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Shelters are Posting Their Dogs' Getting Stood Up by Potential Adopters and Someone Needs to Rescue them Right Now

Shelters are Posting Their Dogs' Getting Stood Up by Potential Adopters and Someone Needs to Rescue them Right Now

Please, for the love of anything good, these sweet babies do not deserve this kind of heart break!
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Bounded Senior Cats Have Trouble Getting Adopted, But Then Go Viral on TikTok and Find a Home in Two Weeks

Bounded Senior Cats Have Trouble Getting Adopted, But Then Go Viral on TikTok and Find a Home in Two Weeks

Senior pets always have a hard time getting adopted, but this senior pair has a happy story of their rescue.
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video of baby goats frolicking and playing together | thumbnail image of baby goat being bottle fed

Adorable Baby Goats Excitedly Frolic Together During Playdate (Video)

Happy GOATcha day
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I Got You, Girl

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Via lolcats

Daily Affirmations

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Via lolcats

Sharing Is Not Caring

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Via lolcats
story about five newborn kittens getting rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures of tiny white kittens

Five Newborn Kittens With Their Umbilical Cords Still Attached Get Rescued And Find Warm Forever Home

The best surprise ever <3
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twitter thread about someone encountering a scary-looking animal and not knowing what it is | thumbnail includes a picture of an unknown animal and one tweet 'Plant - Blizz ... @Blizzjuuheardd Boy what the fuck is this shit I'm getting out of tampa bro'

Person Photographs Strange Animal And Freaks Out, Twitter Tries To Figure Out What TF It Is (Viral Tweets)

Is it a... dog? Coyote? Bear?
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14 screenshots from Reddit where users share their stories about fostering leading to adoption | Thumbnail includes a picture of a surprised cat 'My wife agreed to a "trial run" with a cat. She has fallen in love with this little girl and keeps extending the trial period. Meet Penelope. (This was her reaction to being told that she can stay another week)'

Woman Keeps Extending Trial Period With Cat After Falling In Love With Her

How could you not fall in love with her?
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video of a featherless bird dancing and singing to Dancing Queen by ABBA | thumbnail includes one picture of a featherless cockatoo standing on a table with its wings spread

Featherless Cockatoo Grooving Out And Singing To 'Dancing Queen' By ABBA (Video)

Griffi the dancing cockatoo is back at it again!
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17 photos of dogs sticking their tongues out | Thumbnail includes three dogs: a boxer, a pitbull, and a french bulldog sticking their tongues out '24/7 long blop'

Reddit's Top 17 Awwdorable Doggo Blops Of The Week

Blep boop blop blooop
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stories about pets embarrassing their owners in front of other people | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat and one Facebook comment 'Cat - Sandra Rosenberg Our 20lb tiger cat getting onto the arm of a chair, trying to grab an appetizer out of the hand of one our guests. Later in the evening, he put his paws through the back slats of a dining room chair to pat a woman who was frightened of cats. I can still hear her, "He's touching me." I moved him next to me, where he laid on his'

When Pets Embarrass Their Owners In Public: Funny With A Hint Of Second-Hand Cringe

Those little rascals smh
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 Listicle of 13 reddit posts about animal facts | Thumbnail includes a grey baby ant-eater and brown red cow 'Echindas, aka "Spiny Ant-eaters," lay eggs.'

Fascinating Animal Facts Friday: A Compilation Of Reddit's Best On Wild Life And The Animal Kingdom

holy cow!
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17 cat tweets | thumbnail image of cat waking up looking disheveled, tweet "memes I wish I could tag my cat in @memesiwish Me: *opens can of wet food* My cat who was just dead asleep: 1:40 PM · Mar 28, 2022"

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (April 1, 2022)

Purrific tweets
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posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a white cat 'Remember Gandalf from our cat shelter? His frostbites are healing really well and he has found a forever home! One of our Vet technician fell in love with him and he’s now living a spoiled life. u/sonia72quebec'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (18 Images)

Adopt, don't shop.
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20 lolcat cat memes | thumbnail left cat with pizza box "pizza tastes better when you share it with a friend" thumbnail right "I ate a kids meal at mcdonalds this morning, his mom was furious"

Top 20 Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #237

Feline goodness in original meme form
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