demon. He sneaks into my room and shits in my hamper all the damn time. He has also peed on my rug so many times that I had to throw it out. '

Daughter Wants Mom To Get Rid Of Cat, Spins Questionable Web Of Lies

The cat did what?
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12 reddit text images aita telling family that they cannot rename dog | thumbnail blue background, right corner german shephard animation, text "that that dog already has a name that was given to him by his owner and they should respect that. Pluse all his legal papers are under the name Willy but I was surprised when they said they took care of that legally...like how... I told them they had no permission from to rename the dog point blank period. but they argued that willy is theirs now"

Unreasonable Man Re-Homes Dog, Flips Out When He Discovers Dog's Name Will Be Changed

Not a good look
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a story from reddit about a man whose girlfriend refuses to care for her animals, forcing him to leave her | thumbnail includes text saying 'In a recent conflict, I decided I can no longer allow this and said that it's up to her to decide if she wants to live with me and our daughter or rather have all the animals (for whom she doesn't take care of)'

Man Demands His Hoarder Girlfriend Surrender Animals

How far is too far?
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