I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
tumblr thread about the two species of the Catopuma | thumbnail includes a picture of a catopuma and one tumblr post 'Organism - silverhawk Follow catopumas are so interesting 2 me bc theres only two species so far in the genus, and its either a very gentle looking asian golden cat'

Tumblr Thread: The Two Very Different Species Of Catopumas

Nothing will prepare you for the second species.
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21 cat memes | thumbnail left woman dress with pockets in each  pocket there is a cat "why women really want dresses with pockets" thumbnail right girl laying on bed cat laying on her chest "what my family sees" cat close up selfie with nose "what I see"

Fresh Feline Memes Hot Off The Press

We can never get enough cat memes
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 strange but cool mutant animals | thumbnail includes two photos of mutant animals, a duck and a dog

Born Different: Beautiful Animals With Unique Mutations

Nature is amazing.
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15 animal tweets | thumbnail image of deer at store group of deer behind her entering store with tweet "@Julidooty A deer walked into a store in Colorado. The shop owner gave her some cookies. After leaving the store, she returned after half an hour with her entire family. EXIT LALASSES"

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

Animal centric humor in tweet form
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a list of heartwarming and wholesome memes | thumbnail includes two memes with text saying 'When u and your bestie are nothing alike but y'all still vibe with each other' and '8 year old me getting my first lego set'

Heartwarming Animal Memes To Start The Week Off Pawfectly (November 7, 2021)

So wholesome.
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Bootiful Baby

Cheezburger Image 9645716992
Via Lolcats
video about an alligator sanctuary | thumbnail is a photo of the alligators from overhead

The Alligator Sanctuary Which Rescues Unwanted Pets (Video)

A safe place for a dangerous species.
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Hippos Be Like

Cheezburger Image 9645715968
Via Animal Comedy

Don't Leave Me Behind Bars!

Cheezburger Image 9645716736
Via Lolcats

Fur Shampoo

Cheezburger Image 9645716480
Via Lolcats
11 fluffy cow images and cow meme | thumbnail left light brown fluffy cow, thumbnail right dark brown fluffy cow in field

Series Of Super Fluffy Cows After A Shampoo And Blow Dry

Full spa treatment
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15 otter themed tweets | thumbnail background side by siude same image of otter looking at cup of coffee with tweet in foreground "JeanaDraws friendly reminder to do your holiday shopping early, especially for small businesses! totally not a biased opinion or anything but otters make for great gifts no matter who the recipient"

Otterly Adorable Otter Tweets From Last Week

The pups of the sea
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14 dog memes | thumbnail includes a meme saying 'my dog does this every time we set the table and I cannot stress enough how much I respect her optimism'

A Rufftastic Dog Meme Dump For Some Extra Chillaxing This Weekend

Pure pawsitivity.
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video of squirrel protecting cash register | thumbnail image of squirrel pushing away human hand in cash register, drawer of money

Feisty Squirrel Protects Jewelry Store Cash Register (Video)

Small but mighty
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a bunch of photos of cats splooshed against glass | thumbnail includes two photos of cats splooshed against glass in a cute way

Awwwdorable Photos Of Cats On Glass

Cuteness Overload
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5 funny cat videos from instagram | child and cat next to fridge trying to get to red object on top of fridge

Insta Cats: Funniest, Cutest, Most Purrfect Cat Videos Of The Week

Silly kitties galore
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