Animal Gifs Newsletter


Take the stairs, not the elevator. Great for your health, and for a makeshift workout when you're stuck at home, just make sure to take them one at a time, you wouldn't want to trip over some of these multi-leveled puns.

Saint Bernard is Afraid of Stairs

scary gifs st bernard carry stairs - 6760010752

Cat Gif: He Lands on His Feet at the Bottom

Funny gif of a cat rolling down carpeted stairs and landing on his feet at the bottom.

Birds Struggle With The Steps

birds critters gifs stairs - 8180224000


gifs stairs cute Cats - 8492161280
Created by ani.s4 ( Via Youtube )

This Dog Has a Funny Way of Going Up the Stairs

hop stairs funny - 7672499712
Via Youtube

Hoppin' Up the Stairs for a Bunday Treat

Bunday stairs cute treat - 7712676096
Via Tumblr

Did Anybody Feel That Breeze?

jokes jump stairs - 8004700672
Created by anselmbe
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