
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

video of a magpie coming to visit a person who hasn't seen it in months | thumbnail includes a picture of a bird sitting on someone's thigh

Human's Favorite Magpie Comes Back After Months Away (Video)

video of a rescued sparrow | thumbnail is the sparrow

Beautiful Baby Sparrow Rescued By Couple (Video)

animated video of a baby being rescued with the help of a cat | thumbnail includes a frame from the animation

When A Cat Finds An Abandoned Baby (Original Animation)

a cute cat does an ASMR video | thumbnail is text 'ASMR With My Cat' and a photo of a cat with a human.

Laugh Inspiring ASMR With Awwdorable Kitty Cat (Video)

video of alpaca being sheared | thumbnail includes image of alpaca being sheared

Alpaca's Mane Gets Sheared: Oddly Satisfying (Video)

video about a deer becoming friends with a cat | thumbnail includes three photos of a deer with a kitten

Awwdorable Deer is Besties With Smol Kitten (Video)

video about extinct animals | thumbnail includes an ancient Egyptian painting of a man being led by two animals

Super Cool Extinct Animals Of Ancient History (Video)

video of a cat waking up its human | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat bumping into the camera

The Cute Yet Mildly Annoying Reality Of Being Woken Up By A Cat (Video)

video of foxes getting a special treat for national pumpkin day | thumbnail includes a picture of foxes next to some pumpkins

Foxes Getting A Special Halloween-y Treat For National Pumpkin Day (Video)

video about an abandoned dog being rescued | thumbnail includes photo of the dog after being rescued and before

Dog Found Tied Up In The Mountains Is Rescued (Video)

a video of a dog jumping around in a grassy field joyfully

Dog Jumping For Joy In Grassy Meadow (Video)

video of a huge cat going on a diet | thumbnail includes a picture of a really large cat

Mega Chonker Cat Begins Its De-Chonking Journey (Video)

a video about a husky dog who wants some biscuits talking to his owner | thumbnail is a photo of the dog

Awwdorable Husky Dog Argues With Owner Over Biscuits (Video)

video about a retriever being rescued | thumbnail includes photo of the Labrador retriever after being rescued

Rescued Golden Retriever Looks Completely Different (Video)

video about a couple rescuing and adopting a sparrow and the bird not leaving them alone | thumbnail includes two pictures of a sparrow sitting on a woman

Couple Rescues Wild Sparrow And Now She Refuses To Leave Them (Video)

video of a crow trying to fly with a handmade set of peacock wings | thumbnail includes a picture of a man in front of a desk and a crow on the desk

Crow Who Can't Fly Attempts To Fly With New Handmade Peacock Wings (Video)