
story about a couple fostering a pregnant cat | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat with four kittens sucking it 'Yesterday my wife asked me how I'd feel about fostering a pregnant cat for a few weeks while she gave birth to and raised kittens. I was kinda busy so I mumbled "Sure, that would be cool someday." Well, I was greeted this afternoon by a very pregnant cat. I guess today is someday. Wish us luck. u/JephriB' 'Jade, the pregnant foster cat my wife brought home as a 'surprise' last'

The Wholesome Journey Of Fostering A Pregnant Cat And Helping Her Birth The Kittens

viral imgur thread explaining overstimulation in cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat walking 'Sometimes, you'll be petting or playing with your cat- and they'll scratch you, or nip at you.  It happens to all of us!  This kind of behavior is typically referred to as overstimulation, and there are multiple ways it can happen adrianontherocks'

Why Do Cats Bite Their Humans: Viral Thread Explaining Overstimulation In Cats

twitter thread about hermit crabs exchanging shells | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - sloane (sîpihkopiyesîs) @cottoncandaddy I just learned that if a hermit crab finds a new shell that is too big it will wait for other hermit crabs who need new shells to gather and then they will organize themselves by size and trade shells and I am pissed that the crabs have a better housing market than we do 6:34 AM Apr 3, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 45.2K Retweets 838 Quote Tweets 384K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Hermit Crabs Organizing Themselves Based On Size And Trading Shells

twitter thread about people wanting to adopt kittens before they are ready to be adopted | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Elle Em @elle em People: I would like to adopt a kitten Me: ok well they will be available in like six weeks People: no I want one now Me: they're still bottle-feeding People: ok but they're small and cute now Me: they will be small and cute in six weeks People: no they will be old Me: 12:49 PM - Mar 31, 2022 - Twitter Web App 929 Retweets 128 Quote Tweets 29.4K Likes'

Explaining Why It's Important To Adopt Kittens Only When They Are Ready: Twitter Thread

viral imgur thread about why it's bad to use spray bottles on cats | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat 'Why you shouldn't use a squirt bottle on your cat, and what to do instead adrianontherocks'

Why Using Squirt Bottles On Cats Can Be Harmful Sometimes (Viral Thread)

twitter thread about someone encountering a scary-looking animal and not knowing what it is | thumbnail includes a picture of an unknown animal and one tweet 'Plant - Blizz ... @Blizzjuuheardd Boy what the fuck is this shit I'm getting out of tampa bro'

Person Photographs Strange Animal And Freaks Out, Twitter Tries To Figure Out What TF It Is (Viral Tweets)

twitter thread about cats being affectionate to their humans | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - johannes (yo-han-ehz) / semi-professional cuntboy @JohannesTEvans it's so funny that people think of cats as distant and aloof when frequently cats are just as obsessed with the people they live with as the people are with them and it's so GOOD 8:49 PM · Mar 22, 2022 - Twitter for Android 10.2K Retweets 1,797 Quote Tweets 93.1K Likes'

Actually, Cats Are Not Aloof, They Are Obsessed With Their Humans: Twitter Thread

twitter thread about a dog butt-texting someone and scaring them | thumbnail includes two message panels and one tweet 'Font - rye. @DopeyMcGeee Fiance is out of town and I fell asleep texting her. Dog came and laid her bare belly on the turned-on screen and managed to send texts that definitely made her think I was having a stroke. J J+!$° A 00:01 & HB yg X do The Brain Hurt' 'Font - & HB yg X do The Brain Hurt Are you ok? N; Baby??? Rve???2? 6:12 PM - Mar 20, 2022 - Twitter'

Dog Sends Texts To Fiancé, Making Her Think Partner Is Having A Stroke: Twitter Thread

reddit posts about a cat choosing to walk on its two front paws | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat waking on its two front paws 'My Nan adopted a new cat, the shelter said "They walk a bit funny" u/CrackB3ar'

Grandma Adopts A Cat Who 'Walks A Bit Funny', It Becomes A Viral Sensation

viral twitter thread about a person who got rejected from cat sitting | thumbnail includes one tweet and one letter of rejection 'Product - ... @brondotcomputer I got rejected from...catsitting Hi Bronwyn, Thanks tor the call yesterday, it was great to meet you! You seem like a reaily nice person and we enjoyed chatting. But the other applicant we met with is a Marine Biologist. Which pretty much makes her overqualified to be a cat-sitter, but that's why we chose her. I knovi'

Twitter Thread: Woman Gets Rejected From Cat-Sitting For Being 'Underqualified'

twitter thread about a man rescuing a rabbit from inside of a car | thumbnail includes two pictures including a man holding a rabbit and a text message screenshot and one tweet 'Smile - Mohamad Zoror @MohamadZoror thinking about the mechanic at Hyundai that found a rabbit IN my car you yot nTImaKE Sure unatis addressed. Thank you! i appreciate it!! Today 1:52 PM Hi Mohamad, your tires are here and Gio is working on it now. I have an amazing story for you as well! There was a jack rabbit IN'

Twitter Thread: Mechanic Rescues A Rabbit Who Was Stuck In Person's Car

story about a man crawling through forty feet of pipes to rescue a kitten stuck in a storm drain | thumbnail includes two pictures including a black kitten in a storm drain and two men sitting above a storm drain 'We realized the only way we were going to get this kitten was to trap him in the section he was in - so this fine gentleman climbed down a neighboring inlet and crawled through about 40 feet of pipe to trap the kitten tapwoodcarving'

Man Crawls Through 40 Feet Of Pipe To Rescue Tiny Black Kitten Stuck In Storm Drain (Viral Thread)

viral tweets about tortoises hibernating | thumbnail includes a picture of a tortoise and one tweet ''

Wholesome Tweets Of Pet Tortoises Hibernating In Different Places: Twitter Thread

viral imgur thread about a footless lizard | thumbnail includes two pictures of a lizard with no feet sitting on someone's palm ''A story about Metric the footless lizard by CorvusTheCrow'

The Story Of A Person's Footless Lizard: An Awwdorable Viral Thread

twitter thread about rats encountering people | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - skenny @Polokenny ... For the first time in my nyc career, a rat tried to climb up my leg. I appreciate thoughts, prayers and privacy during this time of self evaluation and grief. Thank you. 5:24 AM - Mar 11, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 17.6K Retweets 4,654 Quote Tweets 245.1K Likes'

Shudder-Inducing Rat Encounter Stories From New York: Twitter Thread

twitter thread about animals sitting with their paws crossed over one another | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - hillary (dick snickers) ... @smithsara79 i love when pets lie down & cross their little paws, like oh i didn't realize you were so classy 11:50 PM - Mar 10, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 56.9K Retweets 2,740 Quote Tweets 562K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Classy Pets Sitting Down With Their Little Paws Crossed