I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

hugs pwease

Cheezburger Image 9612850176
Via gypsycat9


Cheezburger Image 9612853760
Via lindacser

smokey's at it again

Cheezburger Image 9612858368
Via AnimalComedy
list 15 pictures of smiling dogs | thumbnail left pic smiling dog sitting on chair, thumbnail right picture smiling dog at birthday party

Bursting With Happiness: Smiling Doggos

Contagious Doggo Smiles For A Happier Day
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list of 5 instagram videos of cats, thumbnail right screenshot of momma cat petting kitten, thumbnail left cat trying to climb over fence dog trying to bring cat down from fence

Insta Cats: Funniest, Cutest, Most Purrfect Cat Videos Of The Week

Silly Kitties Caught On Tape
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list of 12 before and after animal adoption pictures | thumbnail right two dogs before and after adoption written "two photos taken an hour apart, before and after adoption", thumbnail left before and after adoption picture dog with blue sweater

Before And After Adoption: Ain't Nothin A Little Love Can't Cure

The Post Adoption Glow Up Revealed
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pics and memes and posts about turtles for international turtle day | thumbnail includes two memes including a turtle hibernating under ice 'An alligator snapping turtle hibernating under a sheet of ice u/Boeruhhh' and a picture of soldiers running into battle 'Ballistic vest - Turtles 0.3 seconds affter birth 315'

International Turtle Day 2021: Memes, Pics And Appreciation

Celebrating the slowest coolest animal.
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instagram spotlight 19 pictures of kimbo the caracal | thumbnail left kimbo playing with wire and human hand, thumbnail right picture of kimbo the caracal being cute

Instagram Animal Spotlight: Kimbo The Wild Cat

Kimbo The Caracal In All Her Feline Glory
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cat tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - Font - thededfa I have two black cats, Sera and Ceridwen. They are sisters and look exactly alike and like to sit next to each other in the exact same position. Sera is sweet and loves to be petted. Ceridwen is sweet and loves to pretend your hand is a mouse she wants to disembowel. My kids will stand in front of them both and try to guess which is which, even asking the cats, "Which one of you likes to bite?" Every now and then l'll'

Cat Shenanigan Extravaganza: Tumblr Posts Style

Kitty cats of all kinds gettin' some lurv
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list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat resting like a human 'Cat - The good thing about having a social life like mine is that you don't even notice you are in quarantine am' and a dog smiling awkwardly 'Dog - When your uber driver drops you at the airport and says "have a safe flight" and you say "thanks you too"'

Morning Wake Up Call: Fresh Animal Memes (May 23, 2021)

Fresh animal meme deliciousness.
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cat memes - 9612846336
Via gypsycat9
video of baby otters taking their first steps | thumbnail includes a picture of a baby otter in the palm of someone's hand

Itty Bitty Otter Babies Taking Their Frist Steps (Video)

So wiggly and cute.
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Ketteh karnage

cat memes - 9612473344
Via narykids

don't leave the door open

cat memes - 9612473088
Via narykids

still an awesome trip

animal memes - 9612471808
Via Animal Comedy
list of 15 funny dog pictures | thumbnail left pic is dog about to catch airborne object, thumbnail right is dog on high cupboard while owner and other dog observe from below

Weird Doggos Caught Being Their Wacky Loveable Selves

Silly Doggo Moments Captured
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