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Hairless Cat's "Hairless Gene" is Still Uploading Making Her Have the Most Adorable Fuzzy Boots

Hairless Cat's "Hairless Gene" is Still Uploading Making Her Have the Most Adorable Fuzzy Boots

Fuzzy boots, furry leg-warmers, and a little floof on the chest, this cat is double trouble by being both cute AND fashionable.
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Dog Rescuer Goes Viral Showing What it's Like to Use a Drone in Search of Abandoned and Lost Dogs

Dog Rescuer Goes Viral Showing What it's Like to Use a Drone in Search of Abandoned and Lost Dogs

It's not easy rescuing animals.
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video of a cat and a parrot cuddling | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat and a parrot cuddling

After Gentle Playfighting, Cat Tiredly But Lovingly Cuddles Parrot (Video)

This is love.
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animal memes - 9672238848
Via carpwoman


cat memes - 9672239104
Via Zerana


animal memes - 9672239616
Via Animal Comedy
story about a stray cat getting rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures of a sick-looking cat

Awwdorable Tabby Cat Survives Street Life, Seeks Simple Living Indoors

It's time to be adopted <3
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Compilation of 5 tiktok videos of cute dogs | Thumbnail includes three screenshots of three dogs

Weekly Dose Of Doggo Delight: Tiny Dogs Of Tiktok

Itty bitty pupperoos
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Subreddit rant about people being fed up with untrained dogs in public places

Unpopular Opinion Vs. Legal Issue: Should Dogs Be Allowed In Grocery Stores

Calling all dog parents for an important doggo discussion!
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video of a man going on a swim with his pet duck | thumbnail includes one picture of a man and a duck swimming underwater

Man Goes On A Dive With His Pet Duck, And It's Wholesome AF (Video)

We wanna do that too.
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11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "It's because I sing to our dogs all the time. About everything, and anything. In fact, my 17 year old minpin has been hearing it her whole life and even though she can't see or hear very well, she relaxes and goes to sleep when I sing to her."

Husband And Dog-Daddy Shares The Wholesome Reason His Wife Fell In Love, Redditors Chime In With Support

Wholesome goodness
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Video and comments from reddit thread about cat camera | Thumbnail includes a black and white close up of a cat

Someone Posted Footage From Their Cat Cam And Received Humorous Replies From Cat Imposters

Hellur? Who is there?
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14 reddit text images, people bumping into their cats | thumbnail blue background, cat graphic, text "quadgop · 2 yr. ago I was driving past a school a couple of blocks from home and saw his fat ass disappearing through a side gate. Pulled over and said to him through the fence "what are you doing out here?". You could see from the confusion on his face that he was surprised to see me, it was all "wait, wut?". He meowed at me a couple of times then wandered off to whatever business he was up to.

Silly Stories Of Humans Bumping Into Their Independent Cats Outside Of The House

Pure feline hilarity
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20 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left local dog wears hat tweet "Nessa Follow @nessadinneen Finally, some good news LIVE breakyourownnews.com BREAKING NEWS LOCAL DOG WEARS HAT 11:20 "HE'S JUST WEARING IT! ON TOP OF HIS LITTLE HEAD! WOWI WHAT A GOOD BOY!" thumbnail right girl holding owl meme

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

Mid-week funnies
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this week's collection of pictures that are worth more than 1000 words | thumbnail includes two pictures including an optical illusion of a bird with two faces and a cat standing horizontally on a wall

Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words (20 images)

When words aren't enough...
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a collection of posts about cats | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat sitting on a skeleton's lap 'The skeleton lives in my car. I had to take him out to fit stuff in my back seat. Came home to this. u/MkChance' and a cat sitting on a plant 'Left her at a friends house for the weekend. She sh*t in her plant within the first 5 minutes u/kindofsam'

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues, And Appreciation

The best kitty cats.
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