
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

video of lost goat searching for mama goat | thumbnail image of small baby goat in field

Lost Young Goat Searches For His Mama (Video)

5 cat videos | thumbnail left and right cat resting on work desk tempted by fish, eating fish

Insta Cats: Funniest, Cutest, Most Purrfect Cat Videos Of The Week

incredible aerial drone footage of a great white shark | thumbnail includes footage of the great white shark from overhead

Incredible Great White Shark Footage (Video)

video of a bunny rescuing a kitten who is stuck in a cage | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat in a cage and a bunny leaning on the cage from the outside

Bunny Rescues A Kitten Who Got Itself Stuck In A Cage (Video)

a video of a homeless cat getting surprised with a new house | thumbnail includes a photo of the cat enjoying it's new house

Homeless Cat Surprised With Brand New Home (Video)

video of a man playing the banjo for a wild fox | thumbnail includes a picture of a fox sitting in front of a man playing a banjo

Man Plays Banjo For A Wild Fox, It Comes Back For An Encore (Video)

an adorable mink learns how to swim | thumbnail includes a photo of the mink in the water being cute

Sly Rescue Mink Learns How To Swim (Video)

video of man fighting off bear from porch | thumbnail image of man fighting off bear from porch

Florida Man Removes Bear From Porch To Protect His Doggo (Video)

video of frogs being affectionate with a human | thumbnail includes a picture of a frog placing its hand on a human's finger

What Happens When Frogs Like Their Human Too Much (Video)

a red panda is introduced to a new friend who provides her with a very interesting relationship | thumbnail includes a beautiful red panda peeking out through the foliage

Beautiful Red Panda Makes A New Friend (Video)

video about discovery of mummified crocodiles | thumbnail image of mummified crocodile with people inspecting it

Mummified Crocodile Found In Classroom Floorboards (Video)

a story of two awwdorable foxes rescued from a zoo | thumbnail includes a mustached fox named Tundra

Tundra The Mustached Fox Has Awwdorable Girlfriend (Video)

a video of a wild leopard being rescued after getting caught | thumbnail includes a leopard peeking out of a stone

Pretty Leopard Gets Stuck In Tight Spot (Video)

video of an orangutan driving a golf cart | thumbnail includes a picture of an orangutan sitting in a golf cart and holding the wheel

Famous Orangutan Driving A Golf Cart Stylishly (Video)

video of otters reacting to an optical illusion sinkhole | thumbnail includes a picture of two otters looking at an optical illusion sinkhole

Bamboozling Otters With An Optical Illusion Sinkhole (Video)

a super cute video about a dog who greets his mailwoman every single day | thumbnail is a photo of the dog cuddling the mailwoman

Dog Waits For His Favorite Mailwoman Every Day (Video)