I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
18 pictures of cute spider | thumbnail left red background grey fuzzy spider, thumbnail right spider sitting in leaf cute

18 Cute Spiders To Help Change Your Perception About These Furry Legged Critters

Legs and cuteness for days
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video of a group of cheetah cubs meeting another group of cheetah cubs | thumbnail includes a picture of five cheetah cubs looking at a carrier with a cheetah cub poking its head out of it

Totally Not Scared Rescued Cheetah Cubs Make Friends With More Cheetah Cubs (Video)

They're definitely, super tough against these new cubs, just ignore the loud squeaking
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Fall Days Be Like...

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Via Lolcats

How Clean Did You Say?

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Via Lolcats

Shoot For The Stars

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Via Animal Comedy
list of thread dogs taking care of humans | thumbnail text "I was reading a book the other night and a character I was really invested in died. I know it's pathetic but I was sobbing away and my wee girl jumped onto my chest, licked my face and kept butting me with her head. She wouldn't leave my side for hours. We don't deserve dogs"

Heartwarming Instances Of Dogs Taking Care Of Their Humans And Not The Other Way Around

Our dogs do as much for us as we do for them
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tumblr thread telling the folklore story of two black cats visiting a baby | thumbnail includes two black cats standing on their hind legs looking at a baby 'stele3 Follow The witches have come to lay their claim'

Tumblr Thread: Modern-Day Cat And Emu Folklore

Unexpectedly really into it.
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17 photos of adorable Samoyed dogs | thumnbnail includes two photos, one of three samoyed dogs walking, and one of a couple with their dog lying on his back

Samoyed Appreciation Post: 16 Photos Of Absolute Fluffers

Land cloud appreciation post.
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twitter thread about a cute cat named george on roast beef dinner day | thumbnail has a photo of a cat and the text 'Good morning and welcome to roast dinner day Shine a great light on your most amazing qualities. We tend to focus on the negative aspects of us and forget all the greatness that we have within. You ARE amazing'

Twitter Thread: Celebrating Adorable Cat Qualities

Spreading Pawsitivity.
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video of dog who independently takes public transportation | thumbnail image of dog on ferry "Boji is a regular commuter on Istanbul's public transport"

Stray Dog Becomes A Regular On Istanbul's Public Transport, Goes Viral (Video)

Polite passenger that happens to be a doggo
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50 pictures of animals in costumes | thumbnail left frog with wizard costume, thumbnail right horse with harry potter costume

50 Spectacular Animals Decked Out In Their Halloween Best

Costumes so cool that they demand treats and attention
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40 images of angry animals | thumbnail left angry duckling thumbnail right three angry chickens looking at camera

40 Angry Animals Who Have Had Enough But Still Look Adorable

Series of animals who have mastered looking angry and adorable at the same time
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 photos of incredible animals before and after being adopted | thumbnail includes two photos of a stray cat, before and after adoption

Power Of Love: Before And After Adoption Glowups

These pets are living their best lives!
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pics of the cutest animals of the week | thumbnail includes a picture of a puppy 'this little guy welcomed himself into my house the other day, I took him back over to the neighbors. Well, this morning he came back and I asked if I could buy him and they just gave him to me lol. If anyone has an idea of the breed please let me know. u/lsqueakerzl'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute (#156)

Too. much. cuteness.
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Cheezburger Image 9640342784
Via Lolcats
video of an owl taking a birdbath | thumbnail includes a picture of an owl standing in a birdbath

Owldorable Little Owl Enjoying A Birdbath (Video)

Rub a dub dub, a cute owl in a tub.
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