
27 pictures of cats | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Dog - WEE', 'Cat', and 'Cat'

Black Cat Magic: 27 Majestic and Magical Black Cats Guilty Of Charming Their Way Into Our Homes (And Wallets)

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes a picture of a bunch of kittens eating 'Do you guys remember my bathroom beans? They were very spicy when I rescued them and past the ideal age for socialization (but they needed help because the were living outside near a busy road). I'm happy to report that 5 months later, they are all adopted! The final 3 went home together tonight! u/mid_burger5932'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week: 17 Wholesome Cat Adoption Stories

viral twitter thread about cats who have been returned to shelters finding their forever homes | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - latke @latkedelrey adopting and then abandoning a cat because it did normal cat things (needed time to warm up to you, had a bathroom accident, scratched furniture, wanted to play) is sinister behavior and if you do it you will burn in hell for eternity 7:54 AM - Apr 11, 2023 · 4.5M Views 13.9K Retweets 878 Quotes 108.9K Likes 1,173 Bookmarks'

Wholesome Stories Of Cats Who Were Abandoned For Ridiculous Reasons Finally Getting Adopted (Viral Twitter Thread)

twitter thread about people adopting senior cats | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - sarah schauer @sarahschauer picture this: you're at a cat shelter, a really old cat slowly makes their way towards you and sits at your feet. Your partner comes running up with two kittens and says "we can go now." The old cat reaches up to touch you but you stand up to go. You guys walk out 1:44 AM - Nov 10, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 973 Retweets 483 Quote Tweets 42.3K Likes'

Wholesome Stories About People Choosing To Adopt Senior Cats Over Kittens (Twitter Thread)

25 pictures of cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat' and 'Felidae'

A Bountiful Bushel of Tripod Cats Proving To Us That 3 Is The Cutest Number (25 Cute Cat Pics)

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a dirty looking kitten and a cat sitting 'I adopted him like this in May 4th'22. So I am guessing this is his birthweek. Happy birthday to my precious, name's Cutu (Parents named him. Derived from Cute) Irony is, they told me not to keep any pets now he is their favorite as well. u/_kozak1337'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week: 17 Wholesome Cat Adoption Stories

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a person holding a cat 'Went to the shelter to just meet some kitties, not planning on adopting until after tax season. But this big chonk had other plans for me. I was introduced to him and fell in love right away. Meet Pirelli. Whopping 18.6 lbs. His previous owner got rid of him for "allergies" but he is loved now. u/kay102006'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (April 7, 2023)

24 pictures of cats, people and text and 1 video of cats, people, and text | Thumbnail includes five pictures including 'Bicycle - literally came with a cat.', 'Cat - That's how one cat', 'Cat - became two cats,', 'Cat - became three cats, became', and 'Cat - four cats.'

Woman Buys House And Finds Not One, Not Two, But Four Abandoned Cats Left By Previous Owners, Adopts Them All So Everyone Has A Happily Ever After (Pictures & Video)

video of a kitten that isn't able to jump getting adopted and diagnosed with an autoimmune disease | thumbnail includes three pictures including an orange kitten and a kitten trying to climb up the bed and a kitten holding onto someone's finger

Woman Brings Home A Cat Who 'Can't Jump' And Isn't Growing Properly, Then Discovers Something Unusual About Him (Video)

Cute Couple Wins Wedding of the Year Award When Bride Tosses Cat Plushie Instead of Traditional Flower Bouquet, Winner Gets to Adopt Cute Rescue Kitten

Cute Couple Wins Wedding of the Year Award When Bride Tosses Cat Plushie Instead of Traditional Flower Bouquet, Winner Gets to Adopt Cute Rescue Kitten

wholesome tweets about senior cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat lying on a desk and one tweet 'Cat - Peter @cellobuddy Replying to @_B____S This is Claude. He was 12-13 when we adopted him. He chose us at the shelter when he showed us so much attention and love right from the start. The volunteer at the shelter started crying because she said nobody adopts senior cats there, especially black cats! He's about 17 now. 2:27 AM • Mar 26, 2023 80K Views'

Heartwarming Stories Of People Finally Adopting Senior Cats Who Have Been Living In Shelters For A Long Time

20 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat' and 'Font - - 16 hr. ago I see you've requested the crazy cat lady stater pack please find enclosed 4 kittens mother and vouchers for nuttnurse desexing. Thankyou for shopping at crazy cats Dotcom 1.0k Reply Share'

'Help! A Stray Cat That Comes To Me Daily Had A Litter Of Babies In My Compost, What Should I Do?': Reddit Thread Gives Heartwarming And Helpful Advice To A Crazy Cat Lady In The Making

8 pictures of animals | Thumbnail includes to images including 'Cat' and 'Font - The incredible nursing cat'

Paging Nurse Kitty: Rescued Kitten Survives Life-Threatening Illness, Continues To Live At The Animal Shelter That Saved Him And "Nurse" Other Sick Animals Back To Health

viral twitter thread about a cat named Pedro Pspspscal | thumbnail includes a meme of a cat photoshopped onto an image from the last of us and a photo of a cat 'Cat - Pedro Pspspscal Age: 2 Years Gender: Male ID: 52206016' and one tweetFont - Kalon Fullerton @cowlonfull Been laughing about this for about 5 consecutive minutes 6:06 AM Mar 20, 2023. 5.5M Views 32.3K Retweets 1,242 Quotes 202.3K Likes

Meet Pedro Pspspscal, The True Star Of 'The Last Of Us' Who Went Viral On Twitter And Is Looking For A Forever Home

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a black cat 'Yesterday I posted how I was going to adopt Vincent today. A kind redditor who wants to stay anonymous paid his adoption fees and told me to pay it forward. We're home. The 1 ear cat and the 9 finger man u/Butt_F*cking_Smurfs'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (March 24, 2023)

video of a sick cat who got rescued and fell in love with one human | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat cuddling with a woman and a woman petting a derpy cat with its tongue out

Shy Cat Who Was Rescued From A Rough Street Life Gets Adopted And Only Loves His One Human (Video)