I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

whoops not again

Cheezburger Image 9622007040
Via Animal Comedy

childproofing is getting out of hand

Cheezburger Image 9621850624
Via Animal Comedy
24 cat memes | thumbnail left cat meme swear jar, thumbnail right cat meme is my cat a witch

24 Purrific Felines In The Form Of Pure Meme-y Goodness

Memerific Cats
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14 images and texts stories of sharing a bed with dogs | thumbnail dog in background text with story in foreground

Sharing Your Bed With A Dog: A Series Of Unfortunate Events (Thread)

Personal Experiences Proving That Life With Doggos Is Ruff
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12 images and video of animal friendships | thumbnail left cat feeding baby bottle, thumbnail right one monkey giving a massage to another monkey

12 Instances Of Friendly Animals Being Total Bros (Pictures and Video)

Bromance In The Animal World
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8 images and videos of kitten rescue | thumbnail left kitten in storm drain,  thumbnail right kitten rescued in shelter with food

Kitten Stuck In A Storm Drain Rescued By Caring Community Members

Sweet Rescue Story
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11 images and text cat in produce reddit thread | thumbnail picture of cat diving into produce with text in foreground

Cat Finds Passage To Narnia In Local Grocery Store's Produce Section

Silly Kitty Stumbles Upon Secret Passage Amongst Produce Aisle
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13 cat snapchat images | thumbnail left cat sitting in rice cooker, thumbnail left cat sleeping in awkward position

Cat Snaps Of Wholesomeness And Adorability

Feline Goodness In Snapchat Form
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25 dog memes | thumbnail left dog leaping mid air at the sound of chips bag, thumbnail left two dogs hugging "he never deserved you"

Nothin But Doggos: 25 Mood Lifting Memes For A Better Day

Canine Humor Exploding Out The Wazoo
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hehe who needs to work when u got a cute kitty

Cheezburger Image 9622005760
Via Lolcats
video of a hen looking after a cat's kittens | thumbnail includes picture of a hen sitting on top of a bunch of kittens

Hen Looks After Kittens Of A Cat That She Raised (Video)

The best momma <3
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hehe get it?

Cheezburger Image 9621851392
Via Animal Comedy

heart equals broken

Cheezburger Image 9621850368
Via Lolcats

oh no honey

Cheezburger Image 9621851136
Via Animal Comedy
collection of cat memes | thumbnail includes two cat memes including a cat climbing over a human in a bath 'Tap - grayxvx You're putting way too much faith on me. If you slip we're both screwed and that's not how I wanna die.'  and a person standing in front of a mirror with a cat on her and a another cat screaming 'Shoulder - hotbritishguyspluscats: I don't think l've ever seen a picture that so fully summed up what it is to be a cat owner.'

Hissterical Cat Memes Takin' Life To The Extremes

Fresh cat memes for all!
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video of dogs with kittens | thumbnail image of dogs checking out kittens

Awwdorable Doggo Trio Warmly Welcomes Kitten Litter Home

A Dose Of Wholesome Goodness
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