I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

appreciate me already

Cheezburger Image 9628804864
Via Lolcats

A for effort

Cheezburger Image 9628809728
Via Animal Comedy
9 images of dog adventuring with owner | thumbnail dog looking in rearview mirror with text foreground

Doggo Doubles As Pawesome Road Trip Partner During Western Adventure

Have you ever thought about how to make an amazing road trip a little more amazing? We have a simple math equation that might just help you. Road trip plus doggo equals awesome. Our dogs are our best friends in the world and we want to experience life together with them ! Unfortunately, it can be quite difficult to travel with a dog, especially bigger dogs. Imgur user dinosnore , calls her dog “the best road trip partner a girl could ask her” and gives us a sneak peek of all of their wholesome …
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22 animal memes  | thumbnail left dog playtime wizard meme, thumbnail right you are unqualified for this job cat meme

Silly Series Of Animal Memes That Pack A Punch

Ruff ruff and a happy day to all! We hope you are well and have saved some mental energy space for a delightful series of silly animal memes! We are always down for a smile and a laugh, but what about a punch? These edgy animal memes will make you laugh and cry at the same time in the best way possible. Take a moment to relax, take a seat, maybe even pour yourself a cup of coffee and fill up a bowl with some flaming hot cheetos. Today, we have compiled for you a series of all things animal humo…
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viral imgur thread about a runt of the litter kitten getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures of a kitten '"This kitten went from an under 2lb runt shown here Who loved nothing more than laying on my keyboard. To this fatass chonker cattle, who still loves laying in my keyboard." - mynah'

Thread: Runt Of The Litter Gets Adopted And Becomes A Silly Floofball

Adorable <3
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17 facebook comments with heartwarming pet stories| thumbnail blue background with facebook comment text foreground

Most Heartwarming Pet Stories: ICanHasCheezburger Users Edition

Having pets is one of the most fulfilling and satisfying feelings that humans can experience. There's nothing like coming home after a long day of work to a four legged furry friend who's been waiting for you excitedly all day! Pets surprise us all of the time with their thoughtfulness, kindness, and just pure wholesome goodness. We decided to challenge our incredibly pawesome users, and hit us with their best, most adorable, overall most heartwarming pet stories ! And boy, did they deliver. We…
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viral imgur thread about the world's largest ocean animals | thumbnail includes a picture of a diver next to a giant jellyfish 'DigitalZoo Giant Ocean Creatures'

Thread: The Largest Most Wonderous Ocean Animals

Nature. Is. Amazing.
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12 dog snaps | thumbnail left dog bonjour snapchat, thumbnail right don't feed kenny dog snap

Doggo Snaps Of Pawsitivity And Good Vibes

Yawnnn. Good morning folks. Well, we better get ready and get going to work. Oh wait- JK it's Saturday! We love us some Saturdays. And it ain't just because it's a day devoted entirely to spending time with our furry four legged companions! Though, that's definitely a major factor. We love it so much because we get to prepare the freshest and silliest doggo snaps, just for you! With a little sugar, spice, and everything nice, we compile for you the silliest most tail wagging, bone licking, hila…
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Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a surprised cat 'Cat - when you walk in an unlocked bathroom and find someone sitting on the toilet looking at you like this' and a cat with an exclamation point fur pattern 'Cat - This is my cat Paco. I also call her exclamation butt'

Caterrific Caturday Celebration: Fresh Cat Memes

Happy Caturday!
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more food plz thx

Cheezburger Image 9628803584
Via Lolcats
video of raccoons and grandma that cares for them | thumbnail left raccoon sleeping, thumbnail right grandma kissing and holding raccoon

Grandma Befriends Raccoons: Wholesome Relationship (Video)

This grandma thinks of the raccoons that her family cares for truly as her grandchildren. She cares for them and tends to them with such love and poise, that it is clear to see why the bond between her and the raccoons is so special. Linda (Grandma) just loves watching and caring for them. She gives them cuddles, affection , and everything else a raccoon could hope for. Linda's daughter is a raccoon expert and it was through her initiative that her mother became interested in the idea of raisin…
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ouchie incoming

Cheezburger Image 9628809984
Via Animal Comedy

resting bird face

Cheezburger Image 9628808960
Via Animal Comedy

I am a jerk goddess

Cheezburger Image 9628804608
Via Lolcats
10 images of toothless cat | thumbnail left cat staring while being pet, thumbnail left standing up looking to side, toothless the cat text foreground

Toothless Cat Stressed By Social Anxiety Adopted By Loving Family

Do you know what it's like to not quite fit in ? Or to be a little be different from the rest of the pack. This kitty just couldn't find her comfort zone at the shelter and it was starting to stress her out. A local woman saw her story on social media and felt inclined to do something about it. Not all heroes wear capes. "We adopted her because I kept seeing her picture on my local animal shelter's web page. They were posting ‘she is not enjoying her time at the shelter’ over and over. She look…
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video of bear cub climbing trees | thumbnail bear cub in tree, thumbnail right bear with watermelon

Shy Orphaned Bear Teaches Himself How To Climb Huge Trees (Video)

Jamison the bear seemed to always have been infatuated with trees! He would climb and scale massive trees in an effort to initiate play time with new friends. Being the smallest bear in size amongst his bear friends, he had to accommodate for his size with his huge personality ! Jamison's mom had passed away and he was found weighing only 7 pounds at 6 months old! Severely underweight. The goal of his care was to help him decompress and process the anxiety produced by his difficult beginnings. …
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