
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

13 reddit images and video, cat makes itself at home | thumbnail left cat on windowsill, thumbnail right cat eating tuna from bowl, text "Posted by u/Brooksy925 1 day ago 2 e Random Cat let himself into my Apartment, persuaded me to give him all my tuna, claimed a spot on the window and refuses to leave. He's been here for several hours. How can Cats just declare that they live in your home now and get away with it?!"

Unbeknownst Neighborhood Cat Feeder Delightfully Swindled Into Adoption By Local Stray Cat

video of a dog getting really excited over blueberries | thumbnail includes two two pictures of a dog staring intensely at blueberries

Dog Absolutely Loses His Mind Over Some Blueberries (Video)

video of Pallas' cats getting excited during feeding time | thumbnail includes one picture of three Pallas cats looking up with one of them jumping at the person holding the camera

Perpetually Grumpy-Looking Pallas' Cats Getting Extremely Excited During Feeding Time (Video)

video of a featherless bird dancing and singing to Dancing Queen by ABBA | thumbnail includes one picture of a featherless cockatoo standing on a table with its wings spread

Featherless Cockatoo Grooving Out And Singing To 'Dancing Queen' By ABBA (Video)

video of a cat and a parrot cuddling | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat and a parrot cuddling

After Gentle Playfighting, Cat Tiredly But Lovingly Cuddles Parrot (Video)

video of a man going on a swim with his pet duck | thumbnail includes one picture of a man and a duck swimming underwater

Man Goes On A Dive With His Pet Duck, And It's Wholesome AF (Video)

video of Pallas' cats flirting with one another during mating season | thumbnail includes one picture of Pallas' cats looking at each other

Momentarily-Not-Grumpy Pallas' Cats Flirting During Breeding Season (Video)

video of people kissing their dogs | thumbnail left and right woman with brown dog

Humans Record Themselves Kissing Their Doggos And Waiting For Their Reactions (Video)

video story of man and his bird | thumbnail image of man with large bird, owl

Former Drug Dealer Says Falconry Saved His Life (Video)

video of a man keeping a grocery store lobster as a pet | thumbnail includes a picture of a lobster with its claws tied

Man Decides To Keep Grocery Store Lobster As Pet, Giving It A Second Chance (Video)

original ICanHasCheezburger song about cats being constantly grumpy | thumbnail includes a picture of a ginger cat and a woman holding a guitar

RGF: The Resting Grump Face Cat Song (Video)

embedded video and 9 reddit text images | thumbnail snow, man, moose approaching, "brave little doggo distracts moose to try and protect human"

Brave Little Dog Protects Owner From Giant Moose: Reddit Praises Pour In

video of a donkey getting rescued and turning out to be a complete goofball | thumbnail includes two pictures including a donkey sticking its tongue out and a donkey biting a horse's butt

Woman Adopts A Shy Donkey, And When He Comes Out Of His Shell, He Delights Everyone (Video)

video of a parrot reacting to a tiny owl | thumbnail includes a picture of a parrot looking at a tiny owl

Parrot Meets Tiny Owl And Reacts To It With Utmost Confusion (Video)

video of a man helping a nervous lion calm down | thumbnail includes a picture of a man laid down next to a lion

Man Comforts A Nervous Lion With The Help Of Gentle Pets And A Slipper (Video)

5 cat videos | thumbnail left cat standing on man's shoulders in grocery store, thumbnail right cat cuddling with woman laying in bed with book in her hands "when he gets cuddly i like to record because its cute and i wont stop"

Insta Cats: Funniest, Cutest, Most Purrfect Cat Videos Of The Week