I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
list of 18 pictures of rabbits | thumbnail left picture rabbit with fortune cookie text "the love of your life is right in front of your eyes", thumbnail right picture of rabbit looking out of window

Bushy Tailed Goodness: Floofy Bunny Rabbit Appreciation

Floofy Rabbit Wholesome Goodness
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tumblr thread about an opossum that infiltrated a cat carrier 'Font - talesfromtreatment Follow Foiled! Today I got to go on one of our runs to more rural shelters to help relieve overcrowding there. We ended up bringing back 21 kittens and 10 dogs. So fun day. But this morning, while I was getting stuff together in preparation for the 90 minute drive.. This happened.'

Tumblr Thread: Infiltration Of The Tiniest Most Dramatic Opossum

So much fierce in such smol body.
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list of 14 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left picture of cat cuddling human arm written "mood", thumbnail right picture dog meme protecting human baby

Fourteen Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

It's Time For a Pick Me Up
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this week's collection of pictures that are worth more than 1000 words | thumbnail includes two pictures including someone holding a bunch of colorful lizards and a group of cats lying in a line

Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words (26 images)

When words aren't enough...
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a collection of posts about cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat wearing a beany 'This is Schori, the smallest and most anxious cat in her litter. Over the past year, we've realized how much she loves being wrapped up or covered, probably because she feels more protected--and now she purrs whenever we give her this little beanie hat. So voilá, y'all: a tortie in a beanie. u/furubakun'

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues, And Appreciation

The best kitty cats.
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good intentions

Cheezburger Image 9613408000
Via kenbaker
video of a bald eagle with a dislocated shoulder being treated | thumbnail includes a picture of someone holding a bald eagle and a picture of a CT scan of a bald eagle on a computer

Rescuing And Treating A Bald Eagle With A Dislocated Elbow (Video)

Unexpectedly heartwarming story <3
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Via gypsycat9

no doggo

cat memes - 9613035264
Via Chris10a


dog memes animal memes - 9613034752
Via Animal Comedy
story of mrs p the parrot becoming therapy animal, 14 images of mrs p the parrot | thumbnail left picture mrs p with therapy animal jacket, thumbnail right picture mrs p smiling

Mrs P The Therapy Parrot: A Wholesome Adventure Towards Therapy Animal Certification

Pretty Parrot Known As Mrs P Becomes A Certified Therapy Bird
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pictures of dogs acting funny | thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog drooling a ridiculous amount and a dog sleeing on the arm of the couch

Pawndemonium: Dogs Who Haven't Quite Learned How To Dog

Adorable little sillies.
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list of 19 cat memes and humorous cat images | thumbnail left picture cat wearing birthday party hat, thumbnail right cat laying down on back with text "bro help me up"

19 Pawsome No Context Cat Memes

Feline Humor For A Midday Pick Me Up
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viral imgur thread about a stray cat getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures of a grey cat 'I saw him every morning behind our local gas station, drinking out of puddles. He was so underweight and I knew I just needed him to be mine. -FridgePants'

Viral Thread: Heartwarming Rescue Of An Underweight Stray Cat

Endless love for Church <3
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list of 15 pictures of cats with teeth out | thumbnail left picture of cat sleeping with teeth out, thumbnail right picture cat yelling with teeth out

Kitty Teefies: Tiny Teefies And Big Personalities

Lil Kitty Teefies Caught On Camera
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Via MaryMooCow