I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

I goat this

animal memes - 9668743168
Via Animal Comedy
Bringing You ASMR TikTok Kittens' Newest Viral-Worthy Kitties to Make Your Day

Bringing You ASMR TikTok Kittens' Newest Viral-Worthy Kitties to Make Your Day

Cute lil mews, cronching lil crunchy snacks, purring for the first time—what you're hearing will melt every cat lovers' heart.
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"Things Cats Do That Just Make Sense": a New TikTok Trend has Pet Owners Showing Off Their Pretty Kitties

"Things Cats Do That Just Make Sense": a New TikTok Trend has Pet Owners Showing Off Their Pretty Kitties

Only cat owners will get this: the cat trot, the murder mittens, ‘if it fits I sits,’ and so much more—TikTokers are showing everything that cats do that truly just make *sense* .
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video of stray cats in japanese restaurant | thumbnail image of cat with train model

Stray Cats Call Japanese Restaurant Home And Smash Model Trains For A Living (Video)

Heck, we'd pay
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An impurrtant job

cat memes - 9668742656
Via SirNottaguy-Imadad


animal memes - 9668742400
Via Animal Comedy

We get it - too cute to handle

animal memes - 9668742144
Via Animal Comedy
video of seals with headgear doing research japanese | thumbnail image of seal poking out from water with antenna on head

Seals Help Japanese Researchers Collect Arctic Data (Video)

Unlikely scientists
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10 reddit text images, aita dog vet bills | thumbnail blue background text " When we got back up to where the food was left, the neighbors dog was on the table, eating the food, and had ripped the covers off."

Presumptuous Neighbors Expect Woman To Cover Vet Bills After Their Dog Eats Her Leftover Chocolate

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collection of stories of people in Ukraine rescuing their cats during the war | thumbnail includes two pictures including a Ukrainian female soldier with a cat on her shoulder and a man carrying a fish and a cat carried past red tape

Most Heartwarming Cat Rescue Stories Coming From Heroic People In Ukraine

Even amidst the chaos, people are doing their best <3
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tumblr thread discussing letting indoor cats go outside | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat yelling at a door and one tumblr post 'Font - pangur-and-grim Follow man, I have very little sympathy for people who're like "I gotta let them play in traffic, my cat WAILS and acts MISERABLE unless I let them outside!" because like. .so does mine? at a certain point each day Grim decides she wants out, and until that happens she a) follows me about SCREAMING, and b) sits atop whatever l'm'

Tumblr Thread: People Debate Whether Indoor Cats Should Be Let Outside

What do you think?
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10 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "Married for two years, have been together for three. We have an almost 1y/o son together. We bought the dog together but it was entirely my ex's responsibility if that makes sense. He does all the work, we jointly paid for her."

Husband Goes MIA For 45 Days, Livid Upon Return When He Discovers Wife Has Re-homed His Dog

Ridonkulousness in a Reddit thread
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collection of Facebook comments about parrots being hooligans | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Shawn Reap We had a mitred conure that liked to "pick his nose" - basically vigorously scratching the nostrils of his beak with a claw. Frequently he'd get so into it he decided getting his other foot up to pick both sides at once was a good idea. Then he'd of course fall off his perch, having now effectively let go with both feet. 105 Like Reply Hide Send Message 4d'

Pet Birds Are Total Hooligans: Funniest Bird Shenanigans By ICanHas Users

Little rascals smh
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13 animal tweets | thumbnail image of cat in bathtub text "some of the best reddit posts are people who have never owned a cat before posting a pic of their cat doing normal cat behaviors and being concerned something is wrong bc cats are just weird little guys My cat just go sit in the bathtub sometime, I don't know why. Does anybody else cat do this? "

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

A weekly dose of silly and cute animal tweets
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A tiny thief

cat memes - 9668742912
Via SirNottaguy-Imadad
video of finnegan fox and friends playing in snow | thumbnail image of confused fox face

Smol Finnegan Fox Cutely Reacts To Huge Sneeze (Video)

Smol fox big reaction
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