I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
collection of funny cat memes and pics | thumbnail includes a meme of a cat biting someone's foot 'Cat - Pennywise owns EVERY sock in the house. Every morning is a struggle. u/nmnickel' and a picture of a grumpy cat

Another Scrumpdillyicious Dump Of Hisstercial Cat Memes

Cat meme madness.
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15 animal tweets | thumbnail image of dog that looks exactly like will ferrel tweet "DJ Square @thomasthesquare someone said my dog looks like Will Ferrell and I can't unsee it now URESH"

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

Get ready to indulge
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a series of wholesome animal memes | thumbnail includes two wholesome memes with text saying 'Someone: *Does even a small nice thing for me* Ме: I WILL PROTECT YOU WITH MY LIFE' 'when you're in a slump and someone lifts you up with a nice compliment'

Wholesome Animal Memes To Start The Week Off Pawfectly (February 7, 2022)

Take Some Serotonin
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Unwrap Me

Cheezburger Image 9663853824
Via Animal Comedy
a heartwarming video about a mama horse adopting a new foal as her own | thumbnail includes a photo fo the horse with the foal

Horse Mother Adopts A Foal As Her Own After Losing Baby (Video)

So Heartwarming
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How Corny

Cheezburger Image 9663854336
Via Animal Comedy


Cheezburger Image 9663854592
Via Animal Comedy

Dungeons And Dragon Meme

Cheezburger Image 9663853568
Via Animal Comedy
5 cat videos | thumbnail left cat tucked in to couch blanket picture from distance, thumbnail right close up cat tucked into blanket sleeping

Insta Cats: Funniest, Cutest, Most Purrfect Cat Videos Of The Week

Feline goodness in video form
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endangered species ruthf endangered interspecies friendship butterflies cute animals cute animals monarch butterflies - 16366341

Animal Friends: Butterflies Resting On and Playing With Animals

Animals love butterflies too
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a daughter wonders if she should take away her childhood pets from her mom's house | thumbnail includes text saying 'My (21F) mom (58F) won't let me take my childhood pets, but is neglecting them.' and 'She just laughed, and then said I couldn't. She said they are her "rocks." I can't fathom that with their neglect, but I don't know what to say or do. She's got terrible attachment issues, that only got worse when I left for school. I'm worried, but I care about my animals' wellbeing.'

Daughter Feels Mom Is Neglecting Her Childhood Pets: Internet Weighs In

Should she kidnap the pets?
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a wholesome story of a feral cat giving birth to 6 kittens | thumbnail includes a photo of the cat and text saying 'Took in a feral cat. Named her Wednesday. She doesn’t like me much. Now she is about to give birth in my living room. It’s the first time she let me pet her.'

The Tale Of Wednesday The Rescued Feral Cat Giving Birth To 6 Kittens

More to love!
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an article about Richie the Maine coon | thumbnail includes two photos of richie the Maine coon being awwdorable

Richie The Maine Coon Is An Enormous And Beautiful Anomaly

What a beauty!
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a video about a woman who takes a disabled raven under her wing | thumbnail includes a close up picture of the raven staring at the camera

Woman Takes Disabled Raven Under Her Wing (Video)

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photos that a man took of his dog panko every day | thumbnail includes two photos of panko the dog, one where he is looking out of a car window

Man Takes Photo Of His Dog Every Day For A Year

What Like It's Hard?
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a gaggle of stray cats get fed lunch in the most wholesome way possible | thumbnail includes two photos of the cats being surprised by the food

Stray Cats Surprised With Wholesome Feast: Awwdorable Photos

So Inspiring!
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