
list of photos of cats on leashes | thumbnail includes a photo of a cat at a national park and the text 'can we start a thread of responsible cat ownership?!!!! show me your kitties'

Twitter Thread: Awwdorable Cats Being Super Responsible

a list of tweets about dogs wearing sweaters | thumbnail include two pictures of a dog in an orange sweater and text 'I would die for this dog and the sweater'

Good Boys All Bundled Up And Ready For Sweater Season

a twitter thread about cats and Michael Clifford | thumbnail includes a photo of michael clifford and a cat with the text 'proofs that michael clifford is a kitten: a thread'

12 Kitties That Look Like Just Like Michael Clifford, 5SOS Singer And Guitarist

12 tweet images owl running through field | thumbnail left original image owl running through field, thumbnail right two owls running through field one with sword and shielf one with knife tweet text "oh lawd he comin"

Twitter Users Go Off On Image Of Owl Running: Hilarity And Lots Of Memes Ensue

list of this week's funniest cat tweets | thumbnail includes a blue gradient and the tweet 'When you give a cat a treat would the human equivalent be like someone giving you, like, a skittle, or more like a hot pocket?' and 'My cat must think l'm so dumb considering how often I sing to him about the fact that he is a cat.'

The Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (October 22)

tweets about unexpected and strange adoption stories | thumbnail includes a picture of a man and a woman holding a dog and one tweet 'Smile - The dog life. @TDogsLife ... This family lost their dog during hurricane Sandy. After 18 months of searching they decided it was time to adopt another dog. The adoption counsellor bought in the first candidate for them to meet and it was actually their lost dog. 3:40 PM Oct 16, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 2,520 Retweets 418 Quote Tweets 29.1K Likes'

Uniquely Heartwarming And Unexpected Adoption Stories (Twitter Thread)

funny article about a dolphin staring at food at a wedding reception | thumbnail includes text saying 'Whose idea was it to have this rehersal dinner at an aquarium? This dolphin has just been staring at the food.'

Hungry Dolphin Stares Down Catering At Wedding, Steals The Show

collection of spooky cat photos and tweets | thumbnail includes two photos of cats being spooky and the text 'send me pictures of your cats being spooky'

Smol And Spooky Cats Embracing The Halloween Spirit

a list of funny tweets about people's crazy cat origin stories

Twitter Users Share Their Cat Lady Origin Stories With The World

twitter thread about a study proving cats are just as affectionate as dogs | thumbnail includes text that says 'A new study shows that cats may be just as affectionate as dogs. The study, which was published in Current Biology, found that pet cats also have distinct attachment styles toward their owners in the same way dogs and babies do'

Twitter Thread: Study Finds Cats Are Just As Affectionate As Dogs

list of cute cats celebrating thanksgiving with photos | thumbnail includes photo of cat staring at thanksgiving food and text 'Olive the Canadian-Russian Blue takes her duties as Thanksgiving feast inspector seriously (in addition to her duties as Emergency Medical Kitty).'

15 Cats Who Celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving Purrfectly: Cute Twitter Thread

12 Lizard memes | thumbnail includes a photo of a lizard and text saying 'Why does this lizard look like he wants to make me an offer I can't refuse

Incredible Lizard Memes That Iguana Show You Right Now

funny twitter thread: do you tell your pet you're leaving the house? | thumbnail includes picture of two dogs with the text ' When you leave your home do you let your pets know when you should be back?' and 'Of course! And I always say, "I love you, boys, make good choices" as I walk out the door.'

Pets React To Their Humans Leaving The House: Super Silly Twitter Thread

13 tweet text based images about cat as artists | thumbnail left torn up toilet paper on roll "choosing to see my cat as an artist Bowie Bernstein-Morrow (b. 2020) A Shred of Dignity, 2021 Mixed media on drywall"

Twitter Thread: Choosing To See Cats As Artists Instead Of Mischief Makers

twitter thread spider getting smooshed | thumbnail tweet "my parents are fighting bc my mom letting big spider live kitchen window bc he's "perfect halloween" and my dad killed "

Twitter Thread: Husband Disposes Of Window Spider That Wife Thought Was 'Perfect For Halloween'

twitter thread about a cute cat named george on roast beef dinner day | thumbnail has a photo of a cat and the text 'Good morning and welcome to roast dinner day Shine a great light on your most amazing qualities. We tend to focus on the negative aspects of us and forget all the greatness that we have within. You ARE amazing'

Twitter Thread: Celebrating Adorable Cat Qualities