
tumblr posts of dogs being too excited to play evil roles in movies | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - lentilswitheverything Follow In the Lion the Witch and the Wardobe movie (the one with Tilda Swinton, not the BBC one) the wolves all have CGI tails. Because they're actually Malamute or Huskie crosses and wouldn't stop wagging their goddamn tails all the time because they were so excited to be playing with all these nice people on this nice set with their nice handlers just out of s'

Tumblr Thread: Actor Doggos' Wagging Tails Ruining Their 'Evil Dog' Movie Shots

funny tweets about cats moms and the difficulties of pregnancy | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat with a bunch of kittens all over it and one tweet 'Product - Shawna B @theproestdwarf One of my favorite very specific image genres is cats that look completely unprepared for the realities of parenthood. 8:05 PM Nov 13, 2021 - Twitter Web App 19.3K Retweets 468 Quote Tweets 117K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Cats Who Are Unprepared For The Realities Of Parenthood

a funny reddit thread about the stupidest things veterinarians were told by pet owners | thumbnail includes an image with text 'veterinarians of reddit, what is the stupidest thing a pet owner asked you?'

Veterinarians Share The Silliest Things That People Thought About Their Pets

viral imgur thread about a newly hatched mourning gecko | thumbnail includes a picture of a newly hatched mourning gecko on someone's hand 'A brand-new mourning gecko. She can't be more than a few days old. She's about an inch long. I found her while cleaning their enclosure. CorvusTheCrow'

Thread: Finding An Itty Bitty Newly Hatched Mourning Gecko

12 text based reddit images surrounding family argument over dogs and christmas | thumbnail blue background "AITA for not locking my dogs outside? Not the A-hole We have two dogs, both small and no higher than your knees. We love Christmas in my family (I prefer Halloween, myself, but still love Christmas) and I got them both Christmas jumpers. We always get them a little bag of treats and toys, too. I only mention this to show how loved they are. My nephew is nearly 9 and afraid of dogs."

Sister Invites Herself Over For Christmas, Requests That Host's Dogs Be Left Outside

tumblr thread about why pit bulls are considered dangerous | thumbnail includes a picture of a pit bull and a pit bull puppy and one tumblr post 'Font - vet-and-wild Follow A lot of the pit bull fear is relatively new. I believe there was a TIME or Sports Illustrated article in the 80s/90s that specifically targeted pit bulls as dangerous dogs. GSDS, rotties, dobies, and even bloodhounds have all had their time as the trendy, "dangerous" breed. The dumb thing'

Tumblr Thread: Where The Fear Of Pit Bulls Really Comes From

viral twitter thread about police chasing a runaway pig | thumbnail includes two pictures of police officers attempting to catch a pig and one tweet 'Shoe - Corina Newsome, M.Sc. @hood_naturalist So this pig got out and had everybody ankles cracked. I'm screaming. (Photos by Tony Giberson) 7:18 PM - Nov 5, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 4,553 Retweets 1,397 Quote Tweets 36.4K Likes'

Police Goes On Hour-Long Chase After Runaway Pig And Twitter Gets To Meme-ing

imgur thread about rescuing a feral cat | thumbnail includes two pictures of a black cat 'I took me 1.5 hrs and a can of tuna to catch her in my jacket. She tore it to shreds then sh*t some nasty black tar all over it. I was ok with that knowing what the Russian lady wanted to do to her. Nobody wanted her and the vet wanted $120 to put her down. I took her home instead 5Toner'

Thread: Rescue Of A Terrified Feral Cat And The Difficulties Of Bonding With It

16 cat selfie tweets cameras way too close | thumbnail image of cat close to camera with tweet "@parablesystem cats too close to camera: a thread (please send me more cats) 11:01 PM - Oct 20, 2021 - Twitter for Android 11.3K Retweets 1,018 Quote Tweets 43.3K Likes"

A Thread Of Selfies Featuring Cats Way Too Close To The Camera

twitter thread about a dog sitting on the couch | thumbnail includes two photos of dogs together say 'u let ur dog on furniture my dog' and 'it's his couch at this point'

Twitter Thread: Doggos Being Allowed To Sit On The Couch

13 text based images discussion lab worker dog names | thumbnail text "Hahaha this is amazing. Do you have a favourite one so far? Or a top 3? G Reply 1 33 ms_boogie OP • 1d Hmmm I don't wanna give away too many names because they get specific and we do want to protect our clients - but I did get to enter a swab for a lil guy named Peanut Butter Butthole. I hope that dog has a happy, long life. I think about it constantly now. "

Lab Worker Inundated Daily With Funny Dog Names: Requests To Keep 'Em Coming

twitter thread of funny bodega cats in new york city | thumbnail includes two photos of cats, one resting in broccoli, and one in a shopping cart

16 Bodega Cats: Because There's Nowhere Like New York

15 reddit text based images | thumbnail "Walking my dog on the pavement while it's 104°F out, I put boots on my dog. And today, someone took it upon themselves to tell me that dogs in the wild wouldn't have boots. " plus second comment "

Man Makes Dog Wear Booties To Protect Dog's Paws: Stranger Inserts Unwanted Opinion

imgur thread about a cat in places he shouldn't be | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat in a baby crib and a cat attempting to take something off the wall

Thread: Hooligan Cat In All The Places It Shouldn't Be

imgur thread of pictures of cats and dogs together | thumbnail includes two pictures including two cats and a dog cuddling and a cat and dog fighting

Pics Of Cats And Dogs Being The Weirdest Most Wholesome BFFs

twitter thread about taking funny pictures of cats | thumbnail includes a picture of two cats looking derpy and one tweet 'Cat - Andrej @AndrejNkv My mum is visiting this weekend and she has taken the absolute best photo of the cats. 9:43 PM - Oct 22, 2021 · Twitter for Android 34.5K Retweets 877 Quote Tweets 238.7K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Catching Cats Being Absolute Derps