
5 instagram dog videos | thumbnail left dog howling sitting on leather chair, thumbnail right big fluffy dog in snow

Insta Doggos: Funniest, Cutest, Most Rufferific Dog Videos Of The Week

16 images and tweets cats in stem | thumbnail left cat using graphing calculator, thumbnail right cat looking in microscope "cats in stem"

Cats In STEM Hard At Work (Twitter Thread)

video of sheep being sheared | thumbnail sheep being sheared two images, "tiktok sheep stories"

Compilation of Sheep Shearing Stories From TikTok (Video)

12 images of fossils | thumbnail left big tray of many different small fossils, thumbnail right large shark tooth fossil

Man Shows Off Awesome Fossil Collection

12 animal tweets | thumbnail "Tatty Hassan @tattyhassan ... Urgh adulting is so hard. Deciding whether you're making the right commitments or not, planning your next steps to align with other things / commitments that you have in life. I just want to be a cat. 3:19 AM - Dec 11, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 12.2K Retweets 190 Quote Tweets 13.2K Likes"

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

a series of wholesome memes | thumbnail includes two memes with text saying 'when you hangout with your friend and he says that he appreciates your company:' and 'Parents when their teen says, 'you're right'

Heartwarming Animal Memes To Start The Week Off Pawfectly (December 13, 2021)

video of sloth being saved and taking ride with boat paddle | thumbnail image of murky water sloth emerging

Disoriented Sloth Catches Free Ride To Safety On Boat Paddle (Video)

a cute twitter thread about two cats falling in love through a window | thumbnail includes text saying 'I bring you a tale of Brooklyn romance, my cat's obsessed with the cat next door'

Neighbor Cats Embark On Epic Romance: Wholesome Twitter Thread

18 images w text weirdly adorable pet habits | thumbnail image of cat sitting on stairs with ball of yarn, facebook text "He brings me a gift when he's thinking about me. After I've fed him, if he wants attention, or misses me when I'm at work, he brings me a ball of yarn. He gets into my knitting basket, yowls as he is bringing it to me, drops in front of me. It is the cutest thing! then 129 Like · Reply · Hide · Send Message · 2d"

Weirdly Adorable Things Pets Do That Make Their Owners Swoon Every Time: ICanHas Users Tell All

5 short cat videos | thumbnail left four identical cats watching an ipad together, thumbnail right same four identical cats all looking at camera from same angle

Insta Cats: Funniest, Cutest, Most Purrfect Cat Videos Of The Week

12 pictures and videos of prissy and pop two pot belly pigs plus friends | thumbnail left two pigs with birthday hats eating cotton candy appearing treats, thumbnail left group of pigs with santa hats in bathtup

Prissy And Pop, Piggies Living On a Rescue Farm Take This Week's Social Spotlight

14 tweets featuring flat animal images | thumbnail left flat platypus, thumbnail right small flat lizard "pancake animal thread"

Animal Pancakes To Eat For Breakfast, Just Add Syrup

12 tweets yogurt mice slimming study hilarity | thumbnail left "Grosdoriane @Grosdoriane Yogurt Scientist: damn... is it just me, or are these mice getting kind of hot? = abc NEWS A LOG IN Yogurt Makes Mice Slimmer, Sexier By Katie Moisse May 7, 2012 7:39 PM - Dec 6, 2021 " thumbnail right "the mice after all that yogurt" image of cartoon mouse with butt sticking out

Twitter Thread: Users Poke Fun At Weirdly Sexy Scientific Study Involving Yogurt And Mice

16 dog snaps | thumbnail left brown dog looking sad, stuffed chicken on floor next to him "I told him he couldn't take his chicken outside" thumbnail right brown dog outside with potato in mouth "threw a ball, the came back with a potato"

Doggo Snaps Of Pawsitivity And Good Vibes

video of santa diving with sharks | thumbnail two images of santa underwater with sharks

Jolly Santa Goes For A Swim With Sharks (Video)

video of magpie playing dead in front of parents | thumbnail image through fence of magpie laying down playing dead with other magpie looking at him from above nudging

Young Magpie Plays Dead To Avoid Going Home With Mum And Dad (Video)