
Tumblr: a magical website with the bizarre, the hilarious and the unexpected. Think you've seen it all? Think again. The best one-liners, random threads and weird thoughts are yet to be discovered. 

wholesome tumblr posts about dogs thumbnail includes a picture of a dog sticking its head through the doggy door 'Cabinetry - awwww-cute The mailman brings my dog a treat every day. This is what she does when she hears the truck approaching our street Source: awwww-cute 437,748 notes'

Waking Up On The Right Paw: Wholesome Tumblr Dog Posts

tumblr thread about a family cursed by a dachshund thumbnail includes a picture of a tiny dachshund 'Rectangle - unpretty Follow inARL i was walking to class and turned a corner and stopped in my tracks because there was a dachshund and i did not know how to respond Rectangle - unpretty Follow it only just occurred to me that this post is way funnier if you know that my dad has had a scar on his face since before i was born, left there by a dachshund attack'

Tumblr Thread: The Dachshund Family Curse

tumblr thread about a cat who loves cuddling.

Tumblr Thread: Cat That Adores Cuddles

tumblr posts by badjokesbyjeff od jokes so bad they're good thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Rectangle - BAD JOKES badjokesbyjeff BY JEFF I can't take my dog to the park as all the ducks keep trying to bite him.. My fault for getting one that's pure bread. 3,273 notes'

Animal Jokes So Bad They're Actually Good

wholesome animal tumblr posts thumbnail includes one post 'Font - triflesandparsnips This morning my daughter, who is nearly four, saw the stretch marks on my hips and stomach. She ran her hands over them and asked what they were. "I got them when I grew up," I said, "and a few more when I had you." I grinned down at her. "They're my stripes. You'll get stripes too when you grow up." She was overjoyed. "Really?" I think she's in her room now, pretending to be a tiger. fandomsandfeminism A+ pare'

Tumblr Posts Of Pure Animal Wholesomeness

tumblr posts about a gecko thumbnail includes a picture of a gecko spooning a piece of paper towel 'Font - iwilleatyourenglish sometimes, when life gets particularly sad or hard, i remind myself that my leopard gecko begs at the glass when i'm ripping paper towels and then runs to the top of his log in anticipation of me putting a bit there because he likes to spoon with it'

Tumblr Posts About The Awwdorably Dramatic Gecko

tumblr thread about two cats' reactions to meeting a baby human thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat sniffing a baby and a cat terrified by a baby 'Font - Pretty soon, though, the baby started crying. Wailing. Roman was utterly terrified by this.'

Tumblr Thread: Cats' Adorable Reactions To Meeting Baby Human

tumblr thread about a cat who always knows when her human is going to get ice cream thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - glumshoe Follow My cat has ice cream prescience. I don't know how she does it. I don't know how she reads my intent so clearly. When I walk to the kitchen to get a popsicle or thaw a slice of banana bread or warm up some mango slices, she doesn't care. She stays on her chair and waits patiently. But when I walk to the kitchen to scoop myself a bowl of ice cream'

Tumblr Thread: Psychic Cat Always Knows When Human Gets Ice Cream

tumblr thread about a dog who licks the mute button whenever she wants to be petted thumbnail includes a picture of a dog licking a laptop's keyboard 'Font - racingbarakarts Follow If my dog wants my attention, she quickly licks my mute button on my laptop so my music will shut off and i will pet her'

Tumblr Thread: Dog Licks Mute Button Whenever She Wants Attention

collection of wholesome tumblr animal posts thumbnail includes a picture of an embarrassed walrus and a human holding a cake made of fish ''

Wholesome Animal Posts On This Fine Sunday Morning

tumblr thread about medieval beekeepers thumbnail includes two pictures of medieval beekeepers 'Human body - plaguedoctormemes Follow Also i dont know if you guys have ever seen medieval beekeeper garb, but:'

Tumblr Thread: Cursed But Real Medieval Beekeeper Garb

tumblr thread about perfect-looking albatross and their funny baby thumbnail includes a pictures of 2 albatrosses and a baby albatross 'Bird - wittyandcharming Follow THESE PARENT BIRDS ARE SO BEAUTIFUL LIKE BIRDY DRAG QUEENS WITH FLAWLESS EYELINER AND THE BABY LOOKS LIKE AN UNFINISHED MUPPET AND I'M DEAD.'

Tumblr Thread: Albatrosses And Their Muppet-Looking Baby

collection of funny tumblr posts and threads about animals thumbnail includes a picture of a tiger with the captions 'FACT OF THE DAY: zebras' stripes are not always black and white. sometimes they are black and orange' and 'this is a giraffe' 'Tiger - officialunitedstates FACT OF THE DAY: zebras' stripes are not always black and white. sometimes they are black and orange throwing-lego this is a giraffe Source: officialunitedstates 1,056,997 notes'

Silly And Funny Tumblr Posts About Animals

tumblr thread about cats going nuts for sweets thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat with its face covered in frosting 'Font - newgoofbootin Follow this photo set gets me every single time. The absolute chaotic narrative of if all. The feral expression of sheer blissful abandon. How much did they already EAT to get so much gooey crumb mess on their face. What even is the PHYSIQUE of this cat?? Spindly slenderman of a creature must, can, and WILL have pink frosting at all costs'

Tumblr Thread: Cats Stopping At Nothing To Get Sweets

tumblr thread about how big wolves are thumbnail includes a picture of a dog and a wolf 'Human body - shrewreadings Follow I love how wolves & humans - so disparately sized - looked at each other and said, 'Huh. That looks friend-shaped.' 140,914 notes'

Informative Tumblr Thread About How Huge Wolves Actually Are

a collection of funny cat tumblr posts thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - earnestwoman i love when i see my door open a crack and then a second later i see my cat's beautiful little face wretchedcrone i love when my door is busted open so forcefully that it bounces off the doorframe and my cat barrels onto my bed screaming Source: jollymonk42 239,421 notes'

Starting The Week Purrfectly With Funny Cat Tumblr Posts