I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
viral imgur thread about a senior declawed cat who got adopted on Halloween | thumbnail includes two pictures including a curled up black cat and a black cat hiding in a cupboard '"She was declawed in her youth, poor baby. I can’t put her claws back, but I give her good foods and play with her and love her like any human family member LovesToSpooge517'

Thread: Declawed Senior Black Cat Gets Adopted And The Shenanigans Never Stop

Nothing can stop this senior void.
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List of funny raccoon memes from twitter and reddit |  thumbnail includes

Raccoon Medley: Trash Panda Tweets And Memes

We promise it's not trash.
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This week’s collection of cat tweets | thumbnail includes two tweets of cat photos, text reads 'She is auditioning to become a throw rug.' and 'A (very) rich evening loaf today, friends?'

12 Supurrb Cat Tweets We Found On Twitter

Everybody's purring for the weekend.
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posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a curled up kitten 'A poor old lady next to the supermarket was begging people to take this little baby home because she can’t afford to take care of both her mother and the kitten. I couldn’t resist! u/LyingKnee'

20 Heartwarming Stories Of Pets Who Found A Furrever Home

Adopt, don't shop.
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20 cat memes | thumbnail left cat jumping "and lift off" thumbnail right few cats sitting on kitchen table staring at light "Give us strength 'Oh Mighty Light

Top 20 Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #213

Fabulous feline memes of hilarity
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Dancing Queen

Cheezburger Image 9641006336
Via Lolcats
video of whale nudging paddleboarder | thumbnail picture of whale nudging paddleboarder

Whale Gently Pushes Paddleboarder Right Along Open Waters With Fin (Video)

Paddleboarder receives gentle nudge from huge whale
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Mice Be A Mistake

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Via Animal Comedy

Beware Of Taxidermy

Cheezburger Image 9640607744
Via Animal Comedy


Cheezburger Image 9640604160
Via Animal Comedy
List of 12 pictures of cows playing with dogs | Thumbnail left picture a cow and a dog running, right picture 6 cows staring down a dog

Doggo And Cow Friendship Is Udderly Cute: Awwdorable Photos of Dogs And Cows

Cattle cuties.
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list of cute and funny bunny memes | thumbnail includes photos of bunnies and the text 'Look its secret bunny meeting what are they talking about? Veggies? Carrots? World domination will never know'

Brilliant Bunny Memes Buzzing With Beauty: Fun Meme Compilation

We hop you enjoy!
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12 tips for comforting a scared or lonely guinea pig | thumbnail includes a picture of a guinea pig and a caption ' Sing to her! It helped me bond with my pigs immensely.'

Informative Thread: How To Comfort A Scared Guinea Pig

Helpful Tips To Care For Your Guinea Pig.
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20 mischievous cats stealing | thumbnail left cookie with paw, thumbnail right cat with piece of bread in mouth

Kleptomaniac Kittehs Stealing Anything They Can Get Their Paws On

Adorably sneaky
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video of cat themed parody song | thumbnail animated cat with text "oh when you fill my dish, and scratch my ears, you give me everything I need"

Cat Parody Song: All I Need / Knead (Video)

Pawesome parody, cat edition
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13 tweet text based images about cat as artists | thumbnail left torn up toilet paper on roll "choosing to see my cat as an artist Bowie Bernstein-Morrow (b. 2020) A Shred of Dignity, 2021 Mixed media on drywall"

Twitter Thread: Choosing To See Cats As Artists Instead Of Mischief Makers

Hooligans or artists?
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