
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

video of cats eating bread as a treat | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat with a piece of bread in its mouth

Finally Giving A Cat Who Loves Bread A Freshly Baked Treat (Video)

original ICanHasCheezburger song about a cat who suddenly hates chicken | thumbnail includes a picture of a woman and a cat next to her

Unsavory Chicken - When Your Cat Is Suddenly Picky About Food Song

A TikTok video of a cat bullying her hooman because its raining outside | Thumbnail includes a cat looking through a door and a man standing beside her 'Video evidence of my cat Angie bullying me & Tommy because she couldn't go outside as it was raining!!'

Visual Representation Of Angela The Cat Bullying Her Hooman Because It's Raining Outside

video of a mom cat bringing her kitten to a human to ask for help | thumbnail includes one picture of a black cat and a kitten

Stray Mother Cat Brings Her Only Kitten To A Human, Asking Him For Help (Video)

video of cheetah cubs going out into the wild for the first time | thumbnail includes one picture of three cheetahs drinking

Eight Rescued Cheetah Cubs Venture Out Into The Wild For The First Time To Hone Their Big Cat Skills (Video)

A YouTube video of a woman grooming a cat for the first time | Thumbnail includes a dark tortie cat looking up

Babka The Tortie Cat Goes To Groomer And Turns Out To Be A Purrfesional Escape Artist (Video)

video of cats trying to cross a water maze | thumbnail includes a picture of a bunch of cats trying to not step in water

Creating A Water Obstacle Challenge For 8 Cats (Video)

video of a cat mom teaching a kitten how to walk | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat licking a kitten

Mom Cat Decides It's Time To Teach Adopted Kitten To Walk (Video)

6 TikToks of cute cats | Thumbnail includes an orange cat sleeping in different positions 'Videos of George sleeping proven to boost serotonin'

Weekly Boost Of Serotonin: Sweet Cats, Smol Cats, And Sleepy Cats

video of a cat catching snowballs | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat jumping up into the air to catch a snowball

Pawsome Cat Excitedly Trying To Catch Snowballs With Its Human (Video)

original song about a naval ship cat | thumbnail includes a picture of a woman holding a guitar and a cat next to her

The Awwmazing Tuxedo Cat Who Sailed The Ocean During World War II (Video)

video of rescue kitten sleepy | thumbnail left cat sitting in dog bed, thumbnail right cat looks up at camera

Rescue Kitten Begs To Go To Sleep So She Can Snuggle Her Dad In The Morning (Video)

video of aggressive cat with pillow | thumbnail left and right black and white cat oreo at home

Cat Does Not Like When Mom's Boyfriend Comes Over (Video)

video of pregnant cat rescued by couple | thumbnail left and right pregnant cat relaxing on couch

Couples Takes Home Pregnant Stray Cat Living At A Car Rental Shop In Costa Rica (Video)

video of Pallas' cats playfighting | thumbnail includes one picture of two Pallas' cats

Suddenly-Energetic Perpetually-Grumpy Mega-Chonky Pallas' Cats Playfighting (Video)

video of a puppy meeting kittens for the first time | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat with newborn kittens on a bed and a puppy leaning onto the same bed as well

Cat Calmly Lets German Shepherd Puppy Meet Her Newborn Kittens For The First Time (Video)