I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Go Your Own Way

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Via LOL Cats
Indie singer leaves behind a stray dog in Istanbul and sparks a debate on tiktok

Singer from Hinds Posts a Video of a Dog Following Her on the Streets of Turkey, Sparks Debate on If She Should've Rescued the Dog

Viewers are arguing on how to evaluate whether a dog needs rescuing or not in a situation like this one—some think she should've taken the dog with her, while others agree with her leaving the dog behind.
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Australian Shepherd dog goes viral for LARP with dad, trending

Small Australian Shepherd Dog Loves to LARP and Sword Fight With Her D&D Dad, Is Now Going Viral on TikTok

Pinto Bean is the sweetest little pup that loves her mom and pop—but once she's challenged to a duel, she's all teeth and dragon wings, no matter who her opponent is!
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video of a parrot taking a shower in a bowl | thumbnail includes a picture of a parrot standing in a bowl with someone pouring water on top of it

Kind Russian Lady Gives Her Parrot A Bath In A Bowl (Video)

Absolutely awwdorable.
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Got It

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Via LOL Cats

No wonder cats are egotistical

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See all captions Created by MrMutt

How To Know There’s A Bug In The House

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Via I Iz Cat
We've got you covered with this hilarious comic by the talented iizcats .
12 text based tweet images | thumbnail tweet text foreground blue background

Twitter Thread: Cultured Pets Experiencing The Struggle Of Multilingualism

Too cultured for their own good
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 an article about a mean jerk face who's mad cats are being fed outside his window | thumbnail includes text saying 'WIBTA if I asked my downstairs neighbors to stop feeding stray cats?' and 'I know it’s something nice she’s doing but it does pose a threat for my dog.'

Total Jerk Face Tries To Stop Stray Cats From Being Fed Near His House

Umm What?
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19 comment facebook images, funny ways pets indicate hunger | thumbnail cat window image stairs asking to be fed "There's an open area between the stairs and the wall to the living room. My cat will stand up there, stare, and meow loudly until he's fed. We say it's like he's ordering food at a fast food window. 28 Like Reply Hide Send Message 4d"

ICanHas Users Share The Quirkiest Ways Their Pets Demand To Be Fed

So hongry
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11 reddit text images bf demands gf sell horse | thumbnail blue background, red flag, horse graphic, text "Then last night he told me it was time to sell Lady. I laughed at him and asked if he was serious. He was. I told him no and he said I needed to start prioritizing this relationship more and I said I've done nothing but prioritize this relationship. We argued about it and he apparently thinks I can just put her down as she's old anyways."

Controlling Boyfriend Demands That Equestrian GF Sell Her Horse To 'Prioritize The Relationship'

Big red flag, buh bye
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a video where puppies predict who will win the superbowl | thumbnail includes text saying 'PUPPIES PREDICT THE SUPERBOWL'

Puppies Predict The Super Bowl Winner (Video)

So Cute!
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story about a kitten with paralyzed hind legs learning to walk again | thumbnail includes two pictures of a ginger kitten with paralyzed hind legs

Kitten With Paralyzed Hind Legs Determinably Fights To Start Walking Again

A wholesome story about perseverance.
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viral thread about Echidnas | thumbnail includes a picture of an Echidna 'Meet Edison. He is an baby Echidna, called a puggle. He came out of an egg which his mother Edweena stored in a pouch her belly... The Echidna is the oldest living mammal jonjohnjonjohn'

Viral Thread: The Internet Discovers The Cute Yet Hella Weird Echidnas

They are *not* enchiladas.
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funny tweets from pet parents about the perils of raising pets | thumbnail includes text saying 'Microdosing being a parent by taking my dog to the dog park where he pretends I do not exist the whole time & throws a fit when we leave'

Funniest Tweets From Pet Parents About The Perils Of Raising A Pet

Pawz & Take A Deep Breath
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5 dog videos from instagram | thumbnail left tennis ball on shower floor, thumbnail right "i wonder where they come from" dog sitting at bathroom door

Insta Doggos: Funniest, Cutest, Most Rufferific Dog Videos Of The Week

Insta doggo goodness
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