
viral tweets of cats attempting to open wet food cans thumbnail includes two pictures including a wet food can with a page of instructions as well as a cat looking at the instructions 'Organism - 000 Fanya, am verfremdetsten @Haggazussa Teaching my boys how to feed themselves WiIFEA Thumb Cotents 7:43 PM - Jan 3, 2021 · Twitter for Android 18.4K Retweets 605 Quote Tweets 139.6K Likes'

Teaching Cats To Open Wet Food Cans (Viral Tweets)

funny tweets of people speaking to their pets thumbnail includes one tweet 'Text - October Ferguson @OctoberFerguson This morning I saw a neighbor talking to her dog. It was obvious she thought her dog understood her. I came into my house & told my cat. We laughed a lot. 5:33 PM · Dec 31, 2020 · Twitter Web App 3.3K Retweets 244 Quote Tweets 33.9K Likes'

Twitter Users Share Funny Stories Of Speaking To Their Pets

viral imgur thread about a dog who hated the new adopted puppy at first then grew to love it thumbnail includes two pictures of a Labrador and a Labrador puppy '"we got a puppy a month ago, and our two year old lab HATED her. little pup wanted to be best friends and couldn’t understand what she did wrong. last week, big pup finally gave her a chance" - monachopsisss'

Dog That Hated Adopted Puppy At First Now Loves Her (Viral Thread)

this week's collection of animal tweets thumbnail includes one tweet 'Text - kalechip :$ @justcaem 000 y'all meet one mean cat and let it ruin all cats for you... like HAVE YOU EVER HAD A CAT PURR ON YOU???? how could u hate cats 6:32 AM Dec 31, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone 72.4K Retweets 7.6K Quote Tweets 508.8K Likes'

Weekly Treat: Animal Tweets (January 4th, 2021)

viral funny and sarcastic tweets about anteaters thumbnail includes a picture of an anteater and three tweets 'Organism - Wilbur Soot 000 @WilburSoot What's for lunch? Let me take a wild fucking guess 5:06 PM · Dec 30, 2020 - Twitter Web App 4.3K Retweets 463 Quote Tweets 160.7K Likes' 'Text - Quackity @Quackity Replying to @WilburSoot Chicken 7:54 PM - Dec 30, 2020 - Twitter for iPhone 327 Retweets 16 Quote Tweets 57.5K Likes' 'Text - Fundy @FundyLive Replying to @WilburSoot Why does it look l'

Twitter Gets Sarcastic About Anteaters (Viral Tweets)

viral imgur thread about two feral kittens getting rescued and learning to trust humans thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a scared kitten and another of a kitten showing its belly 'Rain took a bit more convincing. But positive association and lots of exposure to people, and soon River was about that snug life, and Rain came along right after him -straightcreepen'

Two Rescued Kitten Siblings Learning To Trust Humans (Viral Thread)

viral tweets about octopuses punching fish for no reason other than spite thumbnail includes one tweet 'Text - mark the herald angels sing O @markhoppus 000 Scientists have discovered that, on occasions, an octopus will “punch" a fish for no reason other than "spite". 5:59 PM Dec 23, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone 49.8K Retweets 5.9K Quote Tweets 337.8K Likes'

Study Discovers That Octopus Sometimes Punch Fish For No Reason (Viral Tweets)

viral twitter thread about a cat eating a guy's degree thumbnail includes a picture of a partially eaten degree and a tweet 'Glass - guy *whose cat ate his degree @mamblonumber5 my cat fucking ate my degree!!!! UAR 3315 28 3:31 THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM hey cerd that after having satistied all the cditio peecribed by the Liniversity AFIF ADLAN BIN MOHD HANAFIAH wa on th twenty-fourth of fuly, 2020 duly admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Science with Honours in Finance, Accounting and Mana'

Guy Whose Cat Ate His Degree (Viral Twitter Thread)

viral imgur thread about an adopted kitten named Pepperoni thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten lying on a table and a kitten sleeping on shoes ''My little girl, Pepperoni anzinipanini'

Feisty Adopted Kitten Loves Going To Work With Her Human (Viral Thread)

viral video of a tiny kitten meowing thumbnail includes two pictures of a grey kitten including one where its meowing and another where its doing a blep

Sixteen-Day-Old Kitten Tries To Meow And Doesn't Succeed (Viral Video)

twitter thread of wholesome animal adoption stories thumbnail includes one picture of a tuxedo cat and the tweet 'Text - Zan Azoth 000 @AzothZan Replying to @hansonfan69 and @AGhostlerer Yeah, my cat Bandit was found on my mom's windshield wiper fluid container. We're pretty sure it got under the hood at a gas station and hitched a 30 mile ride to the mall from there. 11 years later I still have her. 5:41 PM · Dec 16, 2020 Twitter for Android 20 Retweets 3 Quote Tweets 4K Likes'

Funny Tweet Leads To Heartwarming Adoption Stories (Twitter Thread)

viral imgur story of an older cat getting adopted thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat with its paws crossed and a cat faceplanting 'Introducing Dexter, the Mega Cat with Mega Personality' 'He is the Grand Champion of the faceplant'

Older Chonky Cat That Loves Snuggles And Faceplants Gets Adopted (Viral Thread)

viral video of a cat asking its human to pet it thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat petting a human's head and another of a happy cat getting its head rubbed

Cat Softly Patting Human's Hand Asking For Head Rubs

viral tweets of nosey cats peeking out windows thumbnail includes a picture of a cat looking out the window and the tweet 'Vertebrate - sham 000 @luhsham he is so fucking nosey bru fa fa i 11:00 PM · Dec 13, 2020 - Twitter for iPhone 52.5K Retweets 7.3K Quote Tweets 652.9K Likes'

Nosy Cats Checking Out All The Drama (Viral Tweets)

viral imgur thread about Kune Kune pigs and piglets thumbnail includes a picture of three Kune Kune piglets 'Kune Kunes, pronounced "cooney cooney", hail from New Zealand. The name, in Maori, means "fat and round", as demonstrated here by Penny and Hamlet'

Awwdorable Facts About Kune Kune Pigs and Piglets (Viral Thread)

viral story about an imgur user finding out the history of their adopted puppy thumbnail includes two pictures including a puppy sitting on a vet's table 'I decided to look up the rescue he came from... and stumbled upon these photos of his mama!!' and a mom dog with her litter 'The dark brown one all the way on the right is Jupiter'

Curious User Finds Out The Pawdorable History Of Their Adopted Puppy