I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
10 images and gifs of snakes wearing hats | thumbnail left small orange snake with top hat, thumbnail right small greenish snake with top hat and tie reading a book

14 Gentle Snakes Sporting Their Gentlemen's Best: Top Hats

Silly Snakes Wearing Hats
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12 images and text about goose the cat rescue | thumbnail picture of goose the cat with text in foreground

Kitten Rescued From Under Pallet Finds Purrfect Forever Home

Goose The Cat Celebrates A Birthday A Year After Being Rescued
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16 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left cat tweet lemon on fish tank, thumbnail right dog with hair curlers "I'm going to walmart, need anything?"

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

Good Vibes Only
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this week's collection of pictures that are worth more than 1000 words | thumbnail includes two pictures including a tiger covered in snow and a dog imitating a whale sculpture

Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words (24 images)

When words aren't enough...
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a collection of posts about cats | thumbnail includes two pictures including a groomed cat 'I got my girl groomed. This…is not what I was expecting. I can’t stop laughing. u/GoMooGo' and a kitten 'Had my kitten one day and he already looks sick of my sh*t u/fatjeff1980'

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues, And Appreciation

The best kitty cats.
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It's your turn, I woke them up yesterday

Cheezburger Image 9621850112
Via Lolcats
video of a person feeding his pet seagull for 69 days to gain his trust | thumbnail includes two pictures of a seagull being fed through a window

Feeding A Wild Seagull For 69 Days To Get His Trust (Video)

Get ready for an adventure.
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how it all started

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Via Animal Comedy

see I'm helping

Cheezburger Image 9621849856
Via Lolcats

A real hero

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Created by xyzpdq1
12 images and text of cat post hair cut | thumbnail cat after haircut with text

An Unfortunate Groomers Trip Left This Kitty Half Naked

Haircut Gone Wrong But In The Silliest Way Possible
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26 cat memes and gifs | thumbnail left three kittens "purritos," thumbnail right cat snapchat "angry"

26 Silly Cats For A Boost Of Feline Goodness (Pictures and Gifs)

Cats Cats And Oh What's That: It's More Cats
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collection of perfectly timed animal pictures | thumbnail includes two pictures including planes and a bird and a bird eating someone's ice cream

Perfectly Timed Animal Photos Caught At Just The Right Moment

Unexpected, unplanned and awesome.
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14 raccoon memes | thumbnail left raccoon pretending to be cookie jar meme, thumbnail right raccoon staring at human "2 day old pizza at 3am"

14 Charming Raccoon Memes For Our Resident Trash Panda Enthusiasts

Scavenging For Hilarity
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viral twitter thread of tiny cats in tiny hammocks on naval ships | thumbnail includes one picture of a soldier smiling at a kitten in a hammock on a ship and one tweet 'Outerwear - Molly Hodgdon @Manglewood Good news: I have gathered a bunch of photos of naval ship cats in tiny hammocks. Here are sailors of the HMS Hermione in 1941 surrounding their sleeping cat, Convoy. 4:47 PM Jul 2, 2021 - Twitter Web App 22.2K Retweets 2,971 Quote Tweets 83.2K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Naval Ship Cats In Tiny Hammocks Throughout History

Adorable cats in history.
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16 before and after adoption images | thumbnail left tiny kitten in cage, thumbnail right two cats relaxing in seats

Before And After Adoption Glow Ups: Aint Nothing A Little Love Can't Cure

A Little Love And Affection Goes A Longgg Way
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