
collection of new dog rating tweets | thumbnail includes a picture of a black puppy biting someone's finger and one tweet 'Dog - WeRateDogs® @dog_rates This is Mattie. She's extremely dangerous. Will bite your hckin finger right off. 12/10 would still pet with caution'

20 Fresh Ultra-Awwdorable Doggo Rates By 'We Rate Dogs'

tweets of Dalmatians | thumbnail includes a picture of a Dalmatian posing on a boat in the ocean and one tweet 'Water - @purefulsoul EVERYONE LOOK AT HOW HANDSOME THIS DOG IS 8:23 PM - Aug 23, 2021 - Twitter Web App 36K Retweets 2,237 Quote Tweets 382.8K Likes'

Dalmatian Appreciation Collection: Tweets Of Pawfect Spotted Doggos

tweets of dogs pooping at inappropriate times | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Sophie Bramnick @sophiebramnick laughing until i cry because this guy's dog just started taking a dump in the middle of the street and cars started honking and the guy yelled "you're stressing him out! he deadass has IBS!" 12:08 AM - Aug 22, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 11.7K Retweets 369 Quote Tweets 177.8K Likes'

Crosswalk Poop Bandits: Tweets Of Doggos Who Just Can't Hold It In

This week’s collection of cat tweets | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Sarah McGonagall @gothspiderbitch If you work at an animal shelter I promise you that the smartest marketing move you can possibly make is naming your animals after ridiculous shit. You post a cat named "Ranch Dressing" or "Shorthair 2: Domestic Boogaloo" to twitter, and they'll have a forever home within an hour'

19 Supurrb Cat Tweets, Because We All Need a Laugh

tweets of cats sitting on ridiculous positions | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat sitting on the back of a chair and one tweet 'Plant - Michael's Cat ... @michaelscat2 Jimmy has immaculate balance 4:11 PM · Aug 20, 2021 - PyTwitterAssistant for michaelsc 102.7K Retweets 1,690 Quote Tweets 432.4K Likes'

Weirdo Cats Choosing To Sit In Absolutely Ridiculous Positions (Tweets)

twitter thread about animal statues being shiny because people pet them so much | thumbnail includes a picture of a dog statue and one tweet 'Smile - Sam ... @korvys Oh, nothing. Just thinking about this carving of a dog, glowing gold from unknown thousands of pats from loving hands, over four and half centuries.'

Twitter Thread: Animal Statues Glowing Gold From Being Petted For Centuries

This week’s collection of cat tweets | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Danny Bate @DannyBate4 My girlfriend and I don't often speak Czech to each other, but we always speak Czech to the cat, who is not Czech, and also a cat. 11:25 AM · Aug 17, 2021 · Twitter for Android 3,949 Retweets 403 Quote Tweets 97.3K Likes'

15 Supurrb Cat Tweets That Humans Find Funny

tweets about The Suicide Squad's David Dastmalchian adopting a stray cat | thumbnail includes a picture of David Dastmalchian hugging a cat in a costume

Polka Dot Man David Dastmalchian Gets Chosen By A Stray Cat (Tweets)

viral imgur thread about a paralyzed dog going through recovery | thumbnail includes two pictures of a dog including a smiling dog and a dog in a vest in water 'My boy Shadow - in 2019 my dog had a major spinal injury resulting in immediate paralysis. This is our journey MantisTobaggon49027'

Thread: The Heartwarming Journey Of A Paralyzed Dog Learning To Walk Again

tweets about Bengal cats | thumbnail includes two pictures of a charcoal Bengal kitten and one tweet 'Cat - 9..章。会 @bassdrip Black bengal cats exist I am crying 3:29 PM - Aug 12, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 70.3K Retweets 5,910 Quote Tweets 550.5K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Feisty And Pawdorable Bengal Cats Appreciation

collection of dog tweets | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Colleen ... @Coll3enG my roommate's dog likes to sit on my lap while I'm working and on zoom my boss was like "oh my gosh please introduce that cute baby!!", so i unmuted myself and was like "this is Evie" but it turns out my boss was talking to one of my coworkers, who had a literal human infant 7:49 PM · Aug 1, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 10.6K Retweets 599 Quote Tweets 175.7K Likes'

Ruffolicious Collection Of Funny And Pawdorable Dog Tweets

viral imgur thread about a runt of the litter kitten getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures of a kitten '"This kitten went from an under 2lb runt shown here Who loved nothing more than laying on my keyboard. To this fatass chonker cattle, who still loves laying in my keyboard." - mynah'

Thread: Runt Of The Litter Gets Adopted And Becomes A Silly Floofball

viral imgur thread about the world's largest ocean animals | thumbnail includes a picture of a diver next to a giant jellyfish 'DigitalZoo Giant Ocean Creatures'

Thread: The Largest Most Wonderous Ocean Animals

tweets about cats and their airplane ears | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat with its ears pushed back and one tweet 'Cat - marina ... @bloodmajick love when cats get airplane ears. like fuck yeah man you look aerodynamic as fuck right now 6:20 AM - Aug 2, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 50.5K Retweets 1,939 Quote Tweets 391.5K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Cats With Airplane Ears That Go Zoooom

twitter thread about dogs being nosy | thumbnail includes a picture of a dog looking out a window and one tweet 'Window - Соach ... @vettepassby35 My dog so nosey. I'm outside talking to my mom and here his ass comee 9:32 PM Jul 29, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 16.6K Retweets 1,643 Quote Tweets 181K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Heckin' Nosy Dogs Minding Everyone Else's Business

collection of birds interacting with technology | thumbnail includes three pictures of birds sitting on phones with twitter open on them

When Birds Tweet: A Thread Of Birbs Interacting With Technology