
collection of newly adopted cats | thumbnail includes one picture of three cats cuddling 'My mom adopted one stray cat. After a week, the cat brought two others. u/Pinkish_Cate'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (September 9, 2022)

A Youtube video about a woman who adopts cats despite her allergies | Thumbnail includes a picture of a siamese kitten sleeping and a picture of a black cat and a tabby cat sitting on wooden floor

Woman Sacrifices Her Health In Order To Adopt And Foster Cats (Video)

15 before and after photos of cats and kittens post adoption | Thumbnail includes a picture of a half-dead looking cat and a picture of the same cat after he's been rescued and adopted looking healthy and beautiful

Power Of Love: 15 Before And After Photos Of Adopted Cats And Kittens

collection of newly adopted cats | thumbnail includes one picture of two cats cuddling 'Timmy on the right had his tail cut in half by children, Shani left, was rescued alone with head injury, and is deaf due to it. They were adopted separately from Dubai at 6 and 7 months about two months ago. They both love fighting each other :) u/CheapSid'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (September 2, 2022)

imgur thread about a cat getting adopted and causing chaos | thumbnail includes two pictures including a closeup of a calico cat and a cat peeking from behind a bed 'I got Lin from a mom and pop pet store that had an indoor gated area for the kittens resulting from neighborhood feral births. She was last to go of the first two litters that year. Folks kept saying they were gonna come get her “tomorrow” but never did tapwoodcarving'

Spicy, Hyperactive, And Extremely Intelligent Cat Finally Gets Adopted And Causes Absolute Chaos

31 before and after photos of cats before and after they were adopted | Thumbnail includes a picture of a feral cat from the first day she came inside and a picture of the same cat curling up on a cat chair after its lived in a home for a while

Power Of Love: 31 Before And After Photos Of Cats Pre And Post Adoption

A Youtube video about a woman that took in to foster a cat with her newborn kittens, helped them heal and find them forever homes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a grey kitten sleeping on a pink blanket with tape on its legs

Woman Helps Rehabilitate Smol Foster Kitten Who Could Only Crawl, Finds Her A Furrever Home (Video)

thread about a kitten getting adopted and causing trouble | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten inside a bottle carton and a cat and a kitten looking through a screen door 'We had to buy her this water filter fountain because she kept putting her dirty litter paws in the cat's water bowl. Notice the water damage... She's always soaked and slinging water everywhere BottomShelfVodka'

Extra Spicy Kitten Gets Adopted, Immediately Convinces Older Step-Brother Cat To Join Her Shenanigans

collection of newly adopted cats | thumbnail includes one picture of a kitten 'I got a kitten today! His name is McChicken because I originally left the house for McDonalds, and then came home with a kitten. oops. u/_SetSailForAss'

17 Newly Adopted Faces For A Wholesome Weekend

original ICanHasCheezburger song about foster failing | thumbnail includes a picture of a woman holding a guitar and a cat next to her on a table

A Wholesome Song About The Unbidden Desire To Foster Fail (Video)

A Youtube video about a white cat that was rescued from the streets and after a bath his hair started to stand | Thumbnail includes a picture of a feral cat before he was adopted and a picture of the same cat but now he's clean, white, and fluffy

Dirty Cat Was Nothing But Skin And Bones Until He Got Rescued And Grew Feathers (Video)

24 photos of cats before and after they were adopted | Thumbnail includes a vintage looking picture of a small fluffy cat and a picture of the same cat after he's grown and become much fluffier

Power Of Love: 24 Cats Before And After Adoption (August 24, 2022)

story about a kitten with injured ears getting rescued and adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a person holding a kitten and a tiny kitten near a food bowl 'Pennie came into our lives 3 months ago and it’s been a wild ride... She was found in the backyard with her eyes mostly open but ears closed. The vet estimated she was 8 days old. We waited overnight for the mother to return but rocketgnome'

Itty Bitty Abandoned Kitten With Injured Ears Gets Rescued, Makes Amazing Recovery, And Gets Adopted By Rescuers

reddit thread about people stealing other people's cats off the street | thumbnail includes a screenshot of one reddit post 'Font - Mystisc. Tuxedo • 6d Stop 'adopting' random cats Advice Lately I see a lot of posts of people saying they found a cat random on the street. Most of the cats look perfectly fine with a beautiful coat and obviously well fed. And the comments are bombarded with people saying they should keep the cat. NO! Stop 'adopting' random cats who obviously'

Redditor Argues That People Shouldn't 'Adopt' Random Cats Off The Street, The Internet Debates

thread about an injured cat getting rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures including two cats outside and one cat lying on its back 'This is Toby, my 2 year old FIV+ cat that I rescued last September from my front porch! He had been coming to my front porch to eat for a months and it was taking a lot of time to gain his trust sevenandahalffrogs'

Injured Street Cat Chooses Humans, Comes To Their Porch For Months And Finally Gets Adopted

Original I Can Has Cheezburger story about kitten with Vampire Disease adopted to perfect home | thumbnail includes two pictures of Dracula and Akasha's wonderful owners and one of the cats in a vampire costume

‘Vampire’ Kittens With Rare Condition Who Cannot Be Touched By Sunlight Get Adopted By Purrrfect Pet Parents