
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

a cute video about wally the chipmunk | thumbnail includes an image of Wally the chipmunk in nature

Meet Wally The Awwdorable Chipmunk (Video)

video of a cat watching a lion documentary and getting spooked | thumbnail includes a picture of a surprised cat

Cat Getting Totally Shocked By Watching Lion Documentary (Video)

a YouTube video of an 175 pound adorable pet tortoise | thumbnail includes two photos of the tortoise

Tiptoe The 175 Pound Tortoise Being Affectionate With His Humans (Video)

video of a deaf cat nor realizing how loudly its meowing | thumbnail includes a picture of a white cat surrounded by shoes

Deaf Cat Not Realizing How Loud Its Being (Video)

vide of humpback whales singing to tourists | thumbnail image of large humpback whale in water

Humpback Whales 'Sing' to Tourists (Video)

a video about penguins growing big and strong | thumbnail includes two photos of the penguins wading back into the ocean

Watch Penguins Grow Big And Strong (Video)

an adorable video of a dog and horse being best friends | thumbnail includes two photos of the dog and the horse bonding and being best friends

Horse And Doggo Become BFFs (Video)

an ugly rat gets adopted into a loving home | thumbnail includes two photos of a naked rat with his hooman being cute

Woman Adopts "Ugly" Hairless Rat (Video)

video of a wolf resting in a pile of snow | thumbnail includes picture of a wolf lying in a pile of snow

Just A Wolf Getting Cozy In A Nest Of Snow (Video)

video of a herd of elephants joyfully sliding into a river | thumbnail includes a photo of the elephants sliding

Elephants Joyfully Slide Into River (Video)

video of two kookaburras coming into someone's home during a storm | thumbnail includes one picture of a kookaburra sitting on someone's leg

2 Wild Kookaburras Come Inside To Wait Out A Storm (Video)

a video of a cow being pampered and treated like a puppy dog | thumbnail includes a photo of a man grooming a cow's mane

Awwdorable Cow Refuses To Grow Up, Acts Like Puppy

video of giant jellyfish in deep sea | thumbnail giant jellyfish floating around deep sea

Amazingly Rare Deep Sea Sighting: Giant Phantom Jellyfish (Video)

original ICanHasCheezburger animation about a cat playing on Christmas | thumbnail includes a cat playing with their hoomans under a Christmas tree

Cat Vs. Christmas (Original Animation)

video of panda escaping from enclosure at zoo | thumbnail left image of panda hanging from fence "Meng Lan is the most mischievous panda in the zoo" thumbnail right image of giant panda climbing fence

Mischievous Panda Climbs Out Of Enclosure, Lured Back In With Food (Video)

a video of a giraffe being rescued from a tire | thumbnail includes the giraffe stuck in a tire

Heartwarming Rescue Of Giraffe Stuck In Tire (Video)