I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
photos of animals inside of cars | thumbnail includes a photo on the left of dogs sitting in a car, and a photo on the right of a samoyed dog behind the drivers' seat with cats

Pets Going For A Ride: Phenomenal Photos Of Animals In Cars

Hop in, we're taking off.
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video of robot dolphin and creation process mission and goals interviews | thumbnail dolphin in water with woman "this dolphin is a robot"

How Robot Dolphins Could End Animal Captivity (Video)

Innovation is the way of the future
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18 cat memes and snaps | thumbnail left cat curled up in ball like snail "Cat ownership instructions unclear. Cat somehow turned into a snail after 3 years. Please advise" thumbnail right cat meme "Cat - My bank: Why would spend $1000 on cat treats BUTTER NUT IS MASTER PSYCHOLOGICAL MANIPULATION."

Smol Cat Dump Filled With Laughter And Goodness

I is smol, I is Fierce
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5 silly cat videos from instagram | thumbnail left cat's paw reaching up from behind table, thumbnail right white cat with pink toes, nose, and ears laying upside down on floor

Insta Cats: Funniest, Cutest, Most Purrfect Cat Videos Of The Week

Adorability and hilarity in the form of cat vids
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12 images and videos of cat with fur pattern of mustache | thumbnail left close up hamilton face, thumbnail right hamilton cat laying on pillow looking at camera

Hipster Cat With Fur Mustache Blesses Social Media With His Existence

It's the stache, for us
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animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - theverge.com US government plans to use drones to fire vaccine-laced M&Ms near endangered ferrets a The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has a plan to save the endangered black-footed ferret, and it involves candy. The agency has proposed delivering vaccines to a ferret colony in Montana.. Lizzie Plaugic joyeuse-noelle: burntcopper: There is nothing about this title I don't like. The best part of this title is that'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Goodness

Tumblr animal goodness.
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list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a snail 'Product - Screw it, l'll start my own country' and a cat driving a car full of cat trees 'Road surface - Parkour'

Rise And Shine With Fresh Animal Memes (October 17, 2021)

Fresh animal meme deliciousness.
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I Don't Heckin' Carrot All

Cheezburger Image 9641032960
Via Lolcats
video of a bear who missed his human friend gently sucking on his hand | thumbnail includes a picture of a bear placing its snout in a person's palm

Bear Who Missed His Human Friend Gives Him Gentle Blubbering Kisses (Video)

Aww so cuuute... and also scary omg.
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Look Out Kitty

Cheezburger Image 9641032448
Via Lolcats

Mm... That's A Tasty Fish Recipe

Cheezburger Image 9641032704
Via Lolcats

Guinea Pig Is Hungry

Cheezburger Image 9641031936
Via Animal Comedy
a list of funny tweets about people's crazy cat origin stories

Twitter Users Share Their Cat Lady Origin Stories With The World

Cat lady stories are the best stories.
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36 amazon reviews of garfield knock off plush with images and text | thumbnail left cat plush next to ed sheeran face " I love it it looks just like ed sheeran" thumbnail right plush sitting above office space watching below "A Strict But Benevolent God Verified Purchase Samantha Hatcher He watches me while I work and unleashes his godly wrath upon me whenever I try to take a break"

Amazon Reviews Of Garfield Plush Inspire Hilarity As Users Get Creative

Online shopping gone wrong
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sad man asks the internet to cheer him up by showing photos of their pets, people oblige | thumbnail includes

Internet Bands Together To Cheer Up Man Using Wholesome Photos Of Fur Babies

Everyone could use a pick me up sometimes.
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twitter thread about a study proving cats are just as affectionate as dogs | thumbnail includes text that says 'A new study shows that cats may be just as affectionate as dogs. The study, which was published in Current Biology, found that pet cats also have distinct attachment styles toward their owners in the same way dogs and babies do'

Twitter Thread: Study Finds Cats Are Just As Affectionate As Dogs

The purrfect pets.
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