I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
women on twitter claim men should not own cats, the internet claps back | thumbnail includes two tweets saying 'ladies would you date a dude with a cat?' and 'I don't know. it just seems soft. Like I'd expect him to pee sitting down or something.'

Twitter Claps Back At Women Who Claim Men Shouldn't Own Cats

They said what???
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15 images of cat statues | thumbnail left cat statue cat sitting next to it, thumbnail right asian style cat statue with buildings background

15 Pawesome Cat Statues From Around The World

Artsy fartsy cat statues
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an article about capybaras in Japan | thumbnail includes two photos of capybaras chilling, left capybaras napping, right three capybaras soaking in a hot tub

A Look Into Life As A Capybara In Japan

Chillin' Capybara Style.
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an incredible video about two bears reuniting for the first time after being injured in a fire | thumbnail includes a photo of the two bear cubs with their mother

Two Bear Cubs Reunite After Surviving Forest Fire (Video)

Bear-y cute!
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list of photos and videos of baby chickens and chicks playing with dogs and puppies | thumbnail includes pictures of dogs playing with baby chickens

Pawdorable Videos Of Puppies Playing With Baby Chickens

Cuteness overload.
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12 reddit text based images neighbor and loud dog | thumbnail blue background "Dansn_lawlipop · 13d Partassipant [3] 1 Award NTA She didn't wanna properly train the dog and suffered the consequences of that. SHE'S akhead for locking the dog outside when she got tired of it. 6 Reply 1 2.8k eqnrc · 13d Partassipant [1] Yeah, this smacks of someone getting a dog for their child without really thinking about the effort"

AITA: Neighbor Complains About Constantly Barking Dog, Family Has To Rehome Him

A doggo debacle
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Facebook comments that cat people can relate to | thumbnail includes two Facebook comments 'Rectangle - Patti Esposito The sound of hacking wakes you from a dead sleep. 57 Like · Reply · Hide Message - 2d' and 'Font - Phoenix Rising Every figurine is velcroed to the shelves so they dont get knocked off. 133 Like · Reply Hide Message 2d Edited'

Hissterical Things Cat Owners Can Relate To: ICanHasCheezburger Users Edition

We feel you.
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21 dog snaps | thumbnail left dog in pile of raked leaves "Dog - My friends dog when she pulls the rake out." thumbnail right dog with cone on neck " thumbnail right dog snap with cone around neck  "He may have lost couple things today, but his spirit wasn't one them"

Doggo Snaps Of Pawsitivity And Good Vibes

Weekend vibes and doggo snaps
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Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a before and after cat picture 'Cat - I found Mick in my garage three months ago before taking him in. He's come a long way' and a cat sitting next to a destroyed toilet paper roll 'Cat - Locked my cat in the bathroom while I made a meal because he was being annoying. Revenge was had'

Titter Away Through Another Purrfect Caturday: Cat Memes

Happy Caturday!
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Positive or A Negative?

Cheezburger Image 9647638784
Via Animal Comedy
video of penguin washed up in new zealand | thumbnail left and right image of penguin on beach standing on sand near water

Confused Antarctic Penguin Washes Up In New Zealand, 2000 Miles From Home (Video)

You lost buddy?
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Spikey Ice Cream

Cheezburger Image 9647627776
Via Animal Comedy

It's So Easy!

Cheezburger Image 9647638016
Via Lolcats

I Forgot My Glasses!

Cheezburger Image 9647627520
Via Animal Comedy
15 images of pets being jerks | thumbnail left pet cat sitting in front of broken glass, thumbnail right dog family picture with backside to the camera

Pets Being Troublemakers: A Series Of Pets Doing Exactly The Opposite Of What They Are Supposed To

Silly Pets Showing Their True Colors
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imgur thread about taking a cat on a trip to the grocery store | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat on a leash in a grocery store 'I took Tony to the pet shop she was a bit shy to start, but got used to being somewhere new quickly :) woohoo tonyandmuffin'

Thread: Taking An Awwdorable Shy Cat On A Trip To The Pet Store

Unexpected, wholesome, and funny.
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