
12 dog tweets thread, dog takes own poop bag to trash | thumbnail blue background tweet text "At the dog park this morning, a woman picked up her dog's poop, tied it, and handed it to her dog. Then THE DOG TOOK THE POOP BAG AND RAN UP THE HILL TO A TRASH CAN. The dog missed the can, so the woman called out “fix it" and THE DOG PICKED IT UP AND PUT IT IN THE CAN"

Smart Doggo Throws Away His Own Poop Baggy, Dog-Owning Twitter Users React In Awe: Twitter Thread

12 dog tweets | thumbnail image of small dog with huge ears "WeRateDogs® @dog_rates We only rate dogs. This is a mythical wizard. Clearly full of infinite wisdom, but please only send dogs. Thank you... 14/10 Tack för att du visar hänsyni 10:49 PM · Mar 28, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 6,533 Retweets 409 Quote Tweets 113.9K Likes"

12 Of The Bestest Most Rufferific Doggo Tweets

twitter thread about someone encountering a scary-looking animal and not knowing what it is | thumbnail includes a picture of an unknown animal and one tweet 'Plant - Blizz ... @Blizzjuuheardd Boy what the fuck is this shit I'm getting out of tampa bro'

Person Photographs Strange Animal And Freaks Out, Twitter Tries To Figure Out What TF It Is (Viral Tweets)

twitter thread about the the biggest animal in the world the Hatzegopteryx | thumbnail includes one drawing of a man next to a Hatzegopteryx and one tweet 'Organism - Andy Riley O @AndyRileyish the scariest animal that ever lived is not T-Rex or Velociraptor. It's this. The mouth alone is longer than your body. Apex predator. And it flew. May i introduce you to Hatzegopteryx. HATZEGOPTERYX Fanx: Anma TeMroRA RAN Lan Camc Macama taca) Eamamn wr o-( as-ar 4:56 PM - Mar 27, 2022 · Twitter'

Twitter Thread Discovering An Animal Whose Mouth Is Longer Than A Whole Human: Viral Tweets

12 tweets of cats in weird position | thumbnail image of cat standing sideways on wooden chair tweet "yams @wedoreally cat sitting for a friend today... is this normal?? 7:08 PM · Mar 24, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 43.6K Retweets 1,796 Quote Tweets 462.7K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Weirdo Cats Flaunting Their Feline Energy In Strange Positions

twitter thread about cats being affectionate to their humans | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - johannes (yo-han-ehz) / semi-professional cuntboy @JohannesTEvans it's so funny that people think of cats as distant and aloof when frequently cats are just as obsessed with the people they live with as the people are with them and it's so GOOD 8:49 PM · Mar 22, 2022 - Twitter for Android 10.2K Retweets 1,797 Quote Tweets 93.1K Likes'

Actually, Cats Are Not Aloof, They Are Obsessed With Their Humans: Twitter Thread

twitter thread about a restaurant making pizzas for dogs | thumbnail includes two photos of a dog eating pizza and one tweet 'Food - Genie Espinosa @geniespinosa I just found a new pizza place that ALSO do pizzas for dogs (giving benefits to a charity) SO THIS HAPPENED: 11:03 PM - Mar 26, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 11.9K Retweets 872 Quote Tweets 85.5K Likes'

Discovering A Restaurant That Makes Pizzas For Dogs For Charity (Twitter Thread)

10 cat tweets cat's in shadows batman, thumbnail image of cat with shadow that looks like batman sideby side, tweet text "T. O. Burnett @AuthorTOBurnett I'm sure the cat did this on purpose. 3:01 AM · Mar 23, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 134.3K Retweets 6,057 Quote Tweets 929.4K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Mighty Cats Working Their Angles To Create Batman Shadows

13 animal tweets | thumbnail blue background, tweet text "Lauren Hough @laurenthehough ... Cop hanging out in the parking lot asked my dog if he's a good boy and I said don't answer that baby, we'll get you a lawyer. The cop doesn't think l'm funny but his girlfriend(?) wife(?) does and I think Woody learned a valuable lesson "

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

15 cat tweets curled feetsies | thumbnail image of cat sprawled out on rug with feetsies curled, tweet "Jorts (and Jean) @JortsTheCat Good luck staying that stressed once I pull this feetsies move 7:31 AM · Mar 18, 2022 "

Twitter Thread: Curled Cat Feetsies As An Adorable Form Of Stress Relief For Cat-Loving Humans

12 dog tweets | thumbnail blue background, tweet "whatthefelk @whattheFELK Just heard a woman say, “I never give my dog medicine I haven't tried first" and her friend responded, “oh, Janet, no." 12:42 AM · Mar 22, 2022 · Twitter Web App 6,139 Retweets 399 Quote Tweets 125.8K Likes"

Bestest Most Rufferific Doggo Tweets Of The Week (March 26, 2022)

10 cat tweets | thumbnail image of minecraft animated cat, tweet "mocha @bigwanger12 Minecraft cat 9:50 PM · Mar 21, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 61.1K Retweets 1,240 Quote Tweets 433.5K Likes"

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (March 25, 2022)

twitter thread about a dog butt-texting someone and scaring them | thumbnail includes two message panels and one tweet 'Font - rye. @DopeyMcGeee Fiance is out of town and I fell asleep texting her. Dog came and laid her bare belly on the turned-on screen and managed to send texts that definitely made her think I was having a stroke. J J+!$° A 00:01 & HB yg X do The Brain Hurt' 'Font - & HB yg X do The Brain Hurt Are you ok? N; Baby??? Rve???2? 6:12 PM - Mar 20, 2022 - Twitter'

Dog Sends Texts To Fiancé, Making Her Think Partner Is Having A Stroke: Twitter Thread

10 tweets, cats in istanbul statue | thumbnail image of cat leaning, cat statue below in same position, tweet "Lakota Man @LakotaMan1 In Istanbul, Turkey, they made a statue to honor a stray cat that used to sit in this position and watch the passers by. ONUR KEBAP 1306AI 3:17 AM · Mar 21, 2022 from Los Angeles, CA · Twitter for iPhone 5,850 Retweets 388 Quote Tweets 63.9K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Revered Cats Of Istanbul Honored In Statue Form

viral twitter thread about a person who got rejected from cat sitting | thumbnail includes one tweet and one letter of rejection 'Product - ... @brondotcomputer I got rejected from...catsitting Hi Bronwyn, Thanks tor the call yesterday, it was great to meet you! You seem like a reaily nice person and we enjoyed chatting. But the other applicant we met with is a Marine Biologist. Which pretty much makes her overqualified to be a cat-sitter, but that's why we chose her. I knovi'

Twitter Thread: Woman Gets Rejected From Cat-Sitting For Being 'Underqualified'

twitter thread about a man rescuing a rabbit from inside of a car | thumbnail includes two pictures including a man holding a rabbit and a text message screenshot and one tweet 'Smile - Mohamad Zoror @MohamadZoror thinking about the mechanic at Hyundai that found a rabbit IN my car you yot nTImaKE Sure unatis addressed. Thank you! i appreciate it!! Today 1:52 PM Hi Mohamad, your tires are here and Gio is working on it now. I have an amazing story for you as well! There was a jack rabbit IN'

Twitter Thread: Mechanic Rescues A Rabbit Who Was Stuck In Person's Car