
17 cat tweets

20 Purrfectly Self Explanatory Feline Tweets From "Why you should have a cat"

20 cat tweets cats wearing cowboy hats

Howdy And Yeehaw Partners, It's Time To Indulge In Some Cats Wearing Cowboy Hats: Twitter Edition

twitter thread about a cat learning to use the toilet on its own | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Charles Bramesco @intothecrevasse A friend kept finding pee in his toilet not from him or his fiancée, assumed it was something with the pipes. Comes home one day to find his cat sitting on the toilet, peeing directly into the bowl. They never taught the cat to do this. He's losing his f cking mind 4:53 PM Jul 28, 2023 · 466K Views 433 Retweets 45 Quotes 12.8K Likes 245 Bookmarks'

Person Finds That His Toilet Keeps Mysteriously Getting Used, Thinks It's The Pipes, Turns Out It Was The Cat All Along (Twitter Thread)

20 funny cat tweets

20 Supurrb Feline Tweets From "Cats With Confusing Auras" For A Sillier Day

tweets about a cat who looks exactly like a ceramic doll | thumbnail includes two pictures of a white cat and a tweet 'Tableware - Sophie Gadd @sophie_gadd Keep losing my cat in the house because she looks like a ceramic ornament 1:23 PM . Jul 21, 2023 2.7M Views 6,317 Retweets 179 Quotes 75.8K Likes 909 Bookmarks'

Cat Bamboozles Human By Looking Like A Ceramic Ornament, And Other Purrfectly Camouflaged Cats (Funny Tweets)

23 cat tweets

The Best Cat Tweets Of The Week (July 27, 2023)

18 tweets cat leaves paw print in brownie tray

Twitter Thread: Cat Infiltrates Fresh Tray Of Brownies Purrpared With Love By Woman's Boyfriend Leaving Purrect Paw Print Behind

31 pictures of cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Plumbing fixture - DODYN' and 'Cat'

31 Chaotic Cat Tweets That Resulted In Feline Fiascos: A Deep Dive Into The Cat Side Of The Twitter-Verse

viral twitter thread about a cat on a train sitting in the luggage rack | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat sitting on a luggage rack and one tweet 'Font - Josh Chapman @_joshchapman98 There is a cat on the luggage rack. I repeat: cat on the luggage rack! Hoping for a purr-fect journey on the @LNER down to King's Cross. (Don't worry, owner is underneath!) 5:58 PM Jul 13, 2023 876K Views 711 Retweets 144 Quotes 11.4K Likes 153 Bookmarks'

Cat Found Chilling On The Luggage Rack On A Train, Catmusement And Hilarity Ensues (Viral Tweets)

18 cat tweets

The Best Cat Tweets Of The Week For A Gentle But Firm Reminder That Felines Rule The Internet (July 20, 2023)

viral twitter thread and video about a couple accusing someone of harboring their cat | thumbnail includes two images of a man and a woman screaming and one tweet 'Organism - philip lewis @Phil_Lewis_ this video has everything-drama, comedy, great lines: "cat pervert," "you're harboring my cat" 10/10 Detect Clips @detectclips · Jul 12 Couple Upset That Their Cat Likes The Neighbors 1:36 3:55 AM. Jul 13, 2023 27.7M Views 15.3K Retweets 757 Quotes 142.7K Likes 22.7K Bookmarks'

'She's A Cat, She Doesn't Speak English': Couple Accuses Man Of Holding Their Cat Hostage In Hilarious Viral Video, Sparks Debate On Twitter

viral twitter thread about a cat who as a whole lot of food sensitivities | thumbnail includes one picture of a small cat and one tweet 'Font - caitlin @hello__caitlin I got Gigi's food sensitivity test results back today and great news!!! The world's smallest cat can comfortably eat alligator, water buffalo, and almost nothing else. 10:57 PM. Jul 15, 2023 · 2.2M Views . 4,802 Retweets 233 Quotes 97.8K Likes 1,646 Bookmarks'

Tiny Cat With A Huge Number Of Food Sensitivities Goes Viral, Sparks Hilarious Reactions On Twitter

25 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Font - API marshall country mart @marshallvore there was a cat at the bar last night 8:52 PM Jul 6, 2023 21.8M Views', 'Furniture - Anders', and 'Cat - John @hottubjohn Jul 7 Replying to @marshallvore I know that feel. LO 5 1 58 1,392 ili 54.5K ↑'

So A Cat Walks Into A Bar: Hilarious Twitter Thread About Famous Bar Cat Inspires The Birth Of A New Cat Meme

viral twitter thread about cats peeking at their cat sitter from the stairs | thumbnail includes one picture of two cats sitting at the top of a stairwell and one tweet 'Font - ireneteacher (she/her) @ireneteacher8 My parents adopted these two cats who were never handled as kittens and so struggle to trust humans. I've been staying with them for a few days now, and I've been respecting their space but offering treats while in their hiding spots. Tonight I walked by the stairs and saw this'

2 Cute Kittens Who Don't Trust Humans Curiously Sneak A Peek At Their Kind Catsitter And Go Viral (Twitter Thread)

18 cat tweets

This Week's Best Cat Tweets Reminding Us That Felines Rule The Internet (July 13, 2023)

viral thread about a man humiliating himself by constantly liking a woman's cat pictures | thumbnail included one tweet 'Font - derek guy @dieworkwear i joined IG for the first time last year and didn't know how it worked. followed a random woman and "liked" her IG story every time it featured her cat. didn't know this sent a "heart" into her DMs. after a year she was like "do we know each other??" was so embarrassed lexa @aleemariel Jul 4 WHY DO YOU GUYS LIKE GIRLS STORIES WHEN YOU HAVE'

Guy 'Likes' A Woman's IG Story Every time It Features Her Cat, A Year Later She Confronts Him In Hilarious Exchange (Viral Thread)