
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

video of a cat meeting a puppy for the first time | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat sniffing a sleeping golden retriever puppy

Introducing A Cat To An Awwdorable Golden Retriever Puppy (Video)

video of a polar bear meeting her half sister for the first time | thumbnail includes image of the two bears swimming underwater together

Polar Bear Meets Half-Sister For First Time (Video)

an article about how funny bunny tails look when you pull them out | thumbnail includes two photos of a bunny tail, before and after being pulled

People Discovering That Bunny Tails Are Longer And Cuter Than They Appear

a video about Teapot the rooster who acts like a dog | thumbnail includes two side by side photos of teapot the rooster in action

Teapot The Rooster Who Acts Like A Dog (Video)

video of a cat and a bunny snuggling | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat and a bunny very close together

Bunny Who Just Wants Affection Snuggles Up To A Cat (Video)

an adorable video of baby hamsters | thumbnail includes a photo of baby hamsters

Baby Hamsters Cuddling Together (Video)

video of a man giving lions a tick treatment | thumbnail includes a picture of a man holding a spray bottle and rubbing up against a lion

Tick Treatment For Lions: Aiming A Spray Bottle At Big Cats (Video)

an original song 'adopt don't shop' | thumbnail includes a photo of the performer Tracy and her dog

The Adopt Don't Shop Song (Video)

cute video of a baby panda begging a zookeeper to stay in china | thumbnail includes a photo of the panda with the zookeeper

Baby Panda Begs Zookeeper To Stay And Play Longer (Video)

video of otters reacting to a vacuum | thumbnail includes a picture of an otter sniffing a vacuum

Awwdorable Otters Getting Mildly Confused By A Vacuum (Video)

woman captures a bear on camera licking her during a hike | thumbnail includes a closeup of the bear

Awwdorable Wild Bear Licks Woman (Video)

video man builds cat an elevator | thumbnail includes a photo of the cat in the elevator

Man Builds Elderly Cat Elevator To Get Up The Stairs (Video)

video of a cat befriending a peacock | thumbnail includes a picture of the peacock with the cat

Peacock Plays Around With Cat Friend (Video)

video of a woman petting wild birds | thumbnail includes a picture of a person reaching out to pet a bird

Australian Checks If Wild Kookaburras Will Let Her Pet Them (Video)

a video of a baby elephant seal romping around in the water | thumbnail is a photo of the baby elephant seal having fun

Baby Elephant Seal Enjoys A Bath In The Ocean (Video)

video about an alligator sanctuary | thumbnail is a photo of the alligators from overhead

The Alligator Sanctuary Which Rescues Unwanted Pets (Video)