I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter


collection of senior pet adoption stories | thumbnail includes one picture of a black and white cat and one Facebook comment 'Cat - Bobbie AF This is Kevin Murphy. Mostly blind and deaf, toothless, FIV+, rescued from a barn hoarding situation, few years in a foster home, few more years in a shelter, a decade in a cat "rescue/sanctuary," and we were able to bring him home a few years ago to get some better vet care, heated bed, and all the love he can tolerate'

Wholesome Senior Pet Adoption Stories Warming Everyone's Hearts

ICanHasCheezburger edition.
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posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a fluffy white cat 'My fiancé and I adopted this sweet 15 year old lady yesterday. We went to the store to get dog food but came home with her. I couldn’t leave the store knowing that she’d be in a cage only to hopefully get adopted by someone else eventually. u/Yawheyy'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

Adopt, don't shop.
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story about a sick stray cat getting rescued and taken care of | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat reaching out to the camera and a cat placing its paw on a person

Cat Who Cried In Pain Whenever Touched Gets Rescued, Recovers, And Finds The Purrfect Forever Home

The fluffball got his happy ending <3
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viral thread about a large man rescuing two kittens | thumbnail includes two pictures including a tiny kitten in a car and a cat sitting on a man's shoulder

Giant Man Rescues Two Small Kittens And Makes The Internet's Hearts Melt (Viral Thread)

Giant + smol = pure as heck.
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posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat sitting with a man and a cat inside of a washing machine 'I took in this kitten, she chose my dad instead. She helps him watch TV &do dishes. He also got her addicted to the ice machine lol u/Mmm_Spuds'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (21 Images)

Adopt, don't shop.
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story about a kitten getting rescued from a tree then adopted by the family who rescued it | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten sitting next to a man and a kitten lying next to a dog

Kitten Gets Rescued From A Tree, Decides To Adopt The Couple That Saved It

It was meant to be <3
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story about a cat who lost her litter during childbirth adopting a litter of orphaned kittens | thumbnail includes two pictures including a grey cat and a cat with kittens

Cat Who Lost Her Litter During Birth Adopts Orphan Kittens And Treats Them As Her Own

She seems to feel complete with them <3
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posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat 'Welcomed this sweet fella to our home yesterday. He’s spent his entire 5months of life in a shelter so this home thing is new but he’s figuring it out u/Curious-Variety-7570'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (13 Images)

Adopt, don't shop.
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story of a stray cat coming back to a family who was nice to him and getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a grumpy cat sitting on someone's shoulder and a stray cat getting petted

Cat Who's Done With Outdoor Life Comes Back To Couple Who Were Kind To Him And Gets Adopted

Granpruno found his forever home <3
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photos of incredible animals before and after being adopted | thumbnail includes two photos of a stray dog, before and after adoption

Before And After Adoption Glowups (February 22, 2022)

These pets are living their best lives!
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11 reddit text images cats gaining trust with humans | thumbnail image of tabby cat on bed text "We've had our rescue cat, Butterscotch, for about 2 months. He's pretty traumatized, and we haven't been able to get close to him or pet him. Today, he hopped right up on the bed next to me and let me give him some love! "

Wholesome Recollections Of Rescue Cats Building Trust With Their Humans

Wholesome stories featuring feline cuties
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viral imgur thread about adopting two new cats | thumbnail includes two pictures including two cats in cat carriers and a cat looking into a mirror 'New rescues moved in <3 frumplecat'

Adopting Two Cats And The Shenanigans Starts Right Away (Viral Thread)

Double trouble.
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posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat with one eye 'My recently rescued kitten, Maitie. u/justaredditaccountx'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

Adopt, don't shop.
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video of girl training mustangs to be adoptable | thumbnail image of girl and horse

Impressive Teenager Trains Mustang Horses To Be Adoptable (Video)

Adorably adoptable
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an adorable video of a squirrel getting adopted | thumbnail includes a photo of the pet squirrel looking cute

Lonely Baby Squirrel Steals Hearts After Adoption (Video)

So Inspiring!
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Facebook posts about a hilariously 'unadoptable' chihuahua thumbnail includes a portion of a Facebook post 'Font - Tyfanee Fortuna 3d • Ok, I've tried. I've tried for the last several months to post this dog for adoption and make him sound.palatable. The problem is, he's just not. There's not a very big market for neurotic, man hating, animal hating, children hating dogs that look like gremlins. But I have to believe there's someone out there for Prancer, because I am tired and so is my family.'

Hilariously 'Unadoptable' Chihuahua Goes Viral (Facebook Posts)

The adorable pup is looking for a second chance!
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