
viral reddit thread about a boyfriend calling his girlfriend unhygienic because she kisses her cat | thumbnail includes one section of a reddit thread 'standing firm on my "lack of hygiene" and choosing cat over bf Next, Kyle says he doesn't like my nightly routine with Crumb. I give Crumb a kiss on the head, stomach and then face before he goes to sleep. He sleeps on my bedside table in a cat bed. If I don't do this routine, he lays on me until I do. I know that's annoying, but that's how'

Boyfriend Says His Girlfriend Is 'Unhygienic' And Refuses To Kiss Her Because She Kisses Her Cat On The Forehead

viral reddit thread about a woman leaving a man because he threw away a cat | thumbnail includes a section of a reddit thread 'Am I the for calling off my $40k wedding because my fiancé dropped my cat off somewhere? I (26f) had been with Tom (30m) for 7 years. We are no longer together and there were alot of things that happened that made me break off the engagement. One of which being, my cat being dropped off without my permission.'

Bride-To-Be Calls Off Her $40k Wedding Because Her Fiancé Dropped Her Cat Off In Outside Without Warning Her

reddit thread about an ex girlfriend stealing a cat and mistreating it | thumbnail includes a picture of a man cuddling a cat 'Ex kidnapped cat and now she needs surgery My ex brought home a stray cat, I wasn't really much of a cat guy, but this little girl changed that very quick. She couldn't stand my ex and always wanted to be around me and that drove her nuts. Long story short, she cheated on me after I bought us a house. My ex was basically going to be couch crashing and while'

Ex Girlfriend Cheats On Her Boyfriend, Kidnaps His Cat Then Abandons It When It Gets Sick, Leaving The Cat Alone And The Boyfriend Baffled

viral reddit thread about a cat that got poisoned from a flower and other flowers that are dangerous for cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a fluffy cat 'Posted by u/Specialist_Ad340 3 days ago Don't buy lily flowers if you own cats This is kind of an all in one advice/medical question/with cat pictures. Sorry this post might be rambled I'm just very frustrated and sad and scared for my babies. Lillies are EXTREMELY toxic. Just in no one told you. This needs to be made more'

'Don't buy lily flowers if you own cats': And Other Unexpected Plants That Are Dangerous To Your Kitties That Every Cat Owner Should Know About

viral reddit thread about a person who rescued a cat and is surprised the cat is suddenly showing him affection | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat laying its paw on someone's thigh 'Posted by u/BeeEnvironmental6736 4 days ago Rescued two cats from a cruel woman on Craigslist and now one won't leave me alone Luci and Goose have been with us for a month now and didn't really care about my boyfriend and I. They would play with each other and cuddle with my dog or play with each'

Person Who Rescued Two Cats From A 'Cruel Woman' Is Adorably Confused By One Of Them Suddenly Showing Him Attention

viral YouTube video of a hawk trying to eat a kitten that's sitting inside of a car | thumbnail includes one picture of a kitten inside of a car and a hawk on the windshield

Confused Hawk Attempts To Eat A Completely Clueless Kitten Through The Front Windshield Of A Car (Video)

viral reddit thread about a first date that failed because the guy called the girl's cat 'fat' | thumbnail includes a section of a reddit thread '18 r/tifu 1 day ago Zeiz TIFU by going on a tinder date and calling my dates cat fat I matched with a really cute girl, out of my league! Not only that but she is into the same games as me and likes cars! We talked for 3 days non stop and we decided to meet up for coffee. We meet, she is even better looking I person! Things start out great,'

'She left and almost immediately unmatched me': Girls Gets Offended and Walks Out on a First Date When Guy Calls Her Cat ‘A Cute Chunker'

viral reddit thread about a son who told his mom he would always choose his cat over his stepbrother | thumbnail includes a section of a reddit thread '|(16m) live with my dad. My mother lives with her new husband and my stepbrother(13), both of whom I've only met once at the wedding. Her new husband doesn't want me to visit her at their place since he's worried about my dad knowing where she lives and visiting and trying to rekindle their past relationship. So she visits me instead. She'

'She asked me if I'd be okay with getting rid of my cat': Son Tells His Mom That He Will Always Choose His Cat Over His Allergic Stepbrother

viral reddit thread about a cat that got oo old to handle dogs so someone else adopted it | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat lying on its back 'Family friends' cat was getting too old & immobile to be getting harassed by their hyper dogs all the time. Never owned a cat before, but said he could move into my apartment to live out his days in peace. Turns out he's super chill and now we're homies. Ignores me when I ask about splitting rent :('

Friends' Charming Cat That Got 'Too Old... To Be Getting Harassed By Their Dogs' Finds A New Furrever Home And Falls In Love With It

viral thread about a mom who hated cats falling in love with an orange cat | thumbnail includes a picture of a woman sitting with a happy cat on a couch and one tweet 'Sea Way @cpettway79 My mom & Bear. This is the greatest love story I've ever witnessed. She hated cats. It took a year or so but Rose & Bear are best friends now. This pic was early when she "let" him sit next to her. His love changed her heart. They're inseparable & it's been 5 years.'

'They're Inseperatable': Mom Who 'Hated Cats' Finally Falls In Love With A Single-Braincelled Adorable Orange Kitty

viral tweets about dads cat sitting | thumbnail includes two pictures including a selfie of a man with a cat '2 cool guys hanging' and a cat sitting on someone's lap 'Perfectly perched in between dad's legs with head resting on his knee'

Funny Pics And Tweets Of Dads Who Didn't Want Cats Cat-Sitting And Loving Every Meowgnificent Second Of It

viral twitter thread about a oman feeding a cat some salmon and the cat then not leaving her alone | thumbnail includes one tweet 'SALINA 3:57 AM Dec 24, 2023 4.4M Views 317 @REDSEASHAWTY y'all yesterday I fed the cat trader joes salmon because his bones were showing and today he RAN UP on me cuz he hungry and I feel bad but I'm scared of him lowkey and he keep sitting at my door talkin bout "mow" so I fed him a lil steak today 2.3K Subscribe 80K ... 2.6K'

Woman Feeds A Hungry Cat A Piece Of Trader Joe's Salmon, Now The Cat Refuses To Leave Her Alone And She's Freaking Out

viral twitter thread about two cats that hate each other smelling oil and falling asleep together then becoming best friends | thumbnail includes one tweet 'one woman cult @clickholebot my cat and my moms cat have never gotten along and yesterday i accidentally gave them too much pet hemp oil and they both passed out on the bed together for 6 hours and when they woke up they were friends 7:55 PM Dec 26, 2023 3.3M Views 150 3.2K 99K : 2.8K'

Person Accidentally Gives Too Much Hemp Oil to Their Two Cats Who Hate Each Other, They Wake Up A Few Hours Later As Best Friends

funny-orange-cats, orange-cat-parent, funny-orange-cat, silly-orange-cat, orangce-cat-behavior

Silly Orange Cat Video Inspires Feline Enthusiasts to Give Their Funniest ‘Cat Expert’ Advice in the Comment Section

viral thread and text exchange about a person finding a cat and returning it to its owner | thumbnail includes a text message exchange 'Posted by u/Professional_Pea5715 16 hours ago I saved a cat and had the most wholesome interaction of my life. Cat Picture' 'iMessage Tuesday 1:50 AM Hi! Your cat found her way into my house. She was super scared and about half frozen but has started to calm down. I tried calling but that's ok, she can stay'

In A Real Christmas Miracle, Person Rescues Missing Cat And Returns It To Its Owner, Creating A Heartwarming Reunion Between A Mom And Her Kittens

viral twitter thread about a senior cat with dwarfism | thumbnail includes two pictures of a very small cat and one tweet 'boi @fallonxx I just started following this 13 year old cat with dwarfism named Francis and I would DIE for him omg 6:01 AM - Dec 15, 2023 from Chicago, IL 702K Views 40 1.8K 23K 796 (→'

'He's A Tiny Grampa!': A Very Smol 13-Year-Old Senior Cat With Dwarfism Captures The Hearts Of Feline Enthusiasts On Twitter