I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
25 dog snaps | thumbnail left " Testing the water resulted in a positive lab result." thumbnail right dog snap "- I'll never make it home"

Doggo Snaps Of Pawsitivity And Good Vibes

Saturday morning calls for doggo snaps
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Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including two cats licking a window 'Cat - My two brain cells getting ready to make a decision' and a cat wrapped up in a blanket 'Cat - if you're ever feeling down Just remember that somewhere out there is a cat wearing a dish towel cape on a mission to save the world.'

Cattywampus Caturday Coming This Way: Fresh Cat Memes

Happy Caturday!
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Make it Make Sense

Cheezburger Image 9645041152
Via Lolcats
animated video of a baby being rescued with the help of a cat | thumbnail includes a frame from the animation

When A Cat Finds An Abandoned Baby (Original Animation)

Straight to the feels.
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Seal Hugz!

Cheezburger Image 9644964352
Via Animal Comedy

Teh Sofa Has A Meower

Cheezburger Image 9644964096
Via Animal Comedy

He's Got A Point...

Cheezburger Image 9644963584
Via Lolcats
10 images of homemade cardboard cat house | thumbnail left full cardboard cat house image with cat towards the top inside of structure, thumbnail left cardboard structure with black cat peeking head out

Imgur User Constructs Creative Cat House Made Entirely Of Cardboard

Get inspired
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12 dog tweets | thumbnail dog sitting upright in couch looking at camera, tweet "Oct 26 This is Hagar. He is watching you watch his favorite movie and wants to make sure you laugh at the funny parts. 13/10 he'll rewind if you didn't WeRateDogs® catch that last one Laugh & Triends ulcome e 279 27 5.8K 76.5K"

12 Charming New Doggo Rates By 'We Rate Dogs'

We rate all doggos a 10/10
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pig memes and tweets | thumbnail includes two memes that say 'using pre-lockdown photos online dating: GLASGOW LIVE 5-MIN READ 20 stone pig lives 3-bedroom house after being sold as micropig'

Try Not To Snort With Laughter At These Porky Pig Memes And Tweets

Go Hog-Wild
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imgur thread about rescuing a feral cat | thumbnail includes two pictures of a black cat 'I took me 1.5 hrs and a can of tuna to catch her in my jacket. She tore it to shreds then sh*t some nasty black tar all over it. I was ok with that knowing what the Russian lady wanted to do to her. Nobody wanted her and the vet wanted $120 to put her down. I took her home instead 5Toner'

Thread: Rescue Of A Terrified Feral Cat And The Difficulties Of Bonding With It

It was a long process, but it paid off <3
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video of herd of sheep through streets of madrid | thumbnail image of herd of sheep in city

Herd Of Sheep Take Over Streets Of Madrid In Annual Herding Event (Video)

Herding in the right direction
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article with information about how to keep your pets safe this winter | thumbnail includes two photos of seasonal holiday animals and text 'how cold is too cold for my pet?'

Helpful Tips To Keep Your Pets Happy And Safe This Winter

Have a purrfect holiday season!
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21 duck memes | thumbnail left duck meme "Getting his gains"  thumbnail right duck meme " Quick animal fact #38 Less than 5 ducks have attempted world domination"

21 Quack-worthy Duck Memes

Keep the duck memes coming
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list of this week's funniest cat tweets | thumbnail is a tweet saying ' having relationship with human man: disappointing. unfulfilling building tiny army cats: entertaining, comforting, emotionally fulfilling'

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (November 5, 2021)

Hissterical Tweets
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posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes two pictures of a grey cat 'I adopted the unfriendliest cat in the shelter. He was afraid and had been there for months, hostile to people. 8 months later after a ton of patience and love, he is the neediest little lap cat u/rollybygolly'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

Adopt, don't shop.
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