
13 pictures of cats, a woman, and text and 1 video of cats, a woman, and text | Thumbnail includes four pictures including 'Cat - Tik Tok @walshdelaney', 'Cat - Tik Tok @walshdelaney', 'Photograph - Tik Tok @walshdelaney, and 'Font - What does the cat you own say about you?'

What Does The Cat You Own Say About You? Viral TikToker Explains The Connection Between Cats And Personality Type (Pictures & Video)

twitter thread about people adopting cats who saved their lives | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat sitting on a cat tree and one tweet 'Font - milkman! @milkmanthecat A year ago today, broken as a man could ever be, I walked in to a shelter. The very last cat I met was a shy, scared little boy with his face buried deep in a corner. I was drowning; you were my life raft. Happy Gotcha Day, Milkman. I love you more than you'll ever, ever know. 2:14 PM Mar 12, 2023 179.3K'

Heartwarming Stories Of Cats Who Saved Their Human's Lives At Just The Right Time (Twitter Thread)

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a kitten sitting on a sink 'Was leaving my friend's apartment the other night when I heard meowing coming from the trash area. I called him over and he immediately started rubbing up on me. I got him scanned for a chip yesterday and nothing was found. Named him Tommy, because Tommy the cat had many a story to tell. u/dmhead777'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (March 17, 2023)

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a grumpy senior cat 'I adopted an old smoker lady with ear issues, this is the face she makes after her routine ear cleaning u/FireButt6000'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (March 10, 2023)

viral reddit thread about a person adopting a mouse that its cat caught | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat on its back and a mouse in a cage 'Snow - r/aww 2 days ago by Lindsayls Boring Six months ago my cat caught a mouse and he just...keeps living... so this is Winky. 52K 3 1.7K GIF'

Cat Caught A Blind Mouse But Didn't 'Finish The Job', So The Family Adopted The Mouse And Gave It A Pawsome New life (Viral Thread)

Dirty Kittens Get a New Lease on Life (and a very satisfying bath) When Captured By the Distinguished Brooklyn Cat Wrangler

Dirty Kittens Get a New Lease on Life (and a very satisfying bath) When Captured By the Distinguished Brooklyn Cat Wrangler

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat looking out of a window 'Drove 2 hours each way and took a ferry to adopt this beefcake from the animal shelter. Incredibly handsome and polite. Begins purring violently the second you make eye contact with him. Makes that “eck eck eck eck eck”sound when he sees a bird through the window. 20/10 star cat. u/Snoo_87023'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (March 3, 2023)

viral reddit thread about a cat who got shot in the chest and has been living with a pellet in its chest for a year | thumbnail includes one section of a reddit post '3 weeks ago I started fostering this beauty. She's had a tough life, she lived on the streets for around 13 years according to the people of the neighbourhood. She was in a foster home for 8 months before coming to me, but wasn't getting along with the other cats so I took her in. I fell in love instantly with the sassy lady'

Vet Finds A Bullet Stuck In Cat's Chest, Turns Out The Cat Had Been Living With It For At Least A Year (Viral Thread With A Happy Ending)

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat with its tongue sticking out 'This is Pudding, I adopted him - he has no teeth so keeping his tongue in is hard… u/ComprehensiveBus4933'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (February 24, 2023)

video of a feral kitten wandering into a goat barn, cuddling with the goats and getting adopted | thumbnail includes one black and white picture of a security camera of a man in a goat barn reaching for a kitten

'Afraid Of People But Not Of Goats': Freezing And Starving Kitten Wanders Into A Goat Barn And Cuddles With Them (Video)

tweets about a Turkish man rescuing a cat from the earthquakes and adopting it | thumbnail includes two pictures including a smiling man with a cat on his shoulder and a man cuddling with a cat 'A cat was saved from under the rubble in Turkey. It now refuses to leave its rescuer's side'

Handsome Man Rescues Cat From The Rubble In Turkey, The Cat Refuses To Leave Man's Side And The Story Goes Viral

viral thread about a kitten getting rescued and adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a screaming white kitten and a beautiful white cat

Spicy Kitten That Was Found Alone, Sick And Hopeless Gets Rescued And Finds The Warmest Forever Home (Viral Thread)

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of an angry looking cat 'Our cat of 22 years died suddenly, and my s.o. said there’s no way she’d want another. Two weeks later she surprised me with this rescue runt. She’s Gertie and she’s annoying as hell and we love her u/kirrk'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (February 17, 2023)

video of cat who goes to work with his dad at museum every day | thumbnail im

Rescue Cat Goes To Work At A Museum With His Dad Every Day (Video)

video of cat that was returned to rescue for being too affectionate | thumbnail tuxedo cat image

Cat Surrendered to Humane Society for Being ‘Too Affectionate’ (Video)

collection of stories about cats adopting humans | thumbnail includes a picture of two kittens 'I adopted Zeke (gray on the left), but Jade (right) adopted me. She was the feistiest kitten in her litter, and we were worried she'd be too much of a spit-fire for anyone to want her. I made it my mission then to tame her so she could be adoptable, but once I was done, she didn't want anyone else. She declared I now belonged to her and she would go home with no one'

Wholesome Stories Of Cats Adopting Humans: ICanHasCheezburger Edition