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viral reddit thread about a guy not letting his girlfriend's friends to come over because they hate cats | thumbnail includes a section of a reddit thread 'not allowing my gf friends to come over because they hate cats Recently my gfs friends have been coming over and my cat just gave birth so she's super sensitive. My gfs friends are not animal people and keep chasing Tsu my cat from her home. I have explained this to her but she doesn't seem to understand. I love my pets they'

Boyfriend Refuses To Let Girlfriend's Friends Come Over Because They Hate Cats: 'I love my pets they are my children'

Do you think he's wrong for doing this?
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reddit thread about a pregnant woman who gave away her cat and tried to get it back but couldn't and her husband not wanting to comfort her | thumbnail includes a section of a reddit thread 'I (29m) have been with my fiance, Kate (28f) for 6 years and she just gave birth to our daughter into the world two months ago. Before our daughter was born, we had a cat Spooky who's eight years old, and we both loved the hell out of him. Kate had got Spooky two years before I entered the'

Man Refuses To Comfort His Pregnant Fiancée After She Demanded That They Give Away Their Cat, Changed Her Mind And Was Unable To Get Him Back

Who do you think was in the wrong?
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viral reddit thread about a son who told his mom he would always choose his cat over his stepbrother | thumbnail includes a section of a reddit thread '|(16m) live with my dad. My mother lives with her new husband and my stepbrother(13), both of whom I've only met once at the wedding. Her new husband doesn't want me to visit her at their place since he's worried about my dad knowing where she lives and visiting and trying to rekindle their past relationship. So she visits me instead. She'

'She asked me if I'd be okay with getting rid of my cat': Son Tells His Mom That He Will Always Choose His Cat Over His Allergic Stepbrother

Did he make the right choice?
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18 cat tweets | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat - Nick @nick @ellle_em AITA for chewing up hundreds of dollars worth of laptop cords while my humans sleep? My humans seem very upset by it but I'm literally just a cat, just doing my thing. They should protect the cords better and should be playing with me instead of sleeping.' and 'Cat - Beach Friend (they/she) @Twofishie @ellle_em I (13F) love to run up my Dad's body with a giant poofy tail and sneeze directly into his face.'

AITA, But From The Cat's Purrspective: 18 Funny Tweets Of Cats Blaming Everyone Except Themselves

Ignorance is bliss, and these cats are blissful
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reddit thread about a person sneaking a stray cat from a guard and giving it a home | thumbnail includes one reddit post 'Font - r/AmltheA hole u/TeeEi91.1d Join 1 AITA for sneaking a stray cat away from the security guard at my work? Not the A-hole There is this stray cat at in front of my work, and I have been feeding him for almost 3 weeks now. He is always hungry (judging by the way he hurriedly wolfs down all the food), and he is very affectionate with me and my colleagues. I'

Person 'Sneaks Away' Stray Cat From Security Guard, Guard Gets Angry, Leaves Rescuer Wondering If They Did The Right Thing (AITA)

What do you think?
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13 reddit text images | thumbnail "My roommate asked if we had cats prior to moving in because she said her cat "doesn't like other cats." We did not have any pets at the time so it worked out. We did tell her that we might want one someday to which she said we would have to revisit the issue if it came up. Well, my girlfriend and I have gotten to a place where we really want a pet of our own. We saw a kitten at the shelter and just fell in love with him. "

Inconsiderate Roommate Suddenly Brings Home Kitten & Expects Roomie To Keep Her Senior Cat Isolated In Response

At least there was a happy ending
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AITA tweets from the perspective of cats | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - clip studio pain @freezydorito AITA? I always guard the bathroom when my roommate is using it to protect her from dangers (family tradition however she refuses to extend this courtesy to me when i use my bathroom at 3AM even when i scream for her. is she being unreasonable? i'm a cat if this is relevant 1:08 AM - Jan 7, 2023 - 1M Views ... 5,323 Retweets 89 Quote Tweets 48.2K Likes'

AITA Posts From The Perspective Of Cats For Cats Who Need A Little Extra Mental Support (Viral Twitter Thread)

They gotta know
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twitter thread about a woman who wanted to put down her cat because she was moving and a man stealing the cat from her | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - FESS Fesshole HOLE @fesshole I dated a woman for a few months when she got a job offer to move to another city. I was gutted as I loved her cat. Then she said she was just going to get him put down. He suddenly vanish from her garden. We had 14 brilliant years together and died sleeping peacfully on my lap. 7:25 PM - Sep'

Twitter Thread: Man Secretly Takes Cat From Girlfriend Who Threatened To Put It Down Because Of Moving

Do you think he did the right thing?
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10 reddit text images, inlaws replace woman's dog | thumbnail blue background text "we got back we went straight to his parents house to collect our dog but I knew straight away something was wrong. The dog they had wasn't mine (looked identical but was missing identifying marks). I lost my cool and started yelling at them but they denied everything and said I was just stressed and tired. "

In-Laws Trade Son And His GF's Dog In For Better Behaved Lookalike Assuming They Wouldn't Notice, Outrage Ensues

Are you kidding me
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11 reddit text images, husband washes dogs with fancy shampoo | thumbnail blue background text "ITA: Part of my weekly cleaning on Friday is giving our two dogs a bath. It's normally my last task, and I'm rushing before she gets home from work. Admittedly, because I'm in a rush to have the house and dogs clean before she gets home, I will completely ignore other options and use her shampoo. Also her good towels. Her nice shampoo. "

Husband Washes Dogs With Wife's Expensive Shampoo And Towels, Fails To See The Issue

He did what now
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14 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background, text "We actually met our upstairs neighbor when she was petting him, and her and my girlfriend became friends. That friendship lasted until our cat started spending more and more time at her place. More and more frequently our routine was interrupted when M (our cat) would stay at her place overnight. We live in a large appartment complex on the ground floor whereas she lives on the 3rd with a nice view. M can walk up there easily."

Jealous Cat Owners Set Strict Boundaries After Their Cat Consistently Visits The Neighbor's Apartment

Gimme my cat back lady
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10 reddit text images, stolen cat | thumbnail blue background text "She was angry and started calling us cruel to leave Noodle for 3 days. We got mad and asked her why she cared more about a cat who doesn't even really care that we are gone than her kid who had his property stolen and their DIL who had her HOUSE AND CAR KEYS STOLEN. She hung up on us after saying she was gonna come to get the cat. I texted her and said that if I got back home and my cat was gone, "

Delusional Mother-In-Law Steals Cat, Surprised When Son And Daughter-In-Law Call Cops

Drama with a capital D
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13 text based reddit images, dog custody debacle | thumbnail blue background text "Well, it's been 2 months since Beca and I broke up, I won't mention the reasons. The only thing that was in doubt would be the Sand. In the beginning, he always spent 3 days a week with her and everything, but I started to feel that he came back with bad behaviors and a little anxious, which I discovered later on that "

Frustrated Dog Owner Refuses To Share Doggo Custody With Ex, Turns To Internet For Advice

Love hurts
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10 reddit text images, scary cat | thumbnail blue background text "Both my nieces are 11 so they're not too little for me to handle and i'd also be great enrichment for my cat since she loves children and women (i'm the only man she trusts). My nieces loved her and while they first were a little scared they thought she was cute after a while. My sister went to pick them up and as the"

Insensitive Woman Forbids Brother From Watching Her Kids Due To His Disabled Cat's 'Scary' Appearance

We are over humans
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10 reddit text images, cat on a leash | thumbnail blue background "My cat is sitting on my feet between the desk and my legs, back arched and fur sticking up but not hissing or growling just kind of frozen. The receptionist is yelling at the guy to get his dog under control or get out while he's yelling at me for being so stupid as to have a cat in public on a leash instead of in a cage."

Dude Takes His Cat To The Vet On A Leash, Gets Chewed Out By Everyone Present

Try again
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10 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background snake background "I(27M) have always been an animal lover. I love snakes, tarantulas, scorpions, lizards, geckos, dogs, cats. When I moved out of my parents' house and into my townhome, I decided to adopt a ball python. She is very docile and loves to be held. I set her tank up in one of the rooms downstairs. When my fiance(28F) and I decided that we were ready to move in together, I slowly introduced her to the snake. "

Insensitive Woman Wreaks Havoc On Fiance's Pet Snake, Plays Dumb

Peace out, lady
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