
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

video of impatient adorable monkey who wants her milk - thumbnail of lyly the monkey drinking her milk

Sweet Baby Monkey Happily Drinking Some Milk (Video)

most viral and adorable cat videos trending on instagram - thumbnail includes two images one of two cats in love and the other of a cat playing with a rotating door

Instagram Cats: Funniest, Cutest And All-Around Best Of The Week (Videos)

video of red panda mom and her baby cub exploring - thumbnail of red pandas in tree

Red Panda Cub Explores With Mom (Video)

video of kiwi the parakeet activating and talking to Siri - thumbnail of kiwi laying on iphone

Parakeet Activates Siri On The iPhone (Video)

michael prince is a contestant on a cooking show - thumbnail of prince michael in chef's hat

Prince Michael As A Contestant On Cooking Show (Video)

video of how Simon meet and adopted Simon's cat - thumbnail of when Simon first came across Simon's cat

Simon's Cat Origin Story In Full Color (Video)

adorable video of a sloth chasing the camera to the jaws music - thumbnail of sloth

Awwdorable Smiling Sloth Chasing The Camera (Video)

video of baby orangutan being reunited with her mother - thumbnail of mother finally holding her baby

Orangutan Reunited With Kidnapped Daughter (Video)

video of a mom hyena grooming and snuggling with her baby cub - thumbnail of happy smiling hyena mom and baby cub

Mama Hyena Loving On Her Cub (Video)

adorable baby flamingos learning to walk - thumbnail of two baby flamingos

Aww-dorable Fluffy Baby Flamingos Can't Stay Still (Video)

video of adorable little munchkin who wont stop meowing video - thumbnail of meowing munchkin kitten

Adorable Talkative Munchkin Cat (Video)

orange kitten and baby chick take a nap together - thumbnail of kitten and baby chick napping

Kitten And Baby Chick Are The Best Snuggle Buddies (Video)

video of how a cat betrayed it's owner by choosing her husband over her - thumbnail of a cat being protective of a man while giving the stink eye

Cat Betrays Owner By Stealing Her Husband

video of bear cubs playing outdoors - thumbnail of multiple bear cubs having fun

Bear Cubs Playing Just Like Little Kids Do (Video)

top cat videos found on instagram - thumbnail includes two images one of a cat trapped above bathtub filled with water and one of a kitten eating

Instagram Cats: Funniest, Cutest And All-Around Best Of The Week (Videos)

video of an adorable owl that looks like it's melting - thumbnail of melted owl

Adorable Melted Owl (Video)