
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

video of how Simon meet and adopted Simon's cat - thumbnail of when Simon first came across Simon's cat

Simon's Cat Origin Story In Full Color (Video)

adorable video of a sloth chasing the camera to the jaws music - thumbnail of sloth

Awwdorable Smiling Sloth Chasing The Camera (Video)

video of baby orangutan being reunited with her mother - thumbnail of mother finally holding her baby

Orangutan Reunited With Kidnapped Daughter (Video)

video of a mom hyena grooming and snuggling with her baby cub - thumbnail of happy smiling hyena mom and baby cub

Mama Hyena Loving On Her Cub (Video)

adorable baby flamingos learning to walk - thumbnail of two baby flamingos

Aww-dorable Fluffy Baby Flamingos Can't Stay Still (Video)

video of adorable little munchkin who wont stop meowing video - thumbnail of meowing munchkin kitten

Adorable Talkative Munchkin Cat (Video)

orange kitten and baby chick take a nap together - thumbnail of kitten and baby chick napping

Kitten And Baby Chick Are The Best Snuggle Buddies (Video)

video of how a cat betrayed it's owner by choosing her husband over her - thumbnail of a cat being protective of a man while giving the stink eye

Cat Betrays Owner By Stealing Her Husband

video of bear cubs playing outdoors - thumbnail of multiple bear cubs having fun

Bear Cubs Playing Just Like Little Kids Do (Video)

top cat videos found on instagram - thumbnail includes two images one of a cat trapped above bathtub filled with water and one of a kitten eating

Instagram Cats: Funniest, Cutest And All-Around Best Of The Week (Videos)

video of an adorable owl that looks like it's melting - thumbnail of melted owl

Adorable Melted Owl (Video)

video of a tiny angry frog squeaking thumbnail includes a picture of the tiny frog

Small Squeaky Frog Is Angry

pictures and videos of cats being groomed with toothbrushes reminds them of their mother thumbnail includes two pictures of cats being brushed with toothbrushes 'Cat - Not Your Daddy C @talltopgirl If you're having a bad day, here's my cat being brushed with a toothbrush'

Cats Being Groomed With Toothbrushes

parrot annoying a cat by placing a foot on its head thumbnail includes a picture of a parrot placing its foot on a cat's head

Parrot Annoying A Patient Cat

funny video of people who "hate" cats try living with one for one week - thumbnail of woman and cat

People Who 'Hate' Cats Live With Cat For One Week (Video)

tiktok inside their head tt remix challenge cats and dogs edition thumbnail includes three screenshots pictures one of a sad ginger cat wearing a pink birthday hat another with a cat playing with a plant and another with a dog playing with a rock 'our dogs favorite toy is a flat rock he pushes around his name is tobi he is a special boy'

TikTok Users Question What's Going On Inside Their Pets' Heads