I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Crazy Mouse

Cheezburger Image 9648478464
Via Animal Comedy
images of cats without any context - thumbnail of smiling black cat and an image of pair of white cats sitting in a broken fan piece

Twenty-Five Images Of Cats With Zero Context

Because why not?
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a story from twitter about a cat who decided she prefers her owner's roommate | thumbnail includes a tweet saying 'My housemate has a cat and is always complaining about her, despite the fact that she's very affectionate and adorable. He gets annoyed that she goes out at night and doesn't come back until morning, which isn't true; she's in bed with me, getting all the cuddles she deserves.'

Storytime: Man 'Steals' His Roommate's Cat For Nightly Cuddles

He's been catnapped.
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16 dog memes | thumbnail left dog with cows "found my true brothers" thumbnail right dog before and after groomer pics "awwww-cute I took my dog to the groomer earlier, I'm not even sure I got the right dog back"

16 Uplifting Doggo Memes For Sunshine On A Cloudy Day

Doggo memes galore let's go
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A hilarious twitter thread about Taylor swift album covers recreated as cat photos | thumbnail includes a before and after photo with text 'Speak Meow'

Cats Recreating Taylor Swift Album Covers: A Side-Splitting Twitter Thread

Speak Meow
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video of insects in flight | thumbnail two insects "flight"

Extraordinary Portraits of Insects in Flight (Video)

Extraordinary world of insects in flight
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14 text based reddit images | thumbnail "haefari • 11d Riley: Border Collie Mix Yeah not every dog can handle it. It's a fun treat but only if your dog's body can handle the whipped cream 6 Reply 1 679 3 BanananaSquid · 11d Every dog is so different! I have two dogs that both can handle a ton of dairy. We jokingly call one of them a "cheese st". The only time she ever had a problem was when she nabbed a WHOLE WHEEL of brie off the coffee table at Thanksgiving"

PSA: Puppuccinos Aren't Always A Good Idea

Meh, we'll stick to bone treats
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5 cat videos instagram | thumbnail left white cat stepping in food bowl, thumbnail left cat dancing with human

Insta Cats: Funniest, Cutest, Most Purrfect Cat Videos Of The Week

Insta kittehs
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12 images of dunder kitten cat resembling michael scott | thumbnail left and right image of dunder kitten with office props

Dunder Kitten Takes This Week's Insta Spotlight

Michael Scott takes on a whole new identity
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animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - dreamlogic RIP RIP RIP i can never interact with my neighbor again holy fuck i was outside w/ my cat just now. and he went behind a shrub for a bit, and me not realizing my neighbor was on the other side of that same shrub, poked my head round and said way louder than necessary, "my SCRUMPTIOUS darling boy, what ever are you doing over there??" and this 40-something man i very rarely speak to handled it w/ remarkable'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Peculiarity

Tumblr animal goodness.
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list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat biting someone's foot 'Cat - Every morning Finley wakes up and chooses violence' and a pregnant dog doing a photoshoot 'Photograph - Googled "New Mom" and was NOT disappointed...'

Rise And Shine With These 25 Animal Memes

Fresh animal meme deliciousness.
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Buy The Shoes Hooman

Cheezburger Image 9647643904
Via Lolcats
video of foxes eating eggs | thumbnail includes a picture of a white fox being handed a hard boiled egg

Giving Snack Eggs To A Bunch Of Awwdorable Foxes (Video)

An eggcelent snack indeed.
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Moose Pool Party

Cheezburger Image 9647649280
Via Animal Comedy

I'm A Bit Lost

Cheezburger Image 9647637760
Via Animal Comedy

Cats Don't Move

Cheezburger Image 9647639296
Via Lolcats