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viral twitter thread about a cat who as a whole lot of food sensitivities | thumbnail includes one picture of a small cat and one tweet 'Font - caitlin @hello__caitlin I got Gigi's food sensitivity test results back today and great news!!! The world's smallest cat can comfortably eat alligator, water buffalo, and almost nothing else. 10:57 PM. Jul 15, 2023 · 2.2M Views . 4,802 Retweets 233 Quotes 97.8K Likes 1,646 Bookmarks'

Tiny Cat With A Huge Number Of Food Sensitivities Goes Viral, Sparks Hilarious Reactions On Twitter

Sigh, the things we do for them
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25 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Font - API marshall country mart @marshallvore there was a cat at the bar last night 8:52 PM Jul 6, 2023 21.8M Views', 'Furniture - Anders', and 'Cat - John @hottubjohn Jul 7 Replying to @marshallvore I know that feel. LO 5 1 58 1,392 ili 54.5K ↑'

So A Cat Walks Into A Bar: Hilarious Twitter Thread About Famous Bar Cat Inspires The Birth Of A New Cat Meme

White Russian - hold the vodka and the kahlua
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viral twitter thread about cats peeking at their cat sitter from the stairs | thumbnail includes one picture of two cats sitting at the top of a stairwell and one tweet 'Font - ireneteacher (she/her) @ireneteacher8 My parents adopted these two cats who were never handled as kittens and so struggle to trust humans. I've been staying with them for a few days now, and I've been respecting their space but offering treats while in their hiding spots. Tonight I walked by the stairs and saw this'

2 Cute Kittens Who Don't Trust Humans Curiously Sneak A Peek At Their Kind Catsitter And Go Viral (Twitter Thread)

Hey, you gotta start somewhere
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18 cat tweets

This Week's Best Cat Tweets Reminding Us That Felines Rule The Internet (July 13, 2023)

Feline goodness in Tweet form
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viral thread about a man humiliating himself by constantly liking a woman's cat pictures | thumbnail included one tweet 'Font - derek guy @dieworkwear i joined IG for the first time last year and didn't know how it worked. followed a random woman and "liked" her IG story every time it featured her cat. didn't know this sent a "heart" into her DMs. after a year she was like "do we know each other??" was so embarrassed lexa @aleemariel Jul 4 WHY DO YOU GUYS LIKE GIRLS STORIES WHEN YOU HAVE'

Guy 'Likes' A Woman's IG Story Every time It Features Her Cat, A Year Later She Confronts Him In Hilarious Exchange (Viral Thread)

Embarrassing yet kind of wholesome
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17 cat sphynx tweets

Pawesome Series Of Sphynx Cat Tweets For An Extra Dose Of Hairless Cuteness

Hairless wonders
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26 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Plant - ALT 38X1', 'Font - You take the wrong door and accidentally walk into this team meeting. What's on the agenda?' and 'Font - amy "nasty woman'... @amyma... Jun 29 Replying to @CatWorkers * Naptime quality--has it grown better or worse * When you see the bottom of the food bowl-- overcoming depression Catnip--when does a celebratory sniff become a dangerous habit * Naptimes again--does quantity equal quality'

Caption This: 26 Wise-Cracking Cat Lovers Tweet Responses To Comical Cat Picture Of Group Meeting In Viral Twitter Thread

We're waiting for our zoom invitation
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17 cat tweets

The Most Meowrific Cat Tweets Of The Week For The Soul (July 6, 2023)

Feline twitter goodness
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34 cat tweets

A Fantastic Selection of Fresh, Funny, And Feline Tweets From The Expansive Cat Community Of Twitter

Cat tweets for the win
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viral twitter thread about a person spraying themselves in the fact in front of their cat 'Font - Lord Hugh Mungus @PoodleSnarf I knocked over a plant in the kitchen but my cat saw me so I had to spray myself with water so I could show the law applies to everyone 4:57 PM Jun 19, 2023 681.6K Views ... 2,155 Retweets 52 Quotes 19.5K Likes 226 Bookmarks'

Cat Owner Knocks Over A Plant Then Sprays Themselves With Water To Show That 'The Law Applies To Everyone', The Internet Reacts Hilariously (Tweets)

A+ parenting
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viral twitter thread about funny vet visits with cats | thumbnail includes two tweets ''Font - Lucy Huber @clhubes If you have a cat you have to get a vet that is a cat person and not a dog person bc mine tried to give me prescription food and I was like "I'll try but she probably won't eat it" and she was like "don't worry, they made it taste good so cats will eat it" and I was like ??? 7:28 PM Jun 23, 2023 1.2M Views 671 Retweets 159 Quotes 22.6K Likes ... 348 Bookmarks and'

Person Recommends Going To Cat-Only Vets, Other Twitter Users Recount The Most Ridiculous Things Vets Have Said About Cats (Viral Tweets)

Gotta find the right vet for your kitty
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viral twitter thread about a cat getting returned to a shelter for being nervous then getting adopted again | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat and one tweet 'Font - Crits For Cats @crits4cats Bear Hey Cat Twitter, could you share this sweet girl? Her name is Birdie. She has been waiting so long for a home and been through SO much. She was adopted last night and returned this morning. She wasn't sure where her new litterbox was and was scared so she had a poo on a rug 1/2'

'She Was Just Nervous And Confused'; Sweet Cat Gets Unjustly Returned To Shelter, The Internet Bands Together To Find Her A Home (Viral Twitter thread)

It's beautiful when the internet does the right thing
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16 cat tweets

This Week's Best Cat Tweets Proving Once Again That Felines Rule The Internet (June 29, 2023)

Feline twitter goodness
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17 cat tweets

A Fantastic Selection of Fresh, Funny, And Feline Tweets From 'Cats Who Share One Braincell'

One singular braincell to go around
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tumblr thread and viral tweets about a man stealing his ex's cat and a woman stealing it back from him | thumbnail includes a section of a tumblr thread 'haroldhighballjordan Follow sometimes I randomly think about the time a girl posted in this girls only Facebook group I'm in telling everyone how she broke up with her boyfriend and he lied saying that he lost the spare key she gave him, only to then break into her apartment when she wasn't home and steal the cat they'd'

Ex-Boyfriend Breaks Into Ex-Girlfriend's House And Steals Her Cat, Random Woman Hooks Up With Him And Steals The Cat Right Back (Tumblr Thread & Viral Tweets)

Who do you think was right in this situation?
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18 pictures of text and cats | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Cat', 'Cat - I AM DEFINITELY NOT A SPY', and 'Font - In the 1960s, the CIA tried to spy on the Kremlin and Russian embassies by turning cats into listening devices. The program, called Acoustic Kitty, involved surgically implanting batteries, microphones and antennae inside cats.'

Operation 'Acoustic Kitty': Learn About The Hilarious CIA Fail Involving Training Cats To Be The Fluffiest Spies In The Cold War (Viral Twitter Thread)

The cat's gone undercover. No, really, she's under the covers
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