
10 cat pictures and 17 text pictures | thumbnail includes three pictures of cats and 'Found her in the trash'

'We found her in the trash, she lives here now': The Cat Distribution System™ gives hearty hoomans unexpected feline friends, making them purroud pawrents

story of someone rescuing a cat from a dumpster | thumbnail includes two pictures including an orange cat and a cat sleeping 'Found this guy in a dumpster... now he's warm and sooo happy to be home'

'Found this guy in a dumpster': Orange trashcan kitty follows a person home, asking to be adopted, and now, he's a spoiled, loved cat who will never be cold again

24 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of cats and one picture of text including 'I took Redit’s advice and it was the best decision ever'

'Now they're inseparable': Feline pawrent takes kindhearted cat community's wholesome advice to adopt a cat for their cat, proving that more cats is always the answer

story about someone rescuing a black cat that was alone in the woods | thumbnail includes a picture of a black cat screaming and a black kitten cuddling with someone

'She was starving and terrified': Couple rescues a screaming black cat that was alone in the woods, and now, she is spoiled and will never be hungry again

story of someone adopting a cat that was freezing outside | thumbnail includes a picture of a kitten with sick eyes and a kitten next to a dog I’m not a cat person and I have two dogs. But I couldn’t leave her in the cold''

'I'm not a cat person... but I couldn't leave her': Person rescues an itty bitty kitty from freezing, their dogs immediately adopt the kitten into their pawdorable family

27 Furry Felines With Fantastically Funny Names, Presenting Their Pawsome Purr-sonalities With Perfectly Playful Profiles

27 Furry Felines With Fantastically Funny Names, Presenting Their Pawsome Purr-sonalities With Perfectly Playful Profiles

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a sad cat and a cat showing its stomach 'Before and after adoption <33'

This Week’s Heartwarming Helping of Newly Adopted Cats for Fresh Feline Pawrents (January 17, 2025)

video of a woman who adopted the fat blind cat that no one wanted | thumbnail includes one picture of a blind and fat cat

'No one wanted this blind fat cat, so I adopted her': Person gives a home to the chonky feline no one wanted, and she turns out to be a silly goofball who just wanted love

story about a man who adopted a kitten and the mom cat came back for it | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat and a kitten '6 weeks ago I rescued a lost kitten, I think the mother is sitting outside my house now'

'I rescued a lost kitten': Feral momma cat comes back for her kitten 6 weeks after it was rescued, fearlessly waiting outside the rescuer's door

17 pictures of a kitten and dog, 7 pictures of text, and 1 video of a cat and dalmation | Thumbnail includes one picture of a dog and kitten, one picture of a dog and kitten including 'last year I let my dog keep her favorite foster kitten...', and one picture of a dog and kitten

Delightful Dalmation adopts her favorite foster fail kitten and forces her pawrents to add the baby to their family, they form an unbreakably wholesome bond more romantic than Lady & the Tramp

22 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a kitten and one picture of cats

Heartwarming hooman falls in love with saddest-looking kitten in the shelter, adopts him, then adopts his sister one year later to reunifuzzte the fluffy feline siblings into one fuzzy family

thread about a dog adopting a kitten | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten in a box and a kitten sitting with a dog 'My dog found a kitten under a car two months ago'

'She's being a good adoptive momma': Dog finds tiny kitten under a car and immediately adopts him into her family, not asking her humans for pawmission

video of an abandoned cat getting adopted by his neighbors | thumbnail includes a picture of a woman petting a cat and a closeup of an old cat

For weeks, this senior cat kept waiting for his owners who abandoned him to return, but they never did, so their kind neighbor took him in and gave him a new life

Caring couple rescues cuddly kitten, then takes in surprise sister, starts cat-collecting to form six-strong fluffy feline family

Caring couple rescues cuddly kitten, then takes in surprise sister, starts cat-collecting to form six-strong fluffy feline family

12 pictures of cats and text, 6 pictures of text, and one video of cat rescue | Thumbnail includes one picture of cats including 'We were not planning on getting another cat..', one picture of cats including 'And they immediately fell in love with each other..', and one picture of a cat including 'But we knew he just needed lots of love..and churus..'

Kind family rescues sick feral feline from harsh winter weather, he slowly opens up after they adopt him a kitten and becomes a heartwarming brother to his new fluffy family

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes a picture of a black polydactyl kitten with huge paws 'Adopted a black kitten. His paws are bigger than his head.'

This Week’s Heartwarming Helping of Newly Adopted Cats for Fresh Feline Pawrents (January 10, 2024)