
collection of newly adopted cats | thumbnail includes one picture of a black cat 'my tiny void who was the longest resident at the shelter i adopted her from. a visitor closed the kennel door on her tail (sigh) and she ended up needing surgery which led to some behavioral changes that caused her to be returned 2x. she has now been happily (and sleepily) w me for 3.5 years :’) u/binkbinx'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (August 19, 2022)

13 screeshots from a Twitter thread where people posted pictures of their rescue cats along with stories of how their cats found them | Thumbnail includes a picture of a tiny kitten reaching out to a young girl and a picture of an adult cat laying on a couch with its tummy up 'Ours basically reached out and shook hands, mine tried to climb onto my shoulder from a cat tree'

Floofproof Guide On How To Get Adopted From Fellow Rescue Cats (Cat Tax Included)

A Youtube video about a wobbly kitten named Grasshopper that was adopted by his fosterers | Thumbnail includes a picture of a young girl laying on a couch with a blue blanket over her and a cat laying on top of her chest, thumbnail also includes a picture of a large brown dog cuddling with a small grey kitten

Wobbly Foster Kitten Falls In Love With Every Member Of The Family And Gets Adopted (Video)

13 screenshots from a Twitter thread where people show photos of their rescue cats that were previously abandoned | Thumbnail includes a picture of three cats wearing clothes and laying on a wooden floor and a picture of a white and orange cat laying on a white carpet 'Cats who have been thrown away aren't trash. The humans who threw them away are.'

13 Short Stories Of Cats That Were Tossed Away Like Trash But Got A Happy Ending Anyway

17 photos of cats before and after they were adopted | Thumbnail includes a picture of a scared cat on a windowsill and a picture of the same cat on its back with a human hand petting its belly

Power Of Love: 17 Photos Of Cats Before And After They Were Rescued (August 17, 2022)

12 screenshots from a Reddit thread where people discuss heartwarming moments of when their cats first started showing signs of trust | Thumbnail includes a picture of a white torti cat sleeping on a woman's shoulder 'My wife use to rescue feral cats and adopting out those that could be socialised. She kept those that couldn't. It took a lot of time, patience, and love before they would trust us. But that moment when they first come up to you to cuddle and fall into a deep, totally relaxed'

Overwhelmingly Heartwarming Stories Of Adopted Cats Showing First Signs Of Trust

collection of newly adopted cats | thumbnail includes two pictures of a very old cat 'Finally achieved my dream of adopting an old shelter cat:’) u/yipsbitch'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (August 12, 2022)

17 screenshots from a twitter thread where people talk about their cats that are not perfect but loved regardless | Thumbnail includes a picture of a fluffy grey and white cat sitting on a blue chair like a human and a picture of an orange cat laying on a human with a red shirt 'And then there's the world's most expensive throw pillow, whose sensitive bladder has cost me more in vet bills than I spent on my car She got abandoned twice because she was "too chatty". So now she's mine and we'

Cat People Say It's A Good Thing Their Cats Have Homes, Otherwise No One Would Adopt Them: Thread

20 screenshots from a Twitter thread where people post photos of their cats as kittens versus now as adults | Thumbnail includes a picture of a tiny kitten in a human's palm and a photo of the same kitten after it's grown a bit 'started from the bottom now we here'

20 Pictures Of Cats That Started From The Bottom (Streets) But Made It To The Top (Bed Sheets)

collection of senior cat adoption stories | thumbnail includes a picture of a ginger cat with one eye and one Facebook comment 'He was 9yo and returned to the rescue because he didn’t get along with the new puppy and the puppy won. He was having issues with his eye so the rescue had it removed. I HAD to have him and have never regretted that decision. After going through not one, but two prior homes he is now in his furever home and has stolen my heart Amy Graf Young'

Wholesome Senior Cat Adoption Stories Because Mature Ladies And Gentlemen Are Purrfect Too

A Youtube video about a woman who after 6 months of recovering from a stroke goes back to fostering kittens because it gives her life purpose | Thumbnail includes a picture of a woman in a hospital wearing a mask and a robe and a picture of a tiny premature black kitten

6 Months Post Stroke, Woman Is Finally Able To Foster Kittens Again, Says It Gives Her Purpose (Video)

Original I Can Has Cheezburger story about - spicey cat getting attention she needs to get adopted to a great home - | thumbnail includes two pictures of - cat shaved like lion walking around and cat shaved like lion sitting in a bed a looking somewhat inquisitive

'Spicy' Cat Gets A Funky Haircut To Remove Matting, Immediately Finds Relief And Starts Opening Up

12 screenshots from a Twitter thread where people share photos of cats that they adopted from PetSmart | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of a white cat sunbathing 'Not many know, when I was adopted 8 years ago from petsmart, I was one of two cats there and I was on clearance for 50% off. CLEARANCE!'

People Show Pictures Of Their PetSmart Cats That Cost Them Almost Nothing But Are Now Priceless

collection of newly adopted cats | thumbnail includes two pictures including a person holding a kitten that's wearing a vest and another of a kitten shouting 'I volunteer with a rescue. This is Fish. He has flat chested kitten syndrome and wears a brace to give his body a chance to grow normally. My kids don’t know it - but we’re adopting Fish. u/sneakyburrito'

14 Adoption Stories To Warm You Up During The Winter

Original I Can Has Cheezburger story about -big cat as a social butterfly - | thumbnail includes two pictures of - cat sitting and acting cool and eating food from a red bowl

A 'Social Butterfly' Chonky Cat Has Sadly Been Rehomed Multiple Times And Is Seeking Her Forever Home

16 photos and a video of cats before and after they were adopted | Thumbnail includes a  photo of a white feral cat with black spots with an eye infection and a photo of the same cat after it was adopted laying on white bedding

Power Of Love: 16 Before And After Photos Of Adopted Cats (August 3, 2022)