I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
28 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left tweet " @cavaticat <the domestication of dogs> wolf: I'm gonna eat your babies human: what if, instead of that: blankets and peanut butter wolf: . .'m listening ....... 11:03 PM · 2021-10-23 · Twitter for iPhone"

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

Mid-week funnies
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this week's collection of pictures that are worth more than 1000 words | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten sleeping on the back of a vet and two people dressed as pandas holding a panda cub

Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words (23 images)

When words aren't enough...
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a collection of posts about cats | thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog holding a kitten in its mouth and a dog sitting next to a bunch of kittens 'This siberian husky rescued 7 kitties that someone left in the middle of the forest to die.. u/Whathecat_blog'

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues, And Appreciation

The best kitty cats.
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NEED big boi laptop

Cheezburger Image 9668953856
Via Lolcats
Tiny Black Cat Saves Her Human from an Asthma Attack in the Middle of the Night, Won't Leave Her Side

Tiny Black Cat Saves Her Human from an Asthma Attack in the Middle of the Night, Won't Leave Her Side

Should cats be added to the list of animals officially allowed to be trained as service animals? This TikToker's kitten is making people think yes.
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video of a wolf pup snuggling with a large wolf | thumbnail includes one picture of a wolf cub cuddling a wolf

Tiny Wolf Pup Looks For The Best Position To Spoon With Big Sister (Video)

Sister is the most comfy pillow.
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There is no cat in this picture

cat memes - 9668744192
Via NawtyKitty

Sk8ter chicks

animal memes - 9668743680
Via Animal Comedy

I sits

cat memes - 9668743936
Via NawtyKitty
video of polar bears playing in ice bucket | thumbnail image of two polar bears, one relaxing in ice bucket one watching from right side

Giant Floofy Polar Bear Sisters Play In A Tub Of Ice (Video)

Simply delightful
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tumblr thread about a person befriending a wasp and her family | thumbnail includes a picture of a wasp and a part of a tumblr thread 'Plant - So instead of removing the nest and poisoning her with bug spray, you know what I did? I moved the area where I dump my things and started feeding her. I would tap three times on the railing before leaving a treat like fruit, honey, dog food, or pesky beetles I find in my garden, then move away to give them lots of space. Now when she comes out,'

Tumblr Thread: The Story Of A Person Actually Befriending A Wasp And Her Family

It's important to educate people about animals that are typically hated too <3
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17 cat memes | thumbnail left angry cat waiting for dinner, thumbnail right cat in front of baked cookie in shape of cat "why you bake me"

Cat Memes To Enjoy With A Cup Of Coffee On The Side

Gooood meowrning
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imgur thread about a dog with behavioral issues being returned by its owners and given a second chance by its breeder | thumbnail includes two pictures of a dog 'Per the contract they signed when buying her, they had to inform me first so I could decide what is best for the dog. I immediately brought her home. I didn't want a potentially dangerous dog being rehomed when I knew I could help her. rooloo97'

Couple Gives Up On A Misunderstood Dog With 'Behavioral Issues', But She's Given A Second Chance (Viral Thread)

We love to see a good breeder take responsibility like this.
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13 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background "Well, his mom showed up eventually and the minute he saw her he madly started pointing at the dog, saying- the lady won't let me pet it, the lady won't let me pet it! She waved him off and said, go ahead."

Karen Fumes When Woman Refuses Kid's Advances To Pet Her Dog, Causes Scene In Supermarket

There goes Karen, causing a scene
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5 dog videos | thumbnail left and right large brown dog with lady bug on nose "I didn't choose the bug life, the bug life chose me!"

Insta Doggos: Funniest, Cutest, Most Rufferific Dog Videos Of The Week

Good bois and gals caught on camera
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pics of the cutest animals of the week | thumbnail includes a picture of a dog next to a birthday cake with a dog topper that looks just like it 'Best day ever! u/Idhanirem'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute Animals (#176)

Too. much. cuteness.
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